Favorite WW2 Commander-Vote Dammit :)

Did anyone have any Navy or Airforce commanders they liked?

Im afraid I dont know any.

Erwin Rommel - Desert fox :lol: :lol:

Although Rommel is not my first choice, I would say that he
was defeated not by the tactics of Bernard Law Montgomery,
but by the Royal Navy. He couldn’t get any reinforcements or

Although Rommel is not my first choice, I would say that he
was defeated not by the tactics of Bernard Law Montgomery,
but by the Royal Navy. He couldn’t get any reinforcements or

Good point about the navy. Rommel did absolutely superb for what he had. I think he was a better commander than Monte who was a bit to cautious. Wonder if things might have changed much if Hitler had not interferred so much? Especially in Normandy. Then we might have seen how good Rommel actually could have been.

Although Rommel is not my first choice, I would say that he
was defeated not by the tactics of Bernard Law Montgomery,
but by the Royal Navy. He couldn’t get any reinforcements or

Good point about the navy. Rommel did absolutely superb for what he had. I think he was a better commander than Monte who was a bit to cautious. Wonder if things might have changed much if Hitler had not interferred so much? Especially in Normandy. Then we might have seen how good Rommel actually could have been.[/quote]

Ya, Hitler really stopped Rommel in doing what he wanted to. But its hard to compare Montgomery with Rommel, directly. Its safe to say that Montgomery was the best commander of the allies, and Rommel the best of the Axis.

What about Patton? I think they were pretty evenly matched. Extremely opposing views on how to wage war. Lets not forget Patton race to Bastogne to help relieve the 101st airborne.

I added a poll that will run for 30days of the commanders that were listed under this topic so far. Sorry if your commander isnt there. Please vote and we will see who is King. :smiley:

If this becomes popular ill do it again with more commanders.

What about Patton? I think they were pretty evenly matched. Extremely opposing views on how to wage war. Lets not forget Patton race to Bastogne to help relieve the 101st airborne.[/quote]

Ya Patton was good, but Montgomery was the mastermind of DDay. And he did a pretty good job in that. He also was the man in El Alamein, so thats two turning points in two campaigns.

On offense, I’d want my commander to be ‘Swift’ Heinz Guderian.
On defense, I’d want the ‘tough little bastard’ Gotthard Heinrici.

I think we are in agreement Heinrici.

For those that havent voted yet or would like me to add a commander to the next poll please let me know. This poll should run to May 6th or so.

I liked Admiral Kuznetsov, Denits, Reder.

Dont know any thing about Admiral Kuzentsov…could you tell more.

Another good commander was the head of the German special forces Otto Skorzeny.



Would appear that we have a stalemate between Rommel and Guderian at the moment. Also list any other Commanders that you think where good for the next poll.

I’m bet on the famous triade of Vasilevskiy, Rokossovskiy, Konev

Патриотические чувства требуют чтобы я сказал Жуков, but I think Rommel was the best.

I think Montgomery proved his worth in Africa. It was a glorious victory. The Germans having the better tanks ended up meaning nothing.

Slim achieved far more with far less.

He was a very good strategic thinker and was ahead of his time in many ways. He had thought and planed the use of air power to support his troops in future op when at Staff College in the 20s/30s. As a commander and a leader he had none of the failings of others commanders. Being in the public eye and showing how great he was, was not one of his failing like some of the commander. It also shows a lot about him that he does not appear in you list.

Look him up.

I’d have to go along with that.
If Slim was good enough for Mountbatten to call him “the finest general World War II produced”, who am I to argue with the Supreme Commander, South East Asia?
