Fidel Casto Quits

Yeah, what’s interesting to note is that Castro is worth big money. Not uber-capitalist money. But he’s certainly a multi-millionaire…

Having read biographies of Castro, it is absolutely clear that he never had the intention of “freeing his country from a corrupt right wing regime”. He wanted power for himself and for his mates. Even while he was a university he was involved in political gangsterism and political murders (apparently the student political scene was rather “lively”, and it is also known that he himself pulled the trigger on a least one political murder during his time as a student). He even served a small amount of very soft time as a political prisoner for this (political prisoners under his regime could only dream of the soft treatment he himself received under Batista).

B32: when did I ever accuse you of almost being a Nazi?

If you do not recall, then it isn’t worth going there. :slight_smile:

The East European countries you previously mentioned were occupied by the Soviets, and their regimes were not born of revolution.

There is not usually a revolution with out justification.

Castro coveted power?..Yes!

With new governments and regimes it is somewhat akin to the four seasons (not the band),

They arrive as refreshing as spring, rise to full and glorious summer, and then begin the slide into the corruption of deep winter. Then it becomes time for change.

We, uneiversally, ought to clean up our own backyards before we go about cleaning others. Then we might have the moral right to offer a better way.

I have difficulty determining whether you are taking the piss, or not, with that French head?:confused:

So because we are not 100% perfect we do not have the right to criticise something which is SIGNIFICANTLY worse? I take it you never offer criticism then…:roll:

Rolling eyes - how unkind.

Surely, you must have realised by now that hypocracy is one of my many facets.

Bottom line - I only take myself seriously for very short periods, then I become bored.

Bottom line - I only take myself seriously for very short periods, then I become bored.

I ll take that as a warning.

Never again will try a serius discussion with you.:rolleyes:

How bizarre…more rolling eyes!

MOS can’t argue his point without resorting to personal comments. Now you are getting personal on me.

What is it with you chaps and your egos?

If you want a serious discussion, please continue, I’ll let you know when my attention span is failing. I find it difficult to take anyone serious when they are aiming their comments at me rather than discussing the issues, simply because I challenged their beliefs.

Once you begin with :wink: and then follow with :roll: and :rolleyes:
Then I slide into boredom.

If you have a credible point to make, then make it instead of trying to belittle me.

I posted ‘ballocks’ merely to demnstrate that that which was coming from yourselves was of the same ilk i.e. the language of the lynch-mob and the bigotted. There was no explanation to reinforce the comments either of you made, as if they were acceptable by right, I find that rather arrogant. When I struck back in a similar vein i.e. ‘ballocks’, you didn’t like it. It certainly got your attention.

As for not having a serious discussion with me again - well, that’s your choice! I certainly wont be losing any sleep over it.