Foreign troops, Mercenaries and Defence Contractors.

Tell us what unit you are in that allows you to carry a laptop and use it between search & destroy missions. Didn’t you say you are in the British military? Do you have a desk job? Some other job that requires you to say in Britain? So you’re not a rifle-toting foot soldier afterall???

lets break this down shall we?

Tell us what unit you are in that allows you to carry a laptop and use it between search & destroy missions. Didn’t you say you are in the British military?

Tell you what unit i’m err, i don’t think so. There is a thing called OPSEC, operational security i.e. don’t let nasty people know what unit you’re in, but of course being such a military expert you’d know that, wouldn’t you?

Do you have a desk job? Some other job that requires you to say in Britain?

Do i have a desk job? No i don’t. I have to stay in Britain for another reason which i’ll tell you. My unit type is a University Officer Training Corps (UOTC) this is what’s called a Category B unit. This means we can’t be deployed abroad but can be used in the UK (God help us if they ever do :lol: ). The idea being that students can be in the military and not have their degrees messed up by being deployed. As i have stated before once my degree is finshed (june next year) i will be changing my own status from Category B to A and will be on the first flight to an Op theatre, so there’s no way that anyone can class me as a ‘battle dodging nancy boy’.

So you’re not a rifle-toting foot soldier afterall???

Actually you’re wrong even though i’m in my units signals troop the very nature of our unit means that we do mostly infantry stuff. I’ve led infantry platoons i bet they won’t even let Ironman lead a girlguide. I’ve done more FIBUA trainig than i can remeber and have spent more nights out in the field on Company level exercises doing platoon attacks than i care to count.

As for the HAC ball it was an absolute blast, best fun i’ve had in ages. They had a fairground, chocolate fountain, parachute displays, bands beating the retreat, huge marquee with dancefloor and band, casino, survivor’s breakfast and loads more, and yes i made it to survivor’s photo at 0500hrs :wink:

Good lad :wink: hate the puffs who can’t even make it through one night of drinking.

No point answering any of his points though, he ignores you if he’s wrong, he’s been ignoring my posts for over 6 hours now :roll:

Ironman clearly doesnt know about OPSEC, I have had his postal address infront of me for a few weeks now and am wondering what to post to him for maximum comedic value for ages.

We have his Christian Name from the “patents” we have his old address from the same form.We have his Father’s name and address thanks to the USMC old boys network. :lol: It then only takes half an hour with google and the IRS in the USA to discover all sorts of things about IRONMAN.

With knowledge limited and retrogade adversary much power comes hmmmmm :twisted:

Yoda creeping out there!

you should’ve seen the totty at the ball, my word! They were fantastic, i have never seen so many lovely ladies in my life! Obviously its the uniforms, its like sugar for ants. :smiley:

I don’t think that he’s actually been foul-mouthed in his post, accusatory possibly, cutting definitely, but he’s not used profanity either directly nor masked to escape any possible word censor.

But it appears that he’s attending the HAC ball which tends to be for military personnel, and is sponsored by the RGBW so will be commissioned at a later date.

I fail to see what mistakes his parents may have made when they have brought the gentleman up to be studious, educated and willing to serve in his country’s armed forces.

Personally I find the idea of a sense of duty commendable.

Aww shucks, your’re too kind stop it :oops:

(edited for poor grammar)

Even agencies in the US government need a warrant signed by a judge to get information about US citizens from the IRS. :lol:

Sloans-in-waiting :roll: . OK, until they start to talk? I suppose the uniform thing depends on whether one looks good in tight trousers, not for the short and dumpy really is it? Good encouragement to stay fit though.

FIBUA or to give it the modern PC name, OBUA, is as you well know one of the most knackering forms of warfare known to Toms.

The difference betwen the latest OBUA in the sandpit and actual FIBUA is the objective and, by definition, the speed.
I’m by no means denegrating the fine efforts of those troops from whatever part of the coalition forces, but old-fashioned FIBUA is distinctly different from the urban COIN ops we are forced to use now.
They are surprisingly similar to the Ops conducted in The Crater - dear oh dear, where is a man like Colin Mitchell now we need one ?
As we know he’d not survive, (politically,) in this daft modern world, but by Christ he was a soldier !

(For those interested, look up “Having Been A Soldier” by Mad Mitch. I don’t have an ISBN, only an SBN :- 241 01722 X )

I’m chuffed they did a lob into the most expensive cricket pitch in the world, it’s not the easiest DZ to get into, not so much because of the winds but if you look at The Smoke at night from an a/c - there are one or two lights that might confuse you !

I believe our former colonialists refer to FUBUA/OBUA as MOUT.

Anyway Ironman, since you have nothing further to say reference my defence about being a ‘rubber desk johnny’ which i’m not i think i win that one
student-scaley: 1 Ironman:0

Sloans-in-waiting . OK, until they start to talk? I suppose the uniform thing depends on whether one looks good in tight trousers, not for the short and dumpy really is it? Good encouragement to stay fit though.

The sloans weren’t too bad, if you mention you’re wearing green kit they suddenly get interested. Not too bad for a fumble :lol:

“Enough is enough,” said an official at the interior ministry. “We are looking at ways to tighten weapons licenses, and to punish the worst cases. The culture of impunity must stop.”

About time, but how?

A senior member of one private security firm in Baghdad said: “Like it or not we are combatants. If our guarantees are removed, we would have to leave.”

And if you do I will throw my teddy out of my cot. (Sarcasm)

Like it or not we are combatants

So, do you come under military law, and will the company directors be held to account?

What happened to the Iraqis that were held?

Reiver wrote

Slightly worrying that they see themselves as “combatants”, or is that just me?

No Reiver this also concerns me. Do they compare themselves to legal military or has someone given them the impression that they are?

Well let’s see if I can remember your banter. You are wondering why I am not in the military. You got defensive when I pointed out that you were not a gun-toting soldier. You think that because I am not one of the hundreds of thousands of US volenteers that I am a coward, like all the people in my country and yours (I assume) are also cowards because they did not join the military.

You give yourself credit where none is due. Your question is made for the purpose of badgering and has no relationship with either reality or ethics. You bother with such because you lack the intellect to come up with anything that does. How old are you anyway? 13? 14? I think your ansking the question is an answer in itself.

Bye bye now.

He has told you he is doing a degree in War studies (?) at KCL or ICL one or the other.

Therefore he must be at least 18 he will be headed for sandhurst then the sandpit next summer so one can presume he is about 19/20 if he didnt take a GYC or gap year.

IRONMAN I am a soldier (Cat B granted) I have swonrn my oath so has Studnet Scaley. You accused us of cowardice and hypocrisy regarding our views on Iraq and hiding behind Gurkhas consequently you opened yourself up to accusations of the same. We as a group have either been to war or are preapred to go to war and do not tke kindly to 43 year old computer gamers telling us;
A) how to do our jobs
B) That our Employer willfully kills people
C) that we are hypocrites for not being at war at present.

There will be opportunity enough for me to go to war in the next few decades, as a result of this I do not feel the need to get involved in IRAQ at the cost of missing my education. I therefore take offense to you calling me a hypocrite for not fighting in IRAQ. I would accept it more willingly if you were a serviceman arguing from a position of experience but instead it appears you have spent 43 years trying to earn your father’s respect, and failing. (this may be false but IRONMAN does exhibit signs of Pater worship conducive to my appraisal)

If you have any grounds on which to claim that we are hypocrites or cowards it would help your case to provide them. If not then I suggest you write a detailed appraisal of all of the willfully minsinformed postys you have written and apologise.


Spot on! I am in fact a 20 year old student at King’s College london studying war studies not a 14 year old (or a 43 year old wannabe gamer). Like Bluffcove said we’ve both sworn our oath and have every intention of going on to serve, and if you don’t believe us then that’s your own problem, for i am sure that bluffcove like me being british soldiers have a high sense of integrity and honour and will act as we have promised.

Why have i asked you as to why you didn’t join up? The answers simple, like you, I asked because you continually seem to think your’re some knid of military authority and are constantly telling serving soldiers that they’re wrong. Instead of partaking in reasonend debate you are insistent on denegrating the forum topics to purile rubbish such as the ‘bang, cock reload’ comments and ‘holy guano batman’. Furthermore you accuse British Serving personnel of being hypocrites (notice tinwalt correct spelling of hypocrite something you have failed to do consistently) and cowards for not agrreing with the iraq war, it’s called democracy you are allowed to say what you think but of course living in America you should know about that right?
I personally believe you are an embarrassment to your nation, a fine nation i might add which has my undying respect and gratitude for their actions in WW2. Tinwalt go and do something useful invent something bl**dy spectacular to make up for the mistake of you opening your mouth and then maybe you’re life might not have been in vain.

I would not have spoken my mind with the following had it not been for the foul-mouthed comments I have seen you posting here, like a child who talks about another behind their back, too little of a man to either restrain yourself or speak your opposition with maturity or descency.

I realize that you dislike my opinion of the subject of which I will not speak. I have made an attempt to help us get past it, evensofar as to retract an unfair and unkind remark that I made in response to the endless badgering and filthy name-calling. But it is unfortunate that you, student-scagley and Bluffcove, who display the mindset of a cheap criminal and demanor of an adolescent brat who simply cannot bear correction, whose life experience is based on achievement through attempted intimidation and childish ranting, are unable to find the calm within yourselves to show restraint.

Learn you this. Realize that people have opinions, and when they express one that you dislike, it serves only their defense when you badger incessantly in hopes of causing them enough discomfort to renig their opinions. It would seem that the military experience you profess would have provided enough discipline to teach you that there is a requirement for a certain level of restraint in one’s behavior to further one’s cause. Objectives cannot be achieved in the adult world with an abundance of insults or with childish and incessant protest.

Had you the common sence, maturity, or self-restraint of reasonable men, you could have avoided spending so much of your time and energy to do the impossible: to change my opinion in the subject. The only result of your childish and filthy insults, and your endless reiteration of information over and over in attempt to sway, is that you have placed yourself on the fringe of respectability.

Let it be a lesson that you never forget that such antics never acheive their goal. It is only self-demeaning to press someone who differs with hateful name-calling and postumous blather, and it will always bring you short of your mark. In so doing, you can only bury further the difference between you and the one with whom you differ. There is no room for military tactics in calm, resonable debate. This is not your training camp. This is the real world. Learn that if you dislike someone’s opinion or wish to try to change it, childishness, hate, and raving will not provide the results you seek.

I asked you repeatedly to forget the matter and go back the topic of the thread, but your being offended by my opinion and your lack of maturity or resonability prevented you from doing so. If I were to conduct myself by your characteristic behavior, the results would have been far more negative on my behalf in response to your continuous badgering, which you would have like less than you do now.

The must exist in a person a level of reason and restraint that prevents throwing gasoline to where there is already fire.

Bye Bye now.

who display the mindset of a cheap criminal

A cheap criminal? I take it you mean a member of the criminal fraternity whom is always on the lookout for bargains?

There is no room for military tactics in calm, resonable debate

No, of course not especially when the subject is about the military and military doctrine/tactics. Yes i can see your point, i must remember never to use military tactics in a debating forum again :roll:

I must say Ironman that is eloquently written, did your father do it for you?

I’ll tell you what, since I am a gentleman and your’re obviously very upset I shall endeavour to not rib you anymore, how’s that? A promise from one gentleman to another, unless of course you renege on this then I shall mercilessy hound you until you can take no more or I become bored. Fair?
Shake on it old boy?

There was a little known debate going on in the US during the last few years concerning the pensions of Filipino WW2 veterans, who were conscripted into the US Army (the Philippines being an official colony of the US back then). When the Philippines voted for independence in 1946, all vet´s claims for pensions were cancelled (probably in retaliation for the result of a referendum which demanded independence), according to the Filipino veteran´s organisation all other foreigners serving in the US forces received full pensions.


slapping my hand into yours, firm grip

Deal old boy. When a man steps up to me honorably I will not refuse him.


Very good post, sometimes the great and liberal US forget that at one time they too had colonies. I bet the majority dont have an inkling about that?