It’s still a novel…

I don’t think Franco’s Army could have conquered France, actually. Only if it had been a combined assault with well-equiped forces (German) and not-so-well equiped forces(Spanish Fascists) it could have made some damage.

By the way, Spain seemed to be Abwehr’s Working Area. Barcelona and Madrid’s Luxury Hotels were full of germans during that days. Franco COULD NOT have been a british spy. Although Churchill admired Franco (He thought he was a great patriotist and a great General) I don’t think they were so good friends to make Franco collaborate with the UK.

It looks interesting, however I find it difficult to believe actually, without reading it.

Especially after Hitler got himself stuck in Africa with the Afrika Korps, he wanted to get control over Gibraltar, to cut off British supplies especially to Malta. He even offered to hand Gibraltar over to Franco after it was conquered by German troops, but Franco refused to let German troops pass through Spain. AFAIK, Hitler was totally frustrated after having met stubborn Franco at Hendaye / Irun.


He is been smart becouse he is stay neutral he rule in spain next 30 years.

I would have prefered him to enter the war, got killed and no problems for Spain nowadays. He stayed 36 years “in command”… wot a Mothrfcker…

yeah poor Cattalans still have to suffer to this day

atleast Barcelona is better then Real Madrid :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeright buddy. We can be good friends :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Barca is always been better then real ,but back on topic. :wink:

Watch your language!

On the other hand didn’t Franco ensure that Juan Carlos will follow? AFAIK he bring Juan Carlos to Madrid back in 70s, isn’t he?

Yes, Franco brought JC to make him govern as he had, but JC commited kinda treason and brought “democracy” to this country.

By the way, what does AFAIK mean :?: :?: :oops:

AFAIK it is a acronym for As Far As I Know

I suspect that Juan Carlos took a good look at what happened to his ancestors and spotted that the amount of power that the man at the top keeps for himself is directly proportional to the number of people willing to do nasty things to him to take that power.
I think that he also realised that there was no way that an absolute monarch could realistically expect to keep an eye on everything going on in a modern state.

Don’t forget that Juan Carlos spent his early youth and his holidays in Britain, to where his family was exiled. Sincehe is also a descendant of Queen Victoria, he had close contacts with the British monarchy and I think it was there where he learned about the relationship between a monarch and the people.

When he was ten years of age, he was sent to Spain to go to cadet school. When he took over in 1975, everybody expected him to be a puppet of the generals (there was a soong about a “rey de yeso”), but he surprised everybody, when he invited all political parties, even the communists, for constitutional talks and, when the constitution came in place two years later, he imideately accepted to change from an absolute monarch to a constitutional one. He also surprised everybody with his firm stance during the attempted military coup of 1978, not without undergoing a personal risk.


I don’t know wot are you talking about. May be is the 1981 attempt?? 23-F…

I don’t know wot are you talking about. May be is the 1981 attempt?? 23-F…[/quote]

Sorry, I meant the 1981 attempt.
