French Army

Fierce spirit… yeah, in fighting each other during and after WW2, Communists versus Royalists versus other groups…


Bienvenue Général Leclerc!

Wow, it’s amazing by what one person says even if the obvious, the forum can go on for like 3 more pages :stuck_out_tongue:

:lol: :lol: :lol:


The french didn’t wanted nazism on France ! Petain wanted to stop the war and have the power for is own. He made everything to being aproved by Hitler and have a good rank in the “new europa”. But he was totaly wrong, the germans didn’t forgive the french for the umiliation of the treaty of Versailles at the end of WWI. During the war, and that’s where we have sometimes problems to talk about, thousands people denouced their jews neighbors. A lot of anonymous letters were send to make the gestapo come and deport the jews. Then, they sold the house, or made their family come in the empty apartment. So today, when someone talk about plans to make the people help the police, for exemple “anonymous calls” (like in England) everybody remember Vichy…

But in general, we haven’t any problem to talk about this period with our grandparent for exemple.

Ok, we don’t like to talk about 1940, because it was a total defeat, and we could have escape this defeat if we had use all our material and if we hadn’t silly marshals and political leaders… :([/quote]
welcome mate!.

the french really didn´t wanted the nazism???,all i heard was you wanted liked the germans,you don´t liked the brits,you wanted to kill all jews in france,and you don´t liked the usa too (well,they entered the war later)

What are talking about ? Ok, french didn’t really liked brits from a long period, but they fought together during WWI. And the hate of germans was worst. Our army fought in northern of France ! Why do you say that we wanted them if we fought them in 1940 ? We hated them from Napoleon, 1870 and WWI. There was antisitism in the air, I agree, but how can you say that we wanted to kill all jews if we had people fighting in the resistance, in the Free French Forces… There was a few real resistants, a few real collaborationners (and less french nazi !) and the rest of the population; trying to survive, living their own lives and wanting to finish this war. We didn’t really know what was the american way of live and what was an american… So we didn’t hated them… Today, ok, there are more problems beteween french and americans

ok,don´t be upset! :slight_smile: .

there were french in the waffen ss,and there were frenchs fighting with the germans too

Yes, SS Infanterie-Division Charlemagne: 4.000 guys… And maybe the same number in the Milice… In fact, there were the same number of guys in the collaboration and in the allies side… I repeat it, the bigger part of frenchs was of no side, hoping the alies victory but nothing more…

Um, where did this France wanted Nazism start? The French even hid Jews, like in this one town… DAMMIT I forgot the name, but there is a book on it, someone please? Help me out here?

first of all, i don’t think french soldiers were cowards, retarded, etc. I think they collasped so quickly because no other country had fathomed the technical possiblities of a well-planned blitzkrieg.
the french fought the germans on equal terms in the great war.
if england shared a border with germany they would’ve been dominated too.
even a giant country like russia was dominated in the first year of the war.

Dominated? Dominated is imposing total defeat, Russia was only partly invaded, Yes they got close to Moscow, but really, that’s rash, being dominated is like loosing all forces which the Soviet Union did not, just because they got close to Moscow does not make them “Dominated” and that’s Stalin’s fault, damn that Man of Steel :evil:

The Russians won the European war for the allies

sure there was D-Day and All, but that was just so America and Britain can get a foothold on Europe so they could ‘race’ the Soviets to Berlin which of course we all know the Soviets got there first

Yes thats stalins mistake they can stoped germans ,but he is belive hitler.

Yes thats stalins mistake they can stoped germans ,but he is belive hitler.[/quote]

What do you mean Clauss?

When hitler order to attack soviets,germans bombers are go into russins teritory and bombing airfields and army,after bombing they droped paratroopers ,soviets generals tell that stalin and he is tell him this is provocation do not fire on germans ,after will be late ,i read that in book .

I learned a lot about Stalin in Stalin:Man of Steel on the history channel :slight_smile:

Mate, History Channel as well as Discovery Channels doesn’t substitute the books. If you’ll fiding reading as a boring thing, check the internet (not in a single place but in many …)

Or you already joined the English humour Club?? :smiley: :smiley:

Edited: The British Humour Club :wink:

I don’t just watch the History channel for all my info, after I hear about something from there, I usually look up more on it in books.

I wished I lived closer to a library :frowning:

Very commendable, I am something of the same, I used to watch TV stuff, or even a movie and then go read some books about it. TV can be a great stepping stone to learn more.

Very commendable, I am something of the same, I used to watch TV stuff, or even a movie and then go read some books about it. TV can be a great stepping stone to learn more.[/quote]
yes,and the books are the best :smiley: .
the other great thing,when you have knowledgment is debating :wink: .