Georgia in Crisis: Major Fighting Erupts with Russia

Only in Russia, hey? Those naughty Ruskies ought to be brought to book and given a good ticking off, that’s what I say.

Russia achieved their Space program at the expense of other areas in the economy…national prestige over the wellbeing of the people, and it took a more than significant proportion of their gross national product, unlike the U.S. that could run the Space Race, maintain a military industry AND an overseas export market without sacrificing things at home…NATIONAL PRESTIGE FIRST AS ALWAYS,

Absolutely! National prestige first? My goodness that would never happen in the West.

I now see the error of my ways. I have you to thank, Bravo5November2, and I have come to like you.

Please allow me to stay in the West and I’ll promise to close the door. In fact, I’ll do anything for you, on my knees if you so wish, but please, I made need some oiling.

By the way. I was always taught that that WW1 was 1914-1918 and WW2 was 1939-1945. Is this wrong??

Take your point on national identity. But wasn’t the USSR driven by Russia and Russians, in the main, and the remainder really there for form?


I am echoing the complaints from unfortunates that have had to deal with Russian business interests…the story is always the same.

When these people can learn that we don’t care a toss in the west for their country, and that all we really care about is good business affairs, with something in it for EVERYONE, then the big Russian companies may acquire a veneer of legitimacy…

Until then, its a Legislative Assembly elected by no-one, enacting archaic policy that dissappeared with the Cold War…

Russians just can’t come to terms with the fact that the Cold War is OVER…and they came out on the short end of the stick…now, pick yourselves up and start making MONEY again…don’t live in an idealized past.

As long as Russians have faith in themselves to do this, things may well turn for the better…but I’m not going to stand by and watch them blame “Rich Americans”, as Chevan does, for their plight…

Maybe they need a change of Government by Revolution once again…you would have thought that Gorbechovian Perestroika would have been enough of a change…needs more

I have every confidence that you are right.

It’s just that you frame your arguments with such sweeping, double standards, as if the rest of the world is squeaky clean.

Chevan, is a victim of cold war propaganda, but he’s a nice chap.

Are you not demonstrating the same traits when you become bombastic about the moral superiority of we Westerners?

By the way, Nick. Did you not know that it is considered blasphemous to speak of Commandos in that way.

After all, God is a Commando!..he failed ‘P’ Company! :wink: