Thank you.
I was just adding my two cents, If I may?
Thank you.
I was just adding my two cents, If I may?
Yes this true as well.
But you’re forgetting to add the poles themself raped and murdered?!
What about confederation American soldiers raping black women and enslaving them? And the Japanese in WWII? What about the British taking more than half of the world? bombing of two german cities vertually after WWII ended?
as i started those theme has been studied and reported more or less good. The infor are avialable in net.But wermach raping is like sort of mystery in a west. So we have an weird situation- the nazis ideology looks like “high-moral” which teached the disciplined solldiers, banned them to rape anybody, but letting them to kill as much race inferior civils as they wish. This dilemma border me. Why the western historiography so carefully study the construction of Gas chambers- they has no time (or will) to descover the less terrible crimes like rapings. Or we have admit that the german army actually was the most disciplined army in ww2 and , by the such way, they ideology wasn’t that bad…
Chevan, I don’t think most in the West tend to think the Germans were very nice while occupying the conquered parts of the Soviet Union and the assumption is the war crimes were many and it is acknowledged the Soviets sustained a massive population drop as the result of murders, starvation, and exposure. The assumption in the West has little to do with ideology perhaps other than the Wehrmacht would not have been allowed to have sexual relations with the untermensch to prevent pregnancies. But the study here is from a Western source…
Are you drunk again?
Did i write about ideology?
Um, no. It’s 11:30AM EST here. So no, I am not drunk. Are you cross with me? Did I say something personal or something?
Did i write about ideology?
Um, yes, you did:
Then seems i drunk myself…
I’ll be joining you soon…
quote But you’re forgetting to add the poles themselves raped and murdered?! End Quote.
I wasn’t aware. Who did they rape?
quote. yes, but though. The publics more care about rapes of allied/red army soldiers while almost totally ignore the rapes of wermacht. end quote.
I don’t know why that is the case; but I do have a thought. Were the Soviets more brutal at raping than Germans were? Just maybe why the Soviets are pinned for this while the Germans get a get out of jail card. Its the same as end of WWII, the Soviets are known as ‘the good side’ ‘the Allies’ and Stalin is seen as a hero.
We all know, all men are cable at raping. German, Russian, American, etc… they are all bad. Did the British though?
I’m sure you must be referring to the official Lebensborn program in Germany. I believe this was an SS program where unmarried German girls were paired with German soldiers - SS? - to create more Aryan demigods for the master race. It probably didn’t involve girls from those inferior untermensch countries because they weren’t pure enough to qualify. God forbid that any Slavic babies be born…
I thought I read somewhere that the young, unmarried madl were volunteers but also read that some of the mothers of the girls were enraged that their daughters were in this program and that the SS sponsors said that the “duty” of these girls to the nation outweighed the mothers’ moral indignation.
Amazing that the hilarity of the physical appearance of Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler never occurred to the German people whose perfect blue eyes must have hazed over at the the apparition of these imperfect specimens.
In a film shot in France in 1940’s, French women were very keen on Germans and very chatty to German soldiers. I have to go and dig up the film. Also, many French women got their heads shaved after WWII. But if they were raped victims, their heads would not had been shaved, so there for, French women willing had sexual intercourse with German soldiers. If Germans ever made it to England, Id expect the same thing to happened. Which a french man quoted during the German invasion commenting on German soldiers and French women, you don’t need the same languages to have sex, also he mentioned; looks like we going to see many German babies here.
Age old saying
First we fight then we fornicate.
Germans win and occupy the land of course you will get fraternisation.
For some people in any occupied country it was a simple choice to survive or not, for others it was for an easier life while yet more did it for personal gain.
Regarding consensual sex in wartime - what do you get when you throw a lot of young people together in situations in which the usual cadre of potential partners are, for whatever reason, absent ? Well, a greater or lesser degree of rape, perhaps, but also a very great deal of consensual “partnering”. That’s Life. Read Irene Némirovsky’s “Suite Francaise” - she saw it on the ground in WW2 France. Human nature has not really changed much over a very, very long time … Best regards, JR.
The latter may be true, but the former certainly wasn’t, of the Pay Corps. And Dental Corps. And sundry others.
My reading is that sexual assaults were most often in rear areas and by rear area troops.
The combat troops were otherwise engaged, and generally rather devoid of opportunities.
Good point, Rising Sun*. True also, I suspect, of much of the consensual sex - perhaps even more so. My reference to “Suite Francaise” again refers. Also, the lads in the “logistics” area had much better access to goods considered useful in this context - such as tinned food and nylon stockings … JR.
Can’t recall which (of several) sources I’ve read, but sexual assault was a significant issue in the rear areas in Normandy in the months after D Day for the Americans. There was a focus on their black troops, but I’ve often wondered if this reflected an accurate assessment of actual rates of offences or baseless attitudes towards and beliefs about those troops which resulted in them being disproportionately targeted compared with white troops.
Exactly the same sort of problem that occurred with friendly American troops in Britain and Australia, where they were better paid, better dressed, seeming more interesting because they came from the land presented by Hollywood, and had access to the wondrous goods of a PX which were largely denied to British and Australian women.
In some cases liaisons between Yanks and local women were acceptable, but in others they were frowned upon as being almost a form of disloyalty. Especially when the woman was supposed to have some link to a British or Australian soldier overseas.
There isn’t that much difference in the case of French women associating with Germans, particularly after the Vichy government virtually approved co-operation with the Germans, except that the Germans were the victorious invaders of France rather than allied invaders.
We should also probably factor in that a large proportion, perhaps even the majority of young Frenchmen, were interred by the Germans as POW’s or forced into labor in Germany. Others of course effectively were expatriates fighting with the Free forces…
“Over-paid, over-sexed, and over here…”
There was a fair amount of “partnering” in Holland too resulting in a lot of post-war head shaving, shame and misery…
Dutch won’t like it … still, I think I heard and read Netherlands had very high collaboration rates, higher than any Western occupied country. Dutch Waffen SS was the largest of all foreign regiments.
I have run into a fair number of British, German and Japanese “war brides” here in San Antonio. They’re quite aged now, of course… and some Dutch, too…
I dunno. I think it’s hard to say that categorically. I do believe the Dutch Resistance was heavily penetrated at the highest levels by the very able Abwehr in occupied Netherlands. But I’ve also recall the Dutch suffered food shortages and borderline famine to a greater extent of any Western European occupied power…