German Nuclear Weapon Program

More derision from armchair experts who never research the facts themselves

Since Nickdfresh you made the outrageously incorrect statement that the Germans had no atomic bomb project, something which any 8th grader could disprove with wikipedia, I guess it’s easier to throw insults than answer the question.

Since you don’t know several fundamental things about the nazi atomic bomb project for starters what qualifies you to question the facts?

Odd way to fight a war, putting all that effort into firing V1 and V2 weapons towards Britain when Hitler had a really big banger just sitting there ready to stun the Allies with the devastation he could wreak by firing it in the face of their advance.

Obviously it made more sense to that charitable Nazi not to fire his great weapon in preference for drafting children and old men and anything else he could get his stunted hands on when he was desperate to use everything he could to stop the Allies.

Apart, apparently, from his atomic bomb, the capture of which according to you was originally by Ian Fleming and his AU unit but which you now attribute to “The 6th Para regiment supported by 3 Royal Tank Regiment went into Espelkamp but the underground bunker there was taken by 3RTR with 23rd Hussars (armored cars) and the 4th Shropshire Light Infantry”.

Primary, or any, sources?

I didn’t realise I had to respond to issues not raised.

I sent my crystal ball to my crystal ball repairer on this issue and, after examining it, he said “Your crystal ball has a defect in the seventh quadrant where you are expected to identify and respond to issues not raised. There is no repair for this defect, apart from avoiding contact with people who think you should be able to work out when they are going to go off on a tangent; anticipate their tangent; and respond to it. The Version 7.9 upgrade for your crystal ball, which you have not installed, gives you limited protection in these cases but may be needlessly offensive to people who go off on tangents etc.”

Everybody knows the Americans got their Manhattan project nuclear knowledge from the Germans, who went into the war with the sole intention of doing a dive so that America could bomb Japan with a nuclear weapon based on superior German technology. This long term plan was concealed by WWII, which allowed the Americans, and others, to destroy Germany so that the Japanese wouldn’t smell a rat.

It was all part of Henry Ford’s plan to dominate the globe.

Ably assisted by aliens.

It’s alright Kiwi, we’re enjoying your baseless, uncited and completely unscholarly rantings having no basis in truth. It’s funny that after reading numerous books from like actual historians, I’ve never encountered any substantial reports of the super-Nazi tech wonder-weapons you seem to be so giddy to report about here. It must be such a burden to be the only with this forbidden knowledge! One would almost think the Third Reich might have won the war! The website you’ve even linked to looks like a high school kid designed it in 1997. I’m sure its credibility is beyond reproach!..

LOL I think the far greater danger from this aircraft was that it’s engines might start on fire and the primary danger might have been to fishing trawlers in the Channel, and its unfortunate crews. :slight_smile:

BTW, if you’re going to use Wikipedia as your source for Nazi bombers, can you please do the same for The Manhattan Project? Because I noticed they said nothing about the American bomb projects being stolen by Patton and Flemming and Flemming’s gang of heavily armed Fembots!

“Hands up Nazi! Step away from the bomb!”

Um, no. I never said any such thing. Cite where I said anything close to this.

The Nazis in fact did have a bomb program, as did virtually everyone else. It just sucked…

How dare you sir! I’m going to send one of Hitler’s flying saucers stored in an underground base in Argentina to teach you a lesson! You’ll pay for your insolence!

You seriously believe that? For a long time the only Allied bomb project was based around Uranium-235, indeed the Frisch–Peierls memorandum which kicked off the MAUD committee was all based around calculating the critical mass of U-235 needed for a bomb. The existence of this is all very well documented and so far as I’m aware undisputed. Are you trying to tell me that despite several years of thinking that the only way to build a nuclear weapon was using enriched Uranium, the Americans and British suddenly decided it was impossible and only changed their minds again when they captured an untested German device, at which point the first time they used it was dropping it on a Japanese city to see if it worked? You’ve taken a highly implausible suggestion (that the Germans produced a nuclear bomb and didn’t use it) and added details to take it into the realm of fantasy.

Several things here:

  1. Calutrons are much more efficient at enrichment if the feedstock is itself partially enriched. When K-25 came online, the efficiency of the Calutrons improved radically.
  2. More Calutrons were built later - those of the Beta track started between March and November 1944.
  3. Hanaford probably didn’t need enriched Uranium, it was designed to run off natural Uranium. So the total requirement was for Little Boy only. I’ve read arguments that Hanford was later fuelled with enriched Uranium, but the evidence of later graphite-moderated reactors is that only low-enriched Uranium would be required - such as the output from the K-25 or S-50 plants, which was available in relative plenitude. The bottleneck appears to have been with the Calutrons enriching to high levels, which would certainly not have been required by Hanford.

Didn’t need it - graphite moderated reactors don’t need enriched feedstock, it’s only if you’re using water as a moderator that it’s required. That’s why the UK went to the MAGNOX style design - it’ll happily run with natural uranium. See comments above about enrichment levels as well - it would certainly not have needed the HEU which was in short supply.

There are several issues here between the calculation and a working nuclear weapon:

  1. Convincing people to build it. The Americans had the MAUD committee report which said “this is how to build an atomic bomb” and it wasn’t until Marcus Oliphant flew over and started pounding on desks that they paid any attention to it.
  2. I’ve never seen any evidence that he was a “huge proponent” of such a bomb, merely that he had done work on Plutonium. Big difference - the French in 1940 had been doing a lot of similar work but so far as I can tell they never thought of it as of value for blowing things up.
  3. Even had they realised it could be used for military purposes, the sheer amount of engineering involved in a bomb programme would need a major effort. Which so far as I can tell never happened.

I don’t think anybody really believes Heisenberg was a pacifist - that seems to have been an ex post facto excuse to explain why he failed while a bunch of Jewish refugees succeeded.

If he did, then why was a bomb not dropped on Dresden as a result? Most likely explanation is that at most this was garbled, and more probably invented outright.

So they were incompetent chemists rather than incompetent physicists? Since an atomic bomb programme needed both, you’re not being very convincing.

Yeah, because Stalin was well known for

Plenty of innuendo, no evidence. That’s actually a classic example of what is found in made-up stories - people who will later become famous and “telling” details mixed in to make it seem like a story must be true. In reality, the only legitimate evidence for something like this would be witness testimony from people who were there, or better photographs of it. No such evidence exists - it’s all of the “my father found a building in 1945, and it was near to this building that the British found a German atomic bomb” - e.g. this story. Lots of claims about censorship to explain why this story has never come up before, but the origin of the story is always RUMINT.

Yes - and people are never mistaken when they send signals? That design of weapon is very substantially harder to build than a straight gun-type Uranium device - even allowing for the effort needed to refine the material.

Plenty of aircraft out there that could get over target with a sufficient bomb load. Problem is, very few of them were fast enough to get away from the blast and survive. The B-29 was extremely marginal in it’s ability to do so.
Also, don’t confuse ceiling with maximum height on a bomb run - ceiling for the Germans was the maximum height a very lightly loaded aircraft could reach (typically a photo-recon type). With 6 tonnes of payload and enough fuel to make to back to Germany, ceiling is going to be much lower. That puts it well into the performance envelope of fighters like the Welkin or even the Meteor.

I fear you not, for the flying saucers are outdated and lack GPS.

Anyway, the flying saucers aren’t in Argentina. They’re near Hanover, in the underground atom bomb factory and proving ground, still waiting for Hitler to give the order to use them.

They are inscribed with the launch order “Use me, Adolf, use me hard.”.

That’s for sure!