Giant Zionist Conspiracy Thread!

No. Far too simplistic a notion to ascribe to Hoffman. He was in fact an advocate of “participatory democracy” - meaning, he advocating decentralizing gov’t into very local organs in which all people have a real say. That’s the antithesis of communism!

Moreover he called for the legalizations of narcotics/drugs.

So? So have prominent right wing conservatives like William F. Buckley Jr…

The Nixon Administration codified the prohibitions against drugs by classifying them as FDA controlled substances effectively putting all regulations under the executive branch, effectively taking the issue out of congress’ hands and completely making all drugs unavailable - even for those that used them under useful, medicinal circumstances (i.e. ecstasy, LSD for psychoanalytic therapies, and marijuana to ease pain of the terminally ill).

He did this largely to undercut the “counterculture,” but in doing so, he made US drug laws wholly inflexible and unadaptable and has ultimately made things worse I think by filling prisons full of minor offenders while not dealing with the circumstances that foster addiction…

Besides he was psyhically ill. He treated from the maniacal depression in last period of his life ( the legitime resault of drugs;)

Possibly. But there have been many that used drugs that weren’t affected or scared in any significant way.

Also, you’re falling into the trap of the stereotype, that is, thinking that everyone was a “hippie” in the 60s. There is a difference between self-indulgent hippies that lacked direction, were merely hedonistic, and virtually apolitical in their world views as they were merely seeking the “ecstatic experience.”

Hoffman was a politically conscious Yippee…

Really he was an anti-imperialist and anti-zionist?
But the Zionism is the supporting of creation of Israel ( according the jewish determination)
So could you find at least ONE his phrase when he deny the creation of Isreal?

I think Sandstorm has covered this. What would be the point anyways? Israel was already created. I think advocating what you are saying would imply dissolution of Israel, feeding into the stated goals of genocidal Arab propaganda at the time of “driving the Jews into the sea.”

That’s not antithesis of communism , that’s the anarchy Nick.
In his book “Steal this book,How to survive in the state of police democraty” Hoffman ( BTW resently this was published in Russia in 2002) simply deny the any state and CALLS: get fight with the your state ( by the very interested methods- not pay for the using of the social services and ets.)
The rAbbi Hoffman was a tupical a FIFTH COLUMN leader - who call to do everething agains state where you live. He not just deny the basical principals of the State but also called to make the damage to the state.
I hope you understand that his fiercing critic didn’t touch the holy for him- the Israel;)
He has organised the political strikes where perished several American students.( bet not the jews)

Possibly. But there have been many that used drugs that weren’t affected or scared in any significant way.

Also, you’re falling into the trap of the stereotype, that is, thinking that everyone was a “hippie” in the 60s. There is a difference between self-indulgent hippies that lacked direction, were merely hedonistic, and virtually apolitical in their world views as they were merely seeking the “ecstatic experience.”

Hoffman was a politically conscious Yippee…

Yes he was political conscious zionist- Worm who demoralized the society INSIDE.
This is the tupical action of zionist in any state where they TEMPORARY lives.
In the most hard moment- crisys in the Vietnam - the zionists MAKE the political profit on critic of unpopular the war.
The Hoffmens activity is the tupical example when the Zionists PIARed own left lieaders.
At that same time they THEY DID EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO INVOLE the USA in the war in the Far East.( or at least to make the USA the allies).
They were not able to widelly involve USA in 1968 but later when the Zionist positions was stronger they finally reached it in 2003 :slight_smile:

II think Sandstorm has covered this. What would be the point anyways? Israel was already created. I think advocating what you are saying would imply dissolution of Israel, feeding into the stated goals of genocidal Arab propaganda at the time of “driving the Jews into the sea.”"

That;s true Nick in the 1968 when the Hoffman spread his demagogy about the “Zionism is Imperialism” Israel was already created and the main aim of Zionist was to save the Israel. So they was ready to do everething - even to let the the Hoffmas to tell the any bulshit for the American’s left- wings peoples.( especially communist stamp about Zionism-Imperialism)
But dId you ever hear JUST one case when the Hoffans critics the REAL ISRAEL actions?
I doubt it.
BTW for you to know - the genocidal Arab propaganda at the time of "driving the Jews into the sea.- has appeared as the resault of henocidal Zionists actions to evict (or kill) the all arabs form Palestina. Do not forget about it;)

Absolutly agree Gen.
Not every jews is Zionist and Not every Zionist is jews;)
However the MAIN aim ( at least official) of Zionists was to CREAT THE OWN state.
So in this prospect ( althought it hard to think) the any who supported the Israel and its actions -is Zionists:D

2 Now there is a somewhat Jewish state I assume they(Zionist) fight to keep it that way and/or expand it. Why there is such an uproar about Israel giving back the land they took to form Palestine and others.

This was a great political show to “give back the land” as th peacefull act of Isreal.
Indeed the reasons were very progmatic:It was hard to guard those territories from the palestinians attacks. This was decision to cutt off the military expenses Gen.
May be you dodn’t know but the Isreal is the STATE-BANKRUPT.
There is no anything that could compensate the enourmous expenses for this stae.
The existing of this state is only possible due to the Great Finantial and Military support of USA.All this support for the American state money - i.e. for the lev’s.
Besided there a lot of different Zionists fonds- that re-sended the giant summ of money to the Israel. I don’t know about USA , but know for the sure during the 1990-yy the Russian zionists-oligarhs sended about 2 billions dollars per year to the Israel.
This is ENOURMOUS summ for the 6 million state.
Plus the so called Industry of Holocaus - the compansation , the lion part of which are used by the Zionist world organisations.
If to assume all the possible sources the ISrael gets about 5-8 billions of dollars per years form OUTSIDE.
This is roughtly 1000 of dollars for EACH man in state.

So as you could to see the Isreal is the Deadline of Zionism- How could you DREAM about the state that is unable to develops themself.
This situation could force us to assume that INDEED the creation of Israel is not the MAIN REAL aim of the pragmatic Zionists. Coz as we already saw althought Israel already exists - ONLY TOO insignificant part of the WORL jews have emigrated to there.Mostly the poorest part.
This is no surprising - somebody need to MAKE monay for the Israel in outdoor;)

Oki doki enough about Zionism…start a new thread!

And are you sure that this there would not be closed as it was befor;)

Ummm… given that at least some early examples of it were happening when Palestine was part of the British League of Nations mandate in the 1930s, I’d be a little cautious about making statements like that. While groups like the Irgun and the Stern Gang were certainly carrying out terrorist attacks against the Palestinians prior to the formation of the state of Israel, that can hardly be described as “genocidal” in scale or an attempt to evict/kill all the Arabs in the area. And certainly as soon as the state of Israel was formed in 1948 all the surrounding Arab states declared war with the avowed intention of destroying the state of Israel.

Unlikely to be yet, but I’m keeping a close eye on it. Should it deteriorate from the open debate it is still (just) in to crude anti-semitism it’ll be locked immediately.

True he palestim was part of British impare however does it helped the arabs after the Jews declared the Israel?

While groups like the Irgun and the Stern Gang were certainly carrying out terrorist attacks against the Palestinians prior to the formation of the state of Israel, that can hardly be described as “genocidal” in scale or an attempt to evict/kill all the Arabs in the area. And certainly as soon as the state of Israel was formed in 1948 all the surrounding Arab states declared war with the avowed intention of destroying the state of Israel.

Not only the groups of attack in 1948 like the massacre in Dair Yasine villiage where were killed 252 peoples ( including the woman and children) byt the ISrael sperial units under command of Menashem Begi.
But also and unfair mass murder of refugees in camps of Lebanon in 1982

Besides the domestic politic of apparteid in Israel toward the non-jews is also very EXACTLY characterized this stae.And the inner sence of Zionism.
So i/m really doubt that Israel is INNOCENT STRONGHOLD OF DEMOCRATY as try to present the modern Zionists;)

Unlikely to be yet, but I’m keeping a close eye on it. Should it deteriorate from the open debate it is still (just) in to crude anti-semitism it’ll be locked immediately.

The problam with that is the Who ( and how) will determined the anti-semitism?
ITupicaly is the any critic of jew ( or jewish ) organisations from the non-jews is definitely determined as anti-semitism
I hope you will not be biased on this theme;)?

Not exactly “Israeli Special Units” - it was carried out by the Irgun and the Stern Gang, the two terrorist organisations I mentioned previously. I don’t think Menachim Begin was actually there, although he certainly bears command responsibility - he was head of the Irgun at the time.
There was some contribution by the closest thing around at the time to a regular Israeli army (the armed wing of the Haganah) in the attack on the village, but there have apparently never been any claims made against them of war crimes associated with the attack. Not everyone killed was massacred - there was something of a war on and most of the villagers were armed. It is clear that after the attack a number of villagers were murdered, but also that this was done by the Irgun and Stern Gang.

Incidentally (and somewhat irrelevantly), 252 appears to have been a propaganda figure for the purposes of frightening the Palestinian population out of their homes - the true figure seems to be around 100.

There is certainly a great deal of Gerrymandering, etc. going on. However, most of the other states in the region are a great deal worse.

I will, in conjunction with the other mods.

Note that you have been criticising them for some time and this thread has stayed open. Should I or the other mods become convinced that the reason for this criticism is a dislike or hatred of Jews in general rather than the policies of Israel in particular, this thread will be locked and other action may be taken as felt by the mods to be appropriate.

How about splitting the Zionist Israel stuff from this thread?


Why did you call this thread as the Giant Zeonist Conspirasy?
And if you has bagan the new thread from MY nickname - why did not you consults with me?

It’s called “Giant Zionist Conspiracy” because that seems to me to accurately describe the contents of the thread.
It begins with your post because you were the first poster to take it off topic and start talking about Zionism - everyone else was talking about the Vietnam war.

If you have any issues with my decisions in either of the above, take it up with General Sandworm or Dani.

And in my mind this wrong stopid mane for this thread.
You clearly know - there is no any conspirasy issues - all the material that we have discused in here WERE TAKEN form the official non-extremists sites including the americans.
We discussed here the things that have already heppend

It begins with your post because you were the first poster to take it off topic and start talking about Zionism - everyone else was talking about the Vietnam war.

Not evryone else. We dicussed also the Liberty issue and the political movenments in the USA in the times - not ONLY the vietnam war especialy in lasts posts.
Besides the things are tightly related - how could you determine that the Zionism did not touch the Vietnam war problems?


Because Zionists are giants? :smiley:

See my previous comment…