Greatest Battle of WW2

As I told you, Moscow was in safety. Even the germans captured the Stalingrad, they can’t do it without big losses. And they wouldn’t have enough power to the attack of the Moscow. Also, SU have a lot anothers oil plants, but Hitler would be in need to build the the installations to reach the oil. And that installation would be very vulnerable. It’s not good idea to have an oil plants in the frontline.

Yes but you do not getting what I am saying they dont need to get to Moscow, if Stalingrad fell to the Germans Stalin would of fallen from power.

Not a chance. You don’t know psyhology, or at least psyhology of russian. Than more danger from outer intervention, than more people begin to believe in own goverment and help with all forces…

I know im no phylosopher, but I do read history books. Think of it, its slightly logical, Stalingrad bears Stalins name.

SAM, I’m much closer than you to the Russians :smiley: :smiley:
We fought with the Russians and I want to tell you that I agree totally with Komissar Ombrok!!
Even if Stalingrad capitulated to the Germans and allies, Red Army outnumbered soldiers and tanks would strive any resistence.

Ya, I would think this the right thing, but as I read History books about the Russian front, they disagree, how is this so?

Who are they? Western historians? Russian historians?
IMO the capture of Stalingrad by Germans could only boost their morale and nothing more. Stalingrad itself doesn’t have a strategic importance. Hitler ordered that Stalingrad to be conquered. And I suppose that all we could agree about the lack of strategic abilities of Hitler…

Yep. Absolutely right. As I said, the Stalingrad was only question of pride. About Stalin… Hm… After he died, Chruschev very quickly ruined the country, and he want to find a victim to reload to it his personal sins. The victim was Stalin. Hundreds historians wrote books and downed Stalin in mud with all methods. Don’t forget - the histoey in Russia always had written by order, not by facts…

Well the Battle of France could have stopped the War before it really got started if we had been ready. And the Battle of Britain was the first decisive victory against the Germans.

Stalingrad and Midway were both turning points but then so was North Africa.

Well please list any more battles that you think where important. Another battle that was very important was the British raid on Deippe. Although a great failure the British learned much from this and helped out greatly when the Invasion of Normandy finally came.

Again Please list any battles you can think of because i will be starting the Poll here in the next couple of days. :smiley:

Battle at Baranovichi at the Jule 41. Because of foolish commanding of Jukov, Red Army lost about 12.000 tanks. (more 200 KV-1, about 1000 T-34, others was light, BT and PT series) German lost only about 300-400 tanks. Jukov sended tanks in baranovichi, where between houses they was destroyed by infantry…

That tanks was fully enough to stop ALL 3800 light tanks of Vermaht.

Yes, I guess you could say that because of that operation, thousandths were saved on D-day. And it was a good thing Montgomery planned it.

K started the poll. Hope i got all the ones you wanted. I grouped Kursk with Prokhorovka and Baranovichi coz i kinda felt that they were part of the same operation and battle. Please feel free to correct me if im wrong. I listed Leningrad because even though it was a seige the people inside the city actually did the fighting in a sense by holding out. Moscow wasnt a clear battle as some of the others but I found it important to list because all that took place to protect the captial. Please feel free to correct me on that one as well. …So please vote and lets see what happens.

Do you want us to vote for favorite battle or for what you think was the most decisive?

What you find the most interesting…therefore favorite. I picked El Alamein …was hard to not pick Midway…just because of everything that was going on with it. Just my opinion. Im guessing you did too?

What you find the most interesting…therefore favorite. I picked El Alamein …was hard to not pick Midway…just because of everything that was going on with it. Just my opinion. Im guessing you did too?[/quote]

Yes Id have to say El Alamein, mostly because my grandfather fought there. And Im quite interested in the North Africa campaign. It was also very well played out, with dummy tanks to the south and so forth.

But I am also very interested in Tobruk, I believe that is the longest siege in history? It was a back and forth battle, with the Axis advancing forward, then losing it and so forth.

My vote goes to both Midway and Kirsk.

I chose Midway for the sea war because it was a huge battle, the turning point in the war in the Pacific, and because it was a battle of incredible intensity and turmoil. Many terrible and amazing things happened in that tremendous battle.

On land I would chose Kursk, for the same reasons.

My vote goes for Kursk.
The battle of Kursk was monumental for numerous reasons but will almost always be remembered for being the largest clash of armor certainly during WW2.

I’m not sure whether the question is really a poll of the “favourite” battle of WWII or the most significant. But if it is about the most important battle I would have to disagree with…well all of you as it goes! :lol:

I would agree that Kursk is more important than Staligrad. Even if the Germans won Stalingrad (and they did practically capture the city) its another question whether they could have got the oil-fields. The Germans were still on the offensive after Stalingrad. It was Kursk that stopped them dead - they never went forward after that.

El Alamein was a great battle for the British but still a sideshow as part of a global war.

Midway probably was the turning point of the Pacific War but more because of the loss of Japanese elite pilots than their carriers.

The greatest battle in terms of size and significance has to be the collapse of Army Croup Centre in July 1944. The Russians called it Operation Bagration. This battle dwarfed Kursk, smashed a whole Army Group and the German Forces on the Eastern Front never recovered from the ensuing chaos.

Two more points:

  1. I don’t think the Germans could ever had scored a knock-out blow in the East. Even if they had lost Moscow they had lost it before to Napoleon. (of course Moscow wasn’t and Industrial or rail hub in 1812 but even so). The only way the Germans could have won was if someone in STAVKA put bullet through Stalin’s face. I just can’t see it happenning - Stalin was too cunning. He’d killed anyone with the balls enough to do it in the '30s.

  2. For the British the most significant battle has to be the Battle of the Atlantic. the British took heavy losses in this battle and, once Sealion was shelved, it was Hitler’s only chance to knock them out of the War.

Please add these 2 Battles to your poll.

I still like EL ALAMEIN,erwin rommel is the best general of the history.