Greatest Battle of WW2

D-Day is biggest battle in ww2 :wink:

Stalingrad I think is the best battle of World War 2, without this, the Battle of Kursk would probably not even happen, and the number of tanks the Soviets destroyed helped the D-Day landings SO SO MUCH. Without this battle the German tanks that never were destroyed could keep the Allies at bay in Frances :idea:

No man if the axis win in Stallingrad soviets lose the war ,do you know how time will need to transport panzers in rusia in france .
Germans can’t stoped americans in france 180.000 alied been in france
8.6.1944 germans have offansive with 80.000 mans ,they never can’t stop americans.

I’m saying with the tanks that were never destroyed by the Russians, and kept in France, they could have slaughtered the D-Day drops and Beach head, even if they took the SS 3rd Panzer Guard up to the Beaches, trust me, the 3 Sides D-Day alliance would have suffered so many casualties and probably not enough forces to break through the whole of France in the time they did if that makes sense :lol:

What basis is this based on?

Bringing the Tanks closer to the Beach simply allows the Big Navy guns to wreck them faster. Ever seen any photos of Tigers after the 12 Inch Guns finished with them?

What basis is this based on?

Bringing the Tanks closer to the Beach simply allows the Big Navy guns to wreck them faster. Ever seen any photos of Tigers after the 12 Inch Guns finished with them?[/quote]

Battleship gun can destroyd any tank ,Firefly do you know something about germans elephant tanks .

Who said they had to be right up close to the beach, with that a butt load of tanks in the Normandy bocage and in the surrounding times, think of how hard of a time the Allies would breaking through German lines, I’m only saying it would extend the war a few months and with a lot more casualties, but the air power of the Allies would truly prevail :stuck_out_tongue:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: there youa’r in right. :lol: :lol:

id say a turning point of the war would b Greece and its domino effect which led to my personal favourite battle of Stahlingrad

without a dought the Stahlingrad Battle was the Greatest Battle of WW2 (except for Normandy)

Scorched Earth tactics the Russians used surely did work and a little help from one of the most coldest Russian winters ever and no winter uniform for the Nazi’s most DEFIANTLY contributed to the Russians battle success

Your assuming that they know the location of the landing beach. How are they to get the tanks to the beach? By what day would they arrive? The task of the airborne landings was to secure the flanks and stop re-enforcement, which they did very well. The Germans would have had the same problems that 21st army had if they had attacked a defensive position. This was aptly shown in N Africa when the Germans attacked out of Medenine on 7th March 1943.

kursk: greatest material battle. period.

read glantz’s new battle of kursk book. it has new information from soviet archives.

it seems to me that the final showdown at pro…:slight_smile: was a german victory instead of a tie.

Well I believe that not one battle led to the defeat of the Germans. But the combined resistence of the Allied powers. The RAF had stopped the German invasion of the continent that allowed the ETO a base of operations. The code Breakers at Bletchly Park, the lost momentum in North Africa and at Stalingrad. The resitence of Tito’s partisans tying down 14 German divisions by the end of 1943 and the Invasion Italy tied up considerable German forces from being diverted to Normandy. Normandy relieved pressure from the Ostfront. The control of shipping lanes in the Atlantic gave the Allies vital American supplied men and materials. The destruction of the Luftwaffe over time and regaining of the skies choked rail and road transport. The continuos day and night bombing runs destroyed industry and large populated areas. The Italian campaign gave Allied bombers a base to attack the Ploesti oilfileds. This debate could go on and on. The point is is that Hitler lost the war the moment he started it. He had no strong European allies and interfered way too often in military affairs cusing the defeat of many operations. An example would have been his invasion of Russia. Instead of invading in April as planned he set back his move 2 critical months to deal with Italy’s Balkan affairs which he originally condemned.

I voted for Stalingrad. In all senses Stalingrad was the greatest battle of WWII. The loss of life, how long the battle lasted, and the sheer importance of this battle. Stalingrad really wasnt a very stratigical city to capture, although it would have hurt the Soviet Union to a certain degree if the Germans would have. However, the city was important in a Soviet spirit sort of way. The city, that was named after the supreme ruler of the Soviet Union beared some kind of moralistic significance. If the city was lost, morale for the Red Army would have dropped dramatically. The German Armys defeat marked the first turning point in WWII. The German march came to a halt, and slowly but surely the Germans would be driven off Soviet soil.