Greek army

You should send a PM to our mods regarding this problem.

some instructions for my greek friend :slight_smile: =

1)do click on profile:

then go down in the profile page,and when you see this:

just paste the link to your image in the signature (no forget putting )

before this,you must go down,and when you see this:

you should click on submit.

and ready :smiley:

note that the data of profile you see is from my profile.

Thanks Erwin
Lets try it!

you can?

Tsolias, can you answer something to me??
What are exactly the Evzones. I Have read about being light infantry, but wich was their rol inthe Hellenic Army? Do you know any combat action of these troops? Are there still Evzones in the Army?

Tsolias I took your avatar down. Erwin will make it to size for you and will post it here

then just set it as your avatar.

Hey Natxo

In in big night of the 400 years of Ottoman domination the alone light, the alone hope for the remainder Greek Gender was the action of that undisciplined men, kleftes and armatoli, which in the tall and inaccessible mountains of Greece, continued fighting adversely in the conqueror, maintaining unquenchable the flame for the Freedom.
This warriors (Tsoliades)constituted the military core of 1821 Revolution . Their arms and their costumes were worshipped as holy. Central and characteristic element of martial uniform and generally the picture of kleftes and armatoli was their foystanella ( a white skirt) Tsolia’s therefore was the Greek with the undisciplined soul, the person that do not accept his fate, the fighter, the lad, that doesn’t calculates the difficulties and the predicaments, fights for the freedom and for a better life without the fear of death. At the duration of revolution ’ 21 in 1824, with the creation of first regular Army, a battalion was formed of infantry, constituted from six companies from which the one was named Company Evzonon. Is then presented for first time, the term Evsonas. The first these Evzoni brought uniform, the planning of which, was based on the mainlands’ Greek National costume and included short white foustanella, fermeli and red fesi. The term Evzonas, it means “well armed” can be found in the Homers writings, where with this name describes their light armed warriors that are distinguished for their robustness and their martial faculties. The Evzoni soldiers in the armies of ancient Greeks were light armed and agile contrary to the heavily armed soldiers and constituted their own companies. They was also called or “naked” or “gymnite” and their weapons included the light shield, the javelin, the sling and the arc. After the 1821 revolution,Greeks created units of Light Infantry, corresponding with the Frenches “hunters” Austrians and the English, “rifle men”. These soldiers of Light Infantry took the ancient Greek name “Evzoni.” Regular light Infantry with soldiers wearing the foustanella,presented itself for first time in the English occupated Ionian islands. In 1809 were created the 1st Modern Greek Light Infantry and in 1813 the 2 Greek Light Infantry. In 1864 were created a Regiment of Evzoni from selected volunteers. The 1868 took the shape of four independent battalions of Evzoni which were constituted partial from a regular force of Greek Army and were intended to the keep borders safe. The men that manned this battalions should be volunteers and no conscripts, have all required for the classification in the army bodily and intellectual faculties, proven good conduct and morals, to not exceed fortieth year of their age and to be at preference bachelors. Naturally the volunteers that emanated were preffered to be from themountainous regions of country. The uniform of men of these new battalions were the Greek military uniform with short foustanella, the fermeli, red fesi, tsaroyhia etc At Balkan wars 1912-1913 the Evzoni with news characteristic, olive green uniform, the Manliher with the bayonet in the hand and the cry of “air” that was then heard for first time played a leading part in the release of the rest regions of Greece. For the peculiarity of their uniform and for their bravery the Evzoni were established internationally as the symbol of Greek Armed Forces, but also Greece in generally.

And here’s a pic of a modern Tsolias:

Isn’t their uniform based on the traditional dress of the people from the mountains, similar to the kilts of the Scots?


Yes thats right.
It’s the traditional dress for the men of Greek mainland.

Hi, i’m new… and i am a University Student so i dont have much time for chatting :roll: :wink:

i just wanted to say a great bravo to Tsolias over here for the time he spent on writting that and the time he spent reading and searching about them :smiley:
'Evge Tsolia :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Wow another Greek!
Kali dinami file mou!

I’d like to join Myrmidon in saying thanks to Tsolias!
Good job Tsolias! :smiley:

Thanks Colonel
Im full of great info for Greece in WWII (altough in Greek and needs to be translated), so stay tuned for more!

@ Tsolias (and whoever else may know)

Firstly, Hi!

Now to the crux of the matter:

I need to find out something, and I am hoping that you can help me. The Hellenic uniform of World War II, is it based absolutely on the British P37 uniform?

Check here:

(Sorry if linking to commercial sites is disallowed, but I just saw this thread and registered quickly to post in this thread.)

(Aniko ston Apodimo Ellinismo)

Please tell me, if this is correct. Otherwise, could you please tell me where I could a full Hellenic uniform? I have searched EVERYWHERE on the internet and I can’t find anything!


Gia sou file mou!
Well Im afraid the uniform you linked is wrong.
Check out this here:
These are all the uniforms worn by the Greek Army in WWII.
Although they are just artitstic reproductions and not actual pics, they are historically accurate.
If you got any more questions (about Greece in WWII) feel free to post them on this topic.

Xairetw apo tin makrini Australia!

I ask about the uniform because I want to purchase a full set. Boots, Helmet/Field Cap, Trousers, Jacket etc etc.

I had heard that they used the British uniform (in addition to the French). I’ll post the link when I get back from work tonight.


Lene oti i Australia einai panemorfi, einai alitheia?
After the war (and for about a decade) they had all the stuff that allies left behind (ships,trucks,guns and of course uniforms).
Before and after that we had our own.
An mporo na se boithiso me tin stoli na mou peis ok?

Ela Tsolia,

Click on uniforms. It states that there were a few (four in fact) uniforms employed by the Greek army during WW2.

This is what it states there:

During the course of the campaign the British Government supplied large amounts of uniforms and helmets, while the Greek Government issued a lot of older items from storage.

I have read similar things elsewhere. So you can see why I am in this dilemma. :slight_smile:

H Australia exei tis omorfiew tiw, oxi omws tis Elladas.

Ws pros tin stoli, isws na prepei na zitisw tin boitheia sou. Tha sinechisw tis erevnes, kai an apotixw, an theleis na mou kaneis tin kalosini, tha imoun poli eugnomon. :slight_smile: