Guess what this cannon is?

sure i do

its call P-1500, sorry
and its never been completely built, one of them is half build and use as a battery in norway

P 1000 turret ended up at coastal defence battery (Batterie Oerlander) near Trondheim, Norway.

In December of 1942, Krupp created new design of 1500 ton tank - P 1500. It frontal armor would be 250mm thick and it would be armed with 800mm super heavy mortar “Dora” type and possibly two 150mm artillery pieces. P 1500 would be powered by two or four submarine diesel engines. In early 1943, Albert Speer cancelled both projects.

Quoted from achtungpanzer.

As for the Dora and Gustav:

The battle of Sevastopol was mostly due to the world largest rail gun ever produced durning the war. It had a crew of a 2000 men to set up and fire it, I am obviuosly talking about Gustav. It had a 80cm cannon and had a special 7100-kg concrete-piercing shells. It fired at best one round every 15 minutes. After the battle of Sevastopol it was scrapped and the parts used for other railway guns. Then there was Thor and Karl also a wich were on tracks and had a 42cm barrol but it was very short and not so long as the railway guns.


FW190 wrote …

there is a tank call R-1500 or something
its over 1000 tons
i should have pointed this out first

My humble apologies FW190 pilot, I thought you were leading us astray suggesting that such a beast existed.

One word concerning these “super tanks”:


Check this: :shock:

Thanks for that awesome link Dani, you made me join this forum :slight_smile:


Point taken, two more have just occured to me:


Re-fuelling? How many tankers would it need? Ammo supply! So many things to think about!

Just imagine the track bash

I really think that beyond a certain size, things just become too difficult to support these giant Land-ships. Its all well having a roaming beheamoth that can fire a supershell 23 miles. In all honesty though none of them were practical. Even the Tiger 1 had problems with a lot of bridges, never mind about the King Tiger and that mighty waste of Steel, the JagdTiger.


Some more pics of this particular railway gun. Check those stats …1625 m/s muzzle velocity :shock:

Couple of points:

  1. Santa doesn’t exist
  2. She wasn’t really washing her hair, she just thought you smelled funny
  3. The KV-VI is a hoax

Sorry guys.

:!: Monty’s Double, please get on topic. Thanks :wink:

Monty’s Double expressed (in an unorthodox way) his opinion on KV posted by me earlier (

I don’t want to comment because I haven’t any new information. Could be a hoax or could be true. Time (and opening of the ex-Soviets archive :wink: ) will tell.

Apologies for my facetiousness, just trying to let people down gently. Check the references at the bottom of the article:

Dreadful Din on the Eastern Front, Erich Maria Remarque Jr.; Podzun Verlag; 1951

Do I need to say more?

Monty’s Double expressed (in an unorthodox way) his opinion on KV posted by me earlier (

I don’t want to comment because I haven’t any new information. Could be a hoax or could be true. Time (and opening of the ex-Soviets archive :wink: ) will tell.[/quote]

That is the stupidest idea of a tank design I’v ever seen, I’d give it twenty minutes in combat, if the crew were lucky.