Gun Collections.

With all the anti freaks in Australia and NZ you must be at the top of somebody’s “potentially dangerous mofos” list with that bunch. :smiley:

Doubt it, there are much bigger collections in NZ than mine, besides we scared most of the anti-gunners away, they are getting more simpthy in Australia.

Erwin, doesn’t sound like I’d like Argentinan gun laws at all :frowning:

Anyone else collect? Have images to share?

Bas, I lived in NZ for a while back in the early 90’s and noticed a good selection of classic weapons available from dealers though only having temporary status buying was’nt an option. One store I visited in Cromwell ( Otago ) had a selection of Russian and Chinese AK’s and SKS’s that were souveniers from the Vietnam war and stacks of ww2 vintage Lee Enfields the store owner was a top bloke.
What part of NZ are you from.

Besides just a handful of old stuff my weapons are mostly modern pistols which my family and I shoot at the indoor range. Both my daughters enjoy the sport and we have other female friends that go along with us. Bottom line is that we have fun! :smiley:

I have a Webley Mk. VI made in 1916 and a Czech Mauser Vz.24 made in 1938, but that’s it.

Thats the most important part, its a hobbie after all not a competition.

DerMann is the Webley in .455? have you ever shot it?

Yes, and yes.

Around here, we can’t buy a MP 44, I love it, It’s a cult object
the first of this class… I hate you :evil:

No,that’s only for collectionists,and it has to not be activated (civilians cannot shoot any of those weapons,only handguns and they need as i said,an expensive license and they can go to the jail if they do bad use of the weapon),those rifles only can be bought for exposition,or personal collection.
Military personal and Police or other forces such as gendarmerie are allowed to the use of this weapons,depends on each function that they do have.

Erwin, if you want to shoot a weapon like this, only need the permission of a judge, and enjoy it!!! It is easy and fast . It was for me. :arrow:

Bas ,who’s website is ? Yours?

I wish we could collect some of the hardware you have here in the states
most of what you have needs a Class 3 Lic. and a 200 dollar tax stamp for each machine gun .Most machine guns run $5000.00 and up here and you cant even find a G43 under $1800.00 here :cry:


your web site is well done :lol:

Thats a good site, I spent a while watching the videos. Shame you can’t fire the full autos!

Thanks for the feed back guys, I hope to update it again this summer. But need to raid a friends collection for that :smiley:

While get to borrow a sterling SMG in the new year which will be nice.

Bas Whats the MFG of you M1 Carbine ?? and is it all orginal (with all parts stamped by the same Mfg)??

No idea Gutowski, to be honest the carbine is not in a “collectable” state. Some time in its past this rifle was stolen and the crooks ground off the serial number and manufacture’s name. To make it worse the stock has been inlet and the recever tapped for a scope.

Apart from that the bore is mint, it has an underwood 6-43 marked barrel with flaming bomb, the stock is stamped SG with a crossed cannons cartouche, the early bolt, rear sight and magazine release (or safety). All the parts are marked SG.

No idea Gutowski, to be honest the carbine is not in a “collectable” state. Some time in its past this rifle was stolen and the crooks ground off the serial number and manufacture’s name. To make it worse the stock has been inlet and the recever tapped for a scope.

Apart from that the bore is mint, it has an underwood 6-43 marked barrel with flaming bomb, the stock is stamped SG with a crossed cannons cartouche, the early bolt, rear sight and magazine release (or safety). All the parts are marked SG.[/quote]

Oh man that sucks that it was stolen sorry to hear that :cry:

I brought the rifle after it had been recovered by the police who stamped a new serial number on it and then sold it.

Luckily I’ve never had a gun stolen from me.

still the history of that carbine will forever be lost :cry: