Had Goering come to power . . .

And again, the lack of insight…

Yes, but I think in Goering’s defense, what did the Luftwaffe need jets for when they were already defeating everyone with excellent piston engined machines? And Germany knew full well the Allies had no super-weapons and were certainly no further ahead if they weren’t far behind Germany in the research and development of jet aircraft. And that perhaps rightfully, he may also have seen Germany needed more Me109s and FW190s and that accelerating jet design would have only further slowed production or sapped resources…

I believe this was never a major obstacle as they merely referred to the fighters as fighter-bombers just like the StG44 was originally designated a machine-pistol because Hitler initially wanted more rifles, not new designs of them…

Not that keen on Goering. not at all. For me it was a simple nazi with let’s say a nice apetite.
Rommel, Guderian, Von Manstein and Speer are the bright ones. It’s not a surprise most of them were no nazi officials. Speer is an exception.