Hitler and the electric chair

HG wrote

The US goverment was begged to help the Brittish from Churchill to send ammo, feul, destroyers, tanks, planes, food ect, ect.

Hardly something to be proud about though is it.

I don’t think we begged, we requested aid. Yes, the US did do alot, but one thing should be remember when you think that you won the war for us. You didn’t join in until half way through. When the German tide had been pretty much stopped if not turned.

The ability of the US to big itself up is unparrelled. I noticed in the Gulf and even tonight on the Prez’s speech about Eyeraq that the Americans will often brag how good they are, yet also claim others victories.

During the Gulf you would get news reporters refering to American ops for jobs carried out by americans and Coalition ops for those carried out be other nations. They never referred to British ops if they were carried out by Brits.

Tonight listening to the Prez, you would never even realise there were anybody else in Eyeraq other than the Americans.

Strange, that such a mighty country acts in this way.

Stop there for a moment. I am not a American, I live in South Africa, The most southern part of Africa.

I am not a fan of the US goverment nor what they are doing today, but Churchill did beg the US goverment to help because the US did not want to become involved in the war. Why did he beg? The UK still had great debt from WW1 and was not paid back in full and thus they was verry reluctant to give aid to the UK. If the US did not help the UK, they was gone. Hitler would have broke the back of the UK and thus win the entire Europe.

They did beg the US they just do not want to say it in so many words.


Not exactly - with minimal US help (minor relaxations of the neutrality rules, little else) the UK remained secure against invasion throughout 1940 and only became more so with the attack on Russia. The US contribution was in allowing the UK to fight elsewhere, and allowing it to act offensively rather than just defensively. Big difference.

Henk, the correct term in your post for “to beg” is “to ask”.

Dani what I mean with beg is that the US did not want to give aid at first and that is why Churchill beg the US and he told them why they should help and thus they started to send intensly. In Afrikaans we say “smeek” that means asking intensly like begging.


ja, misschien, maar in het nederlands zeggen wij “rot” tegen jouw…

There was no “begging”. Roosevelt was all too happy to bend the rules on neutrality to help the Brits. Early in the war, materiel was paid for in cash - just like any customer. Lend-Lease did not come into being until March 11, 1941.

Lay of the crack dude.....I don't know what you listen to but I always hear my president mention the coalition troops and the work being done in Iraq. If your troops are not getting the press you want maybe you should call your reporters and bitch to them. All I know is on my news channel where I live they always report on ALL the troops and the work they are doing..not just on US soldiers.
  I come to expect this type of negativity from you when it comes to the U.S. but for me it just gets old.

LOL Mike, havent you just proved his point there? Mind you, you have a valid point too, theres not that much day to day stuff in the UK press anymore anyway.

No, I dont think so. Like I said I hear reports about ALL the soldiers in Iraq on my news not just U.S. soldiers. Please explain how I proved his point.

By calling non-US soldiers in Iraq coalition.

Ive heard reports on Polish troops, British troops and I could go on and on. I heard the words British troops come from the President lots of times, the word COALITION means an alliance ( close relationship), a temporary one between factions or parties. In a speach a lot has to be said in a little time. So thats why I believe the word coalition is used and people without a chip on their sholdier dont have a problem with it.
When a British operation is done over in Iraq, Im sure there is also some support from the US on the mission, like info from AWAC aircraft, radio communications and on and on. Thats my 2 cents

Mike, there are lots of things that I respect about America.

However when it comes to reporting on Iraq, most of the American channels I have seen, particularly the Fox and CNN channels, always report like that. US for US ops, Coalition for anybody else. I also appreciate that Fox is a pretty poor news channel at best, with most stories spun, but many of your countries news channels are very similar.

I remember the fantastic headline by Fox during the Gulf in '03. “The Shi’ite has hit the fan!!” priceless.

I watched your Prezzes speech only last night in it’s entirety. He voiced his appreciation for the rescuers in West Virginia, and his thoughts for the victims families and then spoke about Iraq.

Not once did he mention the work by the British, for example in training and other help to the Iraqi forces and police.

He has mentioned British forces work but this is mainly when it was unavoidable, Camp Dogwood for example, or when our Tone was stood next to him.

You are right, many operations these days are carried out by mixed nations. The US does carry out a large amount of these, due to your countries size, which is reflected by the size of your forces. I also appreciate the politics that exist within your country such as the isolationists, the world police men and those who think that both these are wrong!!!

There have been 2,386 coalition deaths, 2,187 Americans, one Australian, 98 Britons, 13 Bulgarians, two Danes, two Dutch, two Estonians, one Hungarian, 26 Italians, one Kazakh, one Latvian, 17 Poles, one Salvadoran, three Slovaks, 11 Spaniards, two Thai and 18 Ukrainians in the war in Iraq as of January 5, 2006, according to a CNN count.

Look at these numbers, I count 16 Nations not counting the U.S. could you imagine if Mr. Bush had to mention by name every Nation helping with this war in every speech? I know I would screw it up if I had to. I think using the word coalition is a smart and polite way of acknowledging every Nation helping with this effort.

So why use the term US at all? It is a team effort is it not?

If my presidant tell me something I look first if it is tru. They are politisions and they can not always be trusted. Well the US did give the UK some aid before the Lend Lease gave the UK more war material. Yes, in the begining they did pay in cash but it was not so much as the lend lease material.

OK MoS I am Afrikaans but Nederlands is still a problem to read. Please put it in English for me.


YES…by all means this is a team effort and every Nation involved deserves credit and my thanks. Why use the term US at all? I don’t know maybe because this effort is lead by the U.S. but your going to have to ask the politicians that. :? I have no problem with them saying US, British and Coalition forces are to thank.

I get that Mike, but in the UK news if a country does something is said so… i.e. the polish, part of the coalition, did this… or our coalition partners, the poles, did this…

Unfortunately the American media is very media spun.

I don’t give to much credit to ANY news organization, including your’s. By the looks of the death toll maybe you hear more about the US operations because they are doing the majority of the combat.

I can see 1000ydstare’s point that in the past there has been a propencity for US news services to use the US forces tag for a success and coalition forces for when things go tit’s up but by the same token US forces do make up the majority of ground forces.

US news agencys are going to concentrate their reporting on issues around US forces because that is what their target audience want.

I find the quality of reporting poor all round with more and more negitive reporting on military opp’s and what reports there are being pushed back towards the end of bullitins. I heard a brief report of 5 US casualties on ABC radio news at 5pm but later bullitins failed to mention the story at all, like it didnt matter.

It’s reminds me of that old BBC standard comment from the 70’s-80’s regarding Northern Ireland “last night another soldier” slipped in between the football scores and the skate boarding rabbit and that seems to be the direction that the BBC is heading with it’s coverage of British Forces in Iraq.

This is of course way off topic so lets all drop it before it degenerates into a free for all like the one with Tinman, Force Protection V Hearts and Minds.

“german are nice people,but i actually think that the latins are better persons than the germanics (yes,im a germanic,and i think the latin people are nicer and very good persons)”

dude get a clue you racist.
claiming one race is better than another?
go away and dont come back untill you get educated.
