Hitler confirmed to have survived WW2!?

Ha, your naive kangaroo mind misleads you. They would go there because nobody would expect them to go there. Duh.

I mean, who would ever bother to check Argentina for Nazis?


:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Good thinking, 99.

Argentina declared war on Germany just before the war ended.

Why would any Nazi go to such a hostile country?

Argentina was pretty friendly from 1943 up to 1955, the war declaration on Germany was a mascarade to content the allies.

It was certainly a masquerade, but to the extent it contented the Allies it was done only to try to preserve Argentina’s position after supporting the Nazis throughout the war.

Osmar Alberto Hellmuth (KV 2/1722-1724)

In October 1943 Hellmuth, an Argentinean of German origin, was appointed as an official to the Argentine Consulate in Barcelona as a cover story. Acting with the approval of President Ramirez and senior German SD officials, Hellmuth was to travel to Germany and contact Walter Schellenburg, head of section VI of the SD, who would introduce him to Himmler and possibly Hitler. Despite Argentina´s neutral status Hellmuth had been briefed to negotiate the purchase of arms and precision instruments from Germany, and to reassure senior Nazis that Argentina remained sympathetic to their cause in spite of Allied pressure to break off diplomatic relations. The details of the equipment required were to be sent by diplomatic bag to Madrid by the Minister for War and future president, Juan Domingo Peron. However, in violation of his diplomatic status, Hellmuth was arrested at Trinidad and transferred to Britain where he was interrogated at camp 020, revealing the details of his mission and the identities of senior Nazis such as Siegfried (aka Sigmund) Becker, the head of the SD in Argentina. Ultimately, the information revealed during the interrogation of Hellmuth was used by the Allies to help precipitate the collapse of the Ramirez government and to force Argentina to break off diplomatic relations with the Axis countries.

Toward the close of the war, the American states met in the Inter-American Conference on the Problems of War and Peace at Mexico City in February 1945. Uninvited Argentina was conspicuously absent. The diplomats focused their attention upon the place that Pan-American regionalism would have in the plans for the proposed United Nations. Prodded by the United States, the Latin Americans insisted upon their right to protect themselves without having to seek the approval of the UN Security Council. Ultimately this demand was approved in the UN Charter. The conference also recommended that Argentina, after declaring war on the Axis, be permitted to participate in the San Francisco sessions that formalized the United Nations. The delegates drafted the Act of Chapultepec, which required the states to conclude a treaty of reciprocal assistance, a treaty on the settlement of disputes, and a new regional arrangement that would substitute a permanent treaty for the various informal agreements underlying the inter-American association in the past.
http://www.americanforeignrelations.com/O-W/Pan-Americanism-Pan-americanism-since-1945.html My emphasis

And, realising it was on the outer with the other Pan-American states and would be sidelined internationally if it didn’t declare war on Germany, Argentinia duly declared war on Germany.

For a different view try http://www.spiritone.com/~gdy52150/goldp7.html#

The NSDAP was popular in Argentina, there were Argentina NSAP rallies up to 1944 in several major cities, that was never a secret. It was seen as an alternative force to the british “imperialism” and the best solution against the comunism, a doctrine much hated and feared in Argentina in those days.

but there have been many conspiracy theories about hitler surviving ww2 in the last 65 years

Talking about Hitler and Argentina:

[b]Argentine police arrested 36 skinheads at an event celebrating the 120th anniversary of the birth of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, officials told AFP on Wednesday.

[/b]The Sunday arrests came after a “prolonged and meticulous investigation,” said Daniel Perez, the second in command of the Federal Police unit in charge of investigating hate crimes.

Police broke into the Central Argentine Club, in the town of San Martin, in Buenos Aires province, while a recital was being held by the local chapter of the neo-Nazi group “Blood and Honour,” Perez said.

Police found Nazi-related material, including flags with swastikas, films and CDs of music with racist and anti-semitic lyrics, Perez said.

“Blood and Honour,” which is based in Britain, has chapters across Europe and the Americas and is aimed at promoting Nazi ideology.

The arrests are “an important success in the struggle to eradicate these groups of Nazi ideology that are a threat to Argentine society,” the Delegation of Israeli Associations in Argentina said in a statement.


Argentina has the largest Jewish community in Latin America.

So hitler was alive what happend to skippy the gold fish?(inside joke for some of you)

Hitler had facial reconstruction surgery, and is now playing with the Rolling Stones under the name “Keith Richards” I’m unsure if the surgery was a success.

Eh…Hitler was a no-smoker :), no way he could be Richards.

That may be part of his cover,:slight_smile:

Dude, do you really think a smoker would be living that long? :smiley:

It’s obvious that he’s only smoking these gum cigarette-lookalikes. :mrgreen:

I knew it !!! :slight_smile:

That may be part of his cover,

Statistically with the quantity of smoking he had Richards have the same chances of being alive as Hitler :lol:

look about the same age too. :mrgreen: