Hitler's painting

Don’t be sorry! Threads can be re-started anytime. This is the whole idea od this Forum. We want to attract knowledgeable people and be a source of knowledge for anyone!

Hitler just outlined what “he wanted” in his sketch. Ferdinand Porsche realised what Hitler wanted - and Beetle was born…



Hehe some forums get angry at u even if u ask a qouestion on it :o

So Hitler is the creater of thats car mm Nice too know.

Thanks dude ;).

Hi mate,

Any question you want… we will bent backwards to meet your demands…
and answer your questions



Thanks ;).
1 more Q:

If Hitler did draw why is not a hitler musem or a place too look on what he draw? OR is it? I dont find shomting on internet. Sorry.

There’s no museum of Hitler’s paintings because he’s not very good at it (plus it would be way too controversial for anyone to have such an exhibit). I can go to my local Thomas Kinkaid franchise and buy paintings/prints better than his sceneries :stuck_out_tongue:

But yes, like someone who mentioned this before, I also wish Hitler was a much better painter – it’s a big What-If, but the European War may have been avoided if he became an artist instead. Or at least the worst part of it, the Holocaust, would possibly had been avoided.

That’s right, Hitler is on a bad side of the fence and displaying his bad art is not topic which would have a good press. (Same thing with photos of Michael Jackson with kids - baaaad.)

There is however a market for his paintings and even false Hitler’s paintings are fetching substantial sums. Like all rare collectibles

I have a feeling, after thinking a bit, that war would start anyway. No matter how good would be Hitler’s paintings after his studies, he would have no money, would enlist to the army and start political career after WWI.

Writing this post and being fresh after watching some dokumentaries about Hitler and re-reading Bullocks biography, I get an idea for the new thread.
" Who was behind Hitler? Who promoted him? For whom he really worked?"

I don’t believe in miraculous political careers happening overnight.



