Hitlers Reich closer than you think?

AM_R.A.D.6th- One thing you are right about- this site is dead… :shock:

Excuse me Twicht but I disagree…I am prettty much alive. :lol:

I agree with AM_R.A.D.6th there was some “trolling” but also there was excessive "what if " topics. :roll:

I dont think the site is dead either, I just think that some people have become rather negative because others didnt agree with everything they said and werent afraid to ask questions about certain posts. Questions which in turn were not answered while other posters were shot down with flippant off the cuff remarks.

Sound like anyone we know?

I think the regulars posters here are the most straightforward stand up guys that we have ever had on the site. I would rather have 20 guys like these than 200 Spammers and fools.

I think that throwing remarks is not a way to solve this debate. I think the main thing is that when someone else does not agree with somebody esle the other party starts to make as if their opinion is is the only thing that matters or starts to force their opinion onto others.

Lets be straight forward here. I like to be straight forward.

The Future design topic just became a uglymess when other members started to diss everything and come up with things like, theis design is crap or that design had this weakness and would never fly.

The topic was about showing designs that never saw daylight or that did fly but never was action, not saying things like that design had this failure or that and thus just maje it not fun any more. we just wanted to talk about these designs and show opnes we never saw or ever thought ever existed.

I a group loves to talk about what ifs then let it be so and do not start with crap by making it unpleasant for other members. To have what ifs is a good thing and thus let other members know what you think about what you would have done in the same suttuation, but to force your oinion onto others is not right.

I think we should give the site a face lift and give it a grand opening. If you dissagree then say so but do not force your opinion onto others.

That is how I see this and yes the site has been not very happening for a while now.


So Henk

Are you saying that you can post on a subject with a statement that it is not to be discussed unless a post is positive?

That is not the point of this forum.

As for it not being so lively? It has its ups and downs.

I have no problem with anyone writing what they like here (as long as its reasonable) and neither do any of the other Mods. But anyone who does post has to accept that others may have very diffrent views on it.

The more lively threads are those that have two, or more, points of view.

Otherwise it is just a one post thread with a few posts of congratulations. There are many like this dotted around.

You do not understand what I am trying to say. Yes, I except somone giving their opinion but to force your opinion down my throught is bull. I can take somone else opinion and like to hear somone else opinion.

“I have no problem with anyone writing what they like here (as long as its reasonable) and neither do any of the other Mods. But anyone who does post has to accept that others may have very diffrent views on it.”

You are meaning yourself, do not speak for other people if you do not know what they would say.

Yes, the forum has its ups and downs.

“Otherwise it is just a one post thread with a few posts of congratulations. There are many like this dotted around.”

1000ydstare, it is so because no one else sees the work that other members does and just look right past it like the member is not even doing anything. Do you know how much time it takes to get info and post it here plus the pics to go with it?

I must say that Panzerknacker does a lot of info on the site and he does a lot of searching for the info he puts up here.

You do not even see it so do not even make as if it is nothing.


No Henk, I am meaning the MODs as a group. I do understand where you are coming from, I just happen to disagree with you.

Until the heirarchy changes the rules then we Mods abide by the rules and implement them. Now if the rules were changed to your view of how things should be done, I would abide by them too.

Finally, if Panzernacker was ignored why has he been recognised and given MOD status? He provides quality material and I’m sure has willingly entered into debate when some of his posts have been argued against.

Firefly I did not even said that the rules should be changed I only said that what you are aying sounds like your own words.

The thing about Panzerknacker was meant for 1000ydstare, but I understand what you are saying mate I am just trying to put light on the suttuation.

Now what do you think about giving the site face lift?


I’m open to all options Henk. What kind of face-lift do you have. All suggestions are wanted, perhaps you could post yours in site feedback?


Really I don’t understand what you mean Henk.

Ok, I will do so Firefly.


A front page for the forums showing all of the last posts would be nice. So you don’t have to search through all the forums.

I read all posts Henk, even if I don’t comment. If I don’t comment it is becasuse I don’t know much about that subject. So I just learn from it.

And as stated Panzerknacker has worked hard and is now a mod apparently, so it is not as if he is unappreciated.

On the future planes thread many were merely putting forward ideas on how the planes were pap. Bearing in mind that there are people on this site know a fair bit about aeronautics. It is not wrong to pull apart a fantasy plane, most of the designs were not war winners.

What if…

They mounted stub wings with nebelwerfers on the sides of a Jagtiger and a propeller around the main armament ?
That could be a great GA a/c and a possible war winner.

Please feel free to add supportive comments about this Future Design.

No get is all wrong, the thing is that we only posted pictures and info on designs. That is that. If I also do not know something I will not post there.

All that I am trying to say is that here are a lot of fighting over bull and I think it is not bad if it is a conversation or a debate but this throwing coments over and over is bull.


In the Flight of fancy thread like Crab_to_be writes on page 3. It was mainly robust discussion.

Only a few people on the sight believe that it is a flamewar the moment someone disagrees.

Remember like I said, you may dissagree, but do not force your opinion down my throught.


Cuts, I think your design would work however it wouldn’t be a war winner unless it had swords attached to the road wheels. Like Boudicas chariot.