Care to name a religion which isn’t self-styled?
As for the ‘Chosen People of the only true God’, what about the Catholic certainty that it is the one true church as expressed in the original Apostle’s Creed
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
and the later Nicene Creed
We believe in one holy
catholic and apostolic Church.
both of which are necessary beliefs for Catholics as professions of their faith, and which excludes all other religions as true religions?
So, if some bigoted arsehole with the intelligence of a gnat and an abiding grudge against anyone not like his simian self decides that you are deserving of going to the gas chamber, then it’s your fault?
Every Holocaust survivor I’ve ever met, and all the children of Holocaust survivors I’ve ever met, have always said to me when the topic of the extermination of the ancestors and relatives comes up “You can’t imagine how glad we are that members of our family were exterminated for no reason other than to allow us to glory in maintaining the guilt bounty of Hitlers’s murderous onslaught.” :shock: :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Your expressed views are offensive to anyone with any degree of humanity and any understanding of history.