Hysteria and Tantrums


I proposed Blitz for permanent banning.

Check for instance this racist post http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showpost.php?p=1613815&postcount=8

Also: “Good resources on KKK”, “Join KKK now” , “Genetics, eugenics, racial science and related subjects” and so on.

I am sick of it!!

Seconded - but can we also make sure we explain why, with examples. Include that we did offer him debate, but he declined, replying only with repetition of lies, distortions and half-truths from other websites.

Edited to add: Also, I can’t help suspecting that a band of racist fuckwits might make an expedition here from one of Blitz’s favoured haunts. Hopefully their white robes and pointy hats will slow down their typing, not to mention burning crosses playing havoc with wireless networks.

The Blitz is over hopefully. Banned his username, email address and ip. Doesnt mean that he cant come back but would be difficult so be on the look out. For now lets leave this banning on the down low. Im still interested in what some members are saying. A few others have caught my eye since Blitz appearence.

Is one of the others alephh? He has asked some questions that raised my eyebrows. However, it is far better that he (or any other) openly asks questions here where they can be answered with reasoned debate based on facts than lets the doubts linger where rather less savoury characters might be able to play on them.

…speaking of witch:

http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?p=2256095 (first post)

Could be the same person?

What a fuck nut! Well i think he was just searching so im hope he doesnt come back.

Just moved here for a while from General off-topic.

Gen. Sandworm, could we delete links to stormfront from all threads and this particular thread to move back renamed as “Racial sites” or “Blitz’s sites”?

Blitz is gone we can remove all his stuff if you think that is best. Ill go ahead and post him as DD.

Well I guess i stand corrected…it would seem that fucknuts is back and named dolabra. I thought it was funny that i got an email from him thru my ww2account and he hadnt even made a post yet. So we will ban him yet once again.

you believe the word is actually that offensive to british?

:?: :?: :?: :?: What?

:?: :?: :?: :?: What?[/quote]
the word blitz is actually offensive?
i dont know that?
i am serious and not being sarcastic

FW, what are you reffering at, speaking about “the word blitz”?

The user Blitz was banned for his link to a racial site.

This is kind of funny in a sick way.

Timur the Lame died in February of 1405, but on his deathbed he told the people who would be in charge of making his tomb that, he did not want his tomb to be disturbed, if it was, the bandits will succumb to a fate far worse than his.

Timur’s skeleton was exhumed on the night of June 19-20, 1941 by a team of Soviet scientists under Mikhail Gerasimov. They determined that the conqueror was indeed lame, and Gerasimov constructed a model of Timur’s head based on an examination of his skull. There was a local tradition at the time that said that “The War God’s sleep must not be disturbed”. If it was, then Tamerlane would return from the dead bringing war. Three days after the sarcophagus was opened, on June 22, Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa against the USSR.

Only one phrase is applicable to this:
