Ilya Ehrenburg

Thanks, pdf27!!!

I read about the ominous leaflet too lately. There is indeed no evidence for its existence.
After all one has to ask himself, was it necessary to mention Ehrenburg anyway in the late war stage after all what happened e. g. at Nemmersdorf?

Both Fisch and Tischler are communists in disguise.:wink:

Egorka, I will have to go to the hospital by tomorrow morning for some ankle surgery. Let’s discuss this matter further when I am back. I’ll let you know!

Well, apparently it was necessary for Goebbels to mention Ehrenburg. In a way it was one of Ehrenbug’s aim to scary the German public and he succeeded. I would not call this intention of his outright despicable - war is war.

Nemmersdorf is an interesting subject. Please tell what in your opinion is most realistic description of events there.

Both Fisch and Tischler are communists in disguise.:wink:

Does it make any difference in regards of them citating Munchen Institute of Modern History. Well I do not care if they are communists. I would not care even if they were nazist as far as they do not bland their political preferences in their work.

Egorka, I will have to go to the hospital by tomorrow morning for some ankle surgery. Let’s discuss this matter further when I am back. I’ll let you know!

Good luck! Get well!

Firstly, Igor, thanx for the get-well wishes, I returned much earlier as expected, thanks to modern medicine.

Well, the facts first. Nemmersdorf in East Prussia was conquered by the Red Army on October 21, 1944 (2nd Battalion/25th Guard Tank Brigade). After heavy fightings the village was re-captured by the Wehrmacht.
Here we have already two different versions: eyewitnesses report Nemmersdorf was re-taken the same day, only a couple of hours later. Official reports say german 5th Panzer-Division took the village two days later on October 23.
What happened exactly we will never know. Fact is that
a) the russian soldiers killed between 23 and 65 german civilians (women, kids and old people) as well as some french POWs
b) the Nazi leadership exploited the incident to stiffen the resistance against the advancing Red Army.
It was reported of mass rapes, mass killings, crucified women on barn doors etc. Other (german) sources say there weren’t any rapes at all. Goebbels’ employees lifted skirts and lowered underwear of the dead women.
B. Fisch’s version of disguised germans in russian uniforms to commit the massacre is an insolence though IMHO.

But do you even know pdf, that Ilia Erenburg was a JEW.
And as any Jew probably can’t be loyal to the Germans who like the Nicis jew-hate matter at that time.
Yes he wrote a anti-germans articles in Pravda, but this was happend AFTER the mass- murdering of Jews in Kiev, Odessa and ets.

Mate i think this is not so importaint what Erenberd said after the war.
He was a SPOKESMAN of Anti-Germans propogand in USSR.He was in head of propogand.
This is FACT.

But who have to blame him?
Germans , who despised and hate all the Jews during the ww2?
What did they hope on?
The Soviet Jew Erenburg will share the “Love and peace” toward the GErmans?
This is senseless question, right.
For god sake.
Why have you to defend Erenburg mate.
He was as much “russian” as you or me the “Mongol’s looking boslcshevics” from Goebbels posters:)

Uh… Ehrenburg was French, rather than Soviet - at least by extraction.

No, he was born in Kiev. In jewish family.

[i]Ehrenburg was a revolutionary as a teenager, a disenchanted poet in his youth, writing Catholic poems despite his Jewish background, a follower of Lenin on arrival in Paris, who then became an anti-Bolshevik and sensitive journalist.

Later he returned to Russia where he was hired to write Soviet propaganda, while occasionally defending his views with boldness against Stalin or government mouthpieces. He a was prominent member of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee.[/i]

He was a prominent bright writer, , although since the 1945 in soviet press his “fierce ani-germanism” has been seriously critized and attacked.

Reply is here:

Just an impression from modern Germany: the “Ilja-Ehrenburg-Straße” in Rostock/North-Eastern Germany.
The road sign gets overpainted from time to time.