Info needed for writing project

Where do you think Uncle Stalin’s boys got the idea. :slight_smile:

Maybe, but America had no compelling reason to get involved in yet another European war in WWI, which wasn’t really a world war on the geographic and homicidal scale of WWII.

Germany, consistent with Hitler’s unnecessary and idiotic declaration of war on America in WWII, forced strongly neutral America into war against Germany by the Zimmerman telegram and the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare which would target US ships.

When it comes to dealing with the US in world wars, Germany really had a death wish.

Don’t forget the large number of loans the U.S. banks were making to the Allies. And while Germany made many mistakes in regards to handling the Americans in the First World War, both sides realized early on that inevitably the United States would fear and never accept a complete domination of Western Europe under German occupation.

As for WWII, Hitler was in a bind realizing that he could never compete with America on an economic level of sheer production. His drastic action was Operation Barbarossa–hoping that taking control of the best parts of the Soviet Union–would give him all the grain, oil, factories, and (slave) labor to compete with the U.S. strategically in a long war, if Adam Tooze is to be believed…

I believe that the Zimmerman telegram was part of the reasoning for the U.S. entering WWI.

Isn’t Zimmerman a Jewish name? I don’t know if the Secretary was Jewish but it would be ironic if a Jew was a major part of the U.S. going to War with Germany.

Not really. Zimmermann (= Carpenter) ranks 20th among the most common German family names.:wink:

Numerous German-Jews were decorated WWI veterans. In fact, I recall reading somewhere that German soldiers of Jewish linage tended to have a slightly higher percentage of awards and decorations than their non-Jewish counterparts. A little fact the Nazis never could reconcile their silly “stab-in-the-back” B.S. with…

I note with sadness the contunuing propensity of many Americans to “dump on the French” whenever the opportunity presents itself. One has to wonder how many divisions the US would have supplied to the Germans had they been occupied by them. How many might have collaborated and how many would have made a pact with the devil? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

What I said is all historically true - not necessarily “dumping on the French”; and there is much that could be added to what I listed.

And we (the US) too often forget without French aid it is very unlikely there would be a USA (at least as it exist today).

The US has many sins in its past, as a Native American I am well aware of this. But I fail to see how our sins absolve the French of theirs.

Not all Americans forgot this. Look up Pershing’s first words when he arrived in France during WW1…

Most teachers want you to have at least three written sources of information.types of resources are located in different places, so you may need to do some detective work to get all of the information for your bibliography.Use a logical progression in your statement of need starting as globally as possible.and lead into the project narrative with a brief discussion of at agencies, and gather as much information as possible.proposal also has technical details because technical depth is needed to sell your project. Remember: A proposal is a persuasive document. Required Format.A proposal is a request for financial assistance to implement a project.plan should provide information on the means necessary to undertake the project.Preparation, The Proposal Summary: Outline of Project Goals.Federal agencies are required to report funding information as funds are approved, increased.

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