Infraction points

LOL A US officer tried to threaten a Scottish Crab with Leavenworth? I bet when his fellow officers heard that, they all probably laughed at him. :smiley: All in all, I was in area where the ratio of officers to NCOs was quite high (being a REMF :D), so for the most part, the Junior officers just saw us as colleagues and except for the odd prick, we were usually cool because they know the slightest trouble we caused made them look bad.

One time though, after I had only been a few months out of training, I had a wanker of a Captain tell me that I was wrong to wear a tie with short sleeve class-Bs. He was kind of being a twat and very firmly dressing me down, that I was wrong. I was respectful, but firm that I was correct, which I think surprised him a bit. (I think he was just pissed that I dressed better than him that day). In any case, I came back down to my office with copies I had made, and told one of the Captains I worked for, and he turned beet red and stormed off up stairs muttering “well he’s fucked up then!” I guess that Captain got his ass chewed out by like a summary pseudo-courts martial of fellow captains and majors, which made me feel sorta good. :smiley:

And NY State troopers can be quite different. I think I was doing 81 in a 65 mph zone. It was about 1:00AM on a Friday, and I’m pretty sure he was looking for drunks, but since I was driving home from a work site that weekend, he could tell I’d been doing nothing but driving all night from the luggage sprawled out in the back. I was pretty surely having driven through heavy Washington, DC traffic several hours earlier, and this guy just looked like the typical cop with an attitude. I could just see he was going to be a complete asshole no matter what. He sort of looked the brother from Arrested Development that was a perpetual fail. Suffice to say - I knew I was getting a ticket no matter what. So instead of being the contrite and polite pussy I am about 90% of my life in these situations hoping to minimize the damage - I basically laughed at him said he wouldn’t even have bothered to stop me if it were 12-hours later (that’s pretty much the rate of speed in daytime) Following up, I asked him if he was “bored” and could actually “take a drunk off the road” instead of haggling me. He just sort of sneered at me and gritted his teeth, but I think when one is articulate and calm, the cops are less likely to make you get out of the car and try to cause real problems for you because that can go both ways legally speaking. But the ticket was like almost $200, which was an expensive toll…

Friend of mine that was in the Air Force told me this story. When they would get the new crop of 2nd Lieutenants that all wanted a salute for the enlisted men. (Coz they thought they had earned it) My friend would gather all his buddies together and wait for a new one with a chip on his shoulder in front of the mess hall. They would line up and salute the officer one by one. Of course when the salutee is done they are free to go but the officer was not because the next person in line would be saluting. This way they delayed said officer from getting his meal. Works best with about 30 guys he said. The new officers soon learned the “no need to salute because I will be around today” saying. Anyhoo…thought it was a good story.

Speaking of saluting, Ive always thought it funny when US Warrant Officer are working alongside Brits…

What’s the point of those anyway? I’ve seen them in rank comparison sheets on the net and never quite figured why the US bothers using another in between rank no one else uses.

Thats the whole point…to piss people off and confuse them. If the US didnt make things as confusing as possible we wouldnt be doing our jobs. Goes back to the War of Independence and the lead up. Our militia didnt line up and face the Brits like normal we shot from the trees and ran. And somebody please tell me why in the hell a bunch of Indians (Native americans) would raid and ship and throw in all its tea in the harbor? (Boston tea party) Still trying to figure out why we re-elected a moron as well? Funny everybody I run into says he is an idiot and I didnt vote for him…starting to wonder who did. :wink:

Back to the last topic! I guess if the offense isnt so bad then we can delete it after a year or so? Depends what you did.

I was about to say you should dock an infraction point from the last several postee’s for continually going off topic;) But there again you could dock me a couple of points for being a smartarse:roll::slight_smile:


Some info on WO rank here, pretty accurate.

Warrant Officer as a completely sepeare rank structure.

They actually do exactly the same as the British WOs but are considered as a their own rank structure that is above all ORs and Trainee officers but below ALL commissioned officers.

In the British side WOs are considered as ORs.

American WOs are highly specialised personnel who are the subject matter experts on various things. A tradesman (say a electronic tech) progresses down a certain trade, then can be selected for warrant training. The officer is different to a commisioned offierc as he wont do staff training or anything like that. He is not a generalist, he is a specialist.

For Brits, they are also the technial specialists, most of our similar appointments are awarded at SSgt level, however we also have LE or late entry officers, where WO1 or WO2 specialists re commisioned to capt then can progress to Lt Col.

It is amusing to say the least. When out with the yanks some of our key personnel started wearing ranks so their Amercan counterparts would know who they were (not our idea).

We had three WO2s with us.

WO2 (Squadron Sgt Major) - Master Sgt.
WO2 (Yeoman of Signals) - CWO 2
WO2 (Foreman of Signals) - CWO 3

All the same rank in the British Army, technically different in the American.

I dont know why so fuzz about it.

In other forums the people who are in charge can ban you if the your nick doesnt like it or you have bad breath , there is no “formal warnings” “infraction points” and other delikatessens like we do. :rolleyes:

And other example is the Forum I was baned definately …just for not agreeing in the number of mines whom according to one british guy the argentine engineers planted in Malvinas.

Other thing is topic like “infraction points” , it simple there are none like this in other forums, The word of the Moderators is law and is not subject to any kind of revisionism.

And by the way just for the taste…try to enter in a spanish language forum and send a PM to the Mod with the equivalent to “Fucking wanker” (like some guy send me here) , get the cronograph ready because your live as a member of that forum will be measured in seconds.

My suggestion is that everybody stop crying like a 15 yeard old girl wich lost his first boyfriend and try to enjoy the forum.

Right, so because moderators on the other forums are allowed to behave like the Austrian corporal, and suppress views/people they don’t like, you want to do so here?

This forum had always been so civilised…

That’s a bit off, how long ago did this occur ? Which thread was it in ?

Er, some very strange ‘girls’ you know PzK !
You’re not sleeping with Patricia Araujo by any chance ?

Right, so because moderators on the other forums are allowed to behave like the Austrian corporal, and suppress views/people they don’t like, you want to do so here?

No I just want to point that is if a Mod give 1 or 2 infraction dont feel like this was the most tragic crime in the history of internet forums, is not the end of the world.

That’s a bit off, how long ago did this occur ? Which thread was it in ?

In the Falklands 25th topic, check “Panzerknacker” ad you ll see.

I like to think that this forum exists so well because we have definitive rules both for the posters and for the Mods. In essence we all know where we stand and what is acceptable and one single indiscretion wont have you walking the plank and at the same time the Mods dont have Dictorial powers and can be called into question.

Seems like the best of Forums to me. Yes, we sometimes make mistakes, I did with Sgt Dull, where I infracted him for Walting when I should have warned him and discussed it. I was taken to task for it though, which was only right.

Guys who come here to contribute should be allowed to voice their opinions as long as they behave in a civilised manner to each other and understand that if they dont, then they will still be treated fairly, but in the commensurate degree according to what they do and how they behave.

There are very few forums where Mods have ban powers. Usually, it’s the purview of the site owner/Webmasters/Supermoderators or whatever title they like and Mods are the NCOs or junior officers that usually have powers restricted. On the forum I Mod, we had to virtually rebel to get our post-editing powers back because some Mods became censorship happy, and all mods had their delete power turned off so we were in essence little more than posters that could “punt” threads. This of course until we were spammed to the point our bandwidth was exceeded and the site went down for several weeks.

I can move threads and I can remove spam in my forum, and my forum only (the political one). I routinely have to put up with and argue with retarded posters calling me an asshole, motherfucker, etcetera because we have a policy of very rarely banning. As fond as I am of this policy, it is currently largely problematic since the site owner is a US Army officer that is deployed around Iraq, and thankfully, Italy last I heard, and has not posted in like six months and has kept “the keys” so to speak, so even the webbies have limited editorial powers and dare not step over the line. So, consequently, we Mods are very much on our own and have to endure spamming attacks and argument trolls, one of whom I had to threaten with turning his IP over to the FBI Cybercrimes Unit for making veiled terroristic threats of turning people’s real life names over to motorcycle gangs like the “Patriot Guard” and the Hells Angels (he claims to be a convicted felon) for daring to criticize them in an incident which happened during an Iraq War protest.

Of course, there’s the Fabulous Shadow saga; the story of the most positively disturbed, psychotic whore I have ever had the misfortune to run across in real life or on the internet. This Succubus skank infested, and was consequently banned from, no less than four Van Halen related internet sites for things like, oh, repeated alias spamming after being banned, making terroristic threats on the internet, stalking female mod throughout in internet and onto AOL chats, illegally using her privileged access in her job working in a personnel function at a California eye glasses factory to (with the assistance of friendly Mods and/or webbies feeding her IP information :rolleyes:) threaten the children of posters, call wives and claim to be a mistress of her marks, and call peoples’ work to feed defamatory information to their bosses. This among other assorted shenagigans…

So, I am really sorry when I hear the trials and tribulations of Mods on this site. But I’m sorry man, if you’re that think skinned that you can’t take criticism or insults made in the heat of the moment, you really might consider not being Mod. Sure as hell don’t Mod at the :smiley:

WoW this topic is still going lets just move forward and lock this post down ?

Im leaving it open for the moment in case ppl have questions about infraction points. However, It will soon be locked and closed.

So why are you going on about it, long after everyone else involved has resolved it and left it behind?

If infraction points don’t matter, why bother giving them?

Excellent advice.

Why don’t you follow it?

Everyone else has.

Once an issue is resolved, just leave it alone and move on. Everyone else has.

Hahaha, yea sure, and this come from the queen of the tear himself.:slight_smile:

Very funny.

Do you have any other joke for us ?

I seem to remember that this thread came about more or less because you, PK, had used infraction points to punish someone for disagreeing with you. When you were called on this, the teddies were ejected from the pram on a ballistic trajectory .

You appear to have quite a supply of teddies, as they haven’t stopped coming yet…

Down here in the Antipodes, they’re dummies.

Babies spit them out, in a tantrum.

Hence the phrase ‘dummy spit’. Ranks with ‘hissy fit’ and other kiddy / girly things.

There’s so much I could respond to in PK’s selective whines and insinuations but, tear queen though I am, I’m a touch more grown up than that.

So I’ll just let him show the world what a big man he is by his incisive and informative contributions to this and other threads where I get up his tight little skirt.