
Well it’s one less set of decisions, and we all know that sgts make most of the decisions really :wink:

2lt Chinless wonder ‘I say sergeant i fancy frontal assaulting that dug in enemy position’

Sgt Old timer ‘yes sir, however have you ever considered going right flanking using the bun line over on the right’

2lt Chinless wonder ‘gosh, would that work sergeant?’

Sgt Old timer ‘dunno sir, but we won’t all get killed in the first five seconds’ :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

You could always try a bit of NyQuil. I usually don’t have a problem going to sleep, it’s getting up that gets me. Try taking the NyQuil and then try to stay up (kind of like reverse psychology). And make just it’s not DayQuil either, it’ll most likely have the reverse effects.

Aha even tho this post was made half a year ago Iam going to post anyways… And now Iam done, hope you have slept well since then:)

Having just returned from two sleep deprived weeks on battlecamp i can honestly sat that I haven’t slept well, although now I imagine I will.

I know this is old, but if you’re still looking for an herbal sleep aid, some like Melatonin. This is naturally produced by your body, the herbal remedy is to add to your system in order to regulate your sleep cycle. I’ve tried it myself and it seemed to help. But then again I found myself lying awake after taking the stuff.

And a word of warning, your body may develop a tolerance and a dependence on herbal Melatonin. Some find that it takes a while for their body to begin producing melatonin on its own after prolonged use, so you may want to use it sporadically…