Is Discrimination okay?


I owe you an apology for my last response to your post above.

To the extent that I addressed my comments to you, I was insensitive, unfair, unreasonable, hostile, and harsh.

You didn’t deserve it.

I am sorry.

By way of explanation, it dawned on me today that when I gave you a spray last night it was triggered by your post, but generated by something entirely unrelated which happened a few hours earlier when I was watching a news report about a law reform recommendation that lesbians here should be able to get donor insemination and IVF.

The report included an interview with a jubilant prize bitch prominent in the campaign for taxpayer-funded medical insemination for lesbians who don’t like the idea of the conventional form of procreation.

She was one of the ringleader lesbian feminists who did their best to make my life a misery for about seven years by trying, with a relentless, vicious and generally underhand campaign, to get me sacked for no reason other than that I was male in what they wanted to be a lesbian ghetto. And, as I subsequently discovered, also partly because my wife was a traitor to the feminist cause by staying at home to rear our children until the last one started school. Apparently this was also my fault because I had somehow forced my wife to do this rather than putting our kids in childcare at six weeks of age so she could return to work to live the feminist dream while our children were cared for by a succession of unqualified teenage girls on the minimum wage. If these bull dykes had ever met my wife, they would know that there is no prospect she would do anything she didn’t want to do.

Every time I see that lesbian bitch spouting her selective equality bullshit and moaning about the high cost of having non-taxpayer funded insemination my hackles rise, because she and her ilk are relentlessly hostile and discriminatory towards everyone outside their tiny segment of society. Whom they view with contempt as lacking the purity of purpose which endows their man-hating existence with the moral force which entitles them to demand everything from the rest of society while giving nothing back to it.

Many of my comments in response to your post were, as I see now, addressed to her and her ilk, and provoked by her recent and most unwanted appearance on my television screen.

Again, I’m sorry for making you the target for something that had nothing to do with you.

Call me old fashioned if you like but I dont understand what a hell a heterosexual man is doing hanging around in a gay bar. :twisted:

Don’t know about Gen. Sandworm, but I know the owners, they have been going out together for sometime and have a daughter, who lives with them, from one partners previous marrage (to a woman).

They own a pub, called the Queens Arms. A fair few straights go in there, because it is a good laugh, and the shows and music are good (generally transvestite), bear in mind that Lilly Savage and Dame Edna have been great hits in Austrailia and UK and further afield.

Just because you go in doesn’t mean that you are going to be chatted up, being a straight male I don’t think I have the dress sense and co-ordination to be mistaken for a gay one. It’s just a good laugh. Besides a fair few straight girls go in to the pub too.

It isn’t seedy or dark, and as stated above, you would be quite surprised at the levels of “gay” in society. My two friends often refer to particular blokes (that they know but dislike) in derogertory terms because of how they act. ie “playing the field” or picking up younger partners (still legal age mind, which has now been lowered to 18, from 21, in UK).

You should try it, what have you got to lose? Or are you scared you may enjoy it? :smiley:

Your old fashioned! :wink: I dont go very often and its usually with a group of friends. I dont have a problem with gay ppl so why would I have problem going to a gay bar. Also like 1000yd said …its usually a good laugh.

Probably the same as gays in a straight bar.

Just hanging around with their mates, like 1000YS.

There are gay bars and there are gay bars. Some of them here would be unpleasant and even dangerous for people who aren’t members of the narrow cliques that inhabit them, but others are just bars that have a preponderance of gays who just are blokes having a drink and who don’t worry about who else is in the bar.

I don’t know if this applies outside Australia, but despite 30 odd years of strongly enforced anti-discrimination laws here which include prohibitions on racial discrimination in employment, I am yet, with one exception, to go into a Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Thai restaurant that has staff who aren’t Asians, and usually apparently of the right ethnic background, or an Indian restaurant that has staff who aren’t from the sub-continent. Turkish, Lebanese, and Greek restaurants usually have staff from those backgrounds. Italian restaurants have Italian owners but often seem quite happy to employ people from any ethnic background.

Why doesn’t, say, Colonel Sanders employ only Southern Belles and Good 'Ol Boys, and MacDonalds only those entitled to wear the kilt and sporran? And what do you think would happen if they did?

(I realise that comparing Colonel Sanders and Maccas with restaurants, or even food outlets, is a bit of a stretch, but they’ll do for the purposes of illustrating an oddity in the way equal opportunity employment laws work in this area.)

The one exception was a Chinese restaurant I went to years ago which had a young Aussie sheila waitressing. It put me right off. I expected the food to be lousy. It wasn’t, but it just didn’t seem to be right to be in a Chinese restaurant without Chinese staff.

Maybe that’s why nobody has complained yet?

Isn’t that like any pub/group? As an Indian I’ve been in (and walked out very quickly) of pubs that were all white because I knew just from the vibe that I wasn’t wanted. I’ve known people who haven’t been so “cowardly” and then had problems.

When I was a uni student, we knew which pubs were “locals” that didn’t welcome students and we kept clear. And other pubs that were no-go areas on certain days because the local squaddies were in town.

And I am also aware of several incidents in the early 1990s when police mishandled the situations when dealing with deaf people using sign language. One incident that lead to greater disability awareness training for police officers was whenthey werer called to a pub where a group of deaf drinkers were perceived to be too boistrous (I say boisterous because the subsequent investigation found that the group had not been doing anything wrong but the landlord had felt that they were making other customers uncomfortable). When the police arrived they had no provisions for communicating with the group and they intreprated the groups’ signing as aggressive behaviour. When they attempted to arrest and handcuff certain individuals they were perceived to be resisting arrest (though they were infact trying to keep their hands free to sign). It lead to formal complaints etc and after an investigation all charges were dropped.

I think this highlights how “perceptions” do not equal reality.

Besides Panzerknacker, I am perfectly at ease with my sexuality…

Are you?

;p ;p ;p ;p

(My asterisks in your quote to link to my footnote.)

What you describe is essentially a matter of not fitting, or perhaps more accurately feeling that one doesn‘t fit, which can happen for all sorts of reasons.

I’ve walked into a few pubs and left quickly. Once in a metropolitan pub dominated by Aborigines who I sensed didn’t want white blokes there, although perhaps I misunderstood the intended welcoming sentiment behind comments like “Look, a fuckin’ gubba’s walked in!” (gubba = white man in some south eastern Australian Aboriginal languages) and “Fuck off, whitey!” A few times in pubs as a white Aussie with a pub full of other white Aussies, but the prevalence of gaol tattoos and the absence of teeth and other factors which distinguished them from me made it a good idea to leave. One instructive occasion was going into a pub like that in a suit as a lawyer and sensing hostility when I had fitted in just fine 15 or so years earlier in a former existence as a railway shunter. This raises the question of whether there really was hostility or whether I was just self-conscious because I realised I didn’t fit in any more.

The reverse is also true. A bogan (don’t know English equivalent - this flippant attempt isn’t too far off the mark nor this who walks into a top restaurant is also going to be met with hostility from the charity matrons who do so much good work for the poor and underprivileged but who, nonetheless, don’t actually want such people in their vicinity while dining in otherwise congenial surrounds.

And I am also aware of several incidents in the early 1990s when police mishandled the situations when dealing with deaf people using sign language. One incident that lead to greater disability awareness training for police officers was whenthey werer called to a pub where a group of deaf drinkers were perceived to be too boistrous (I say boisterous because the subsequent investigation found that the group had not been doing anything wrong but the landlord had felt that they were making other customers uncomfortable).

Wasn’t the primary problem the landlord’s reaction?

Whether because he was genuinely concerned for the comfort of his other customers (= his repeat business = his pocket?) or because he was uncomfortable with the deaf customers’ behaviour?

While it’s always desirable to improve police training to avoid such problems, wouldn’t it have been equally desirable to impose similar training on publicans? We have here a requirement that publicans and bar staff do some basic courses in responsible serving of alcohol etc (which often seems to be forgotten in practice). Why not anti-discrimination training?

I think this highlights how “perceptions” do not equal reality.

I’d take the opposite view. Perceptions are, for practical purposes, the reality that matters. We all work on what we perceive, which is influenced by our views and points of view and other factors, not what is ‘real’.

An old man cuddles a young child. Paedophile or doting grandfather? The child abuse campaigner sees the paedophile. The family values campaigner sees the doting grandfather. Maybe it was just a bloke in a red suit and beard who was hired to play Santa Claus and who can’t stand kids, but he needed the work.

** ‘Cowardly’ sits just fine with me. No point being brave. And in hospital, or dead. As King Arthur and his knights rightly said when confronted with trouble in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, “Run away! Run away!”

As long as you’re ‘at ease’ in a gay bar, all is well.

Standing to attention might cause some doubts. :smiley:

Thanks for your answers GN, 1000yds and RS. I guess that must be the different culture that make so uninteligible to me. If something have in common mi group of young male friends going out at night is that everyone of us is looking for women…hardly any chance in a gay bar :slight_smile:

I guess that is this way discrimination could be a good thing, gays in a side and non-gays in other.

Originally Posted by 1000ydstare
[i]Besides Panzerknacker, I am perfectly at ease with my sexuality…

Are you?[/i]

Hardly, I remember you have posted that the pictures of women in bikini sicken you, also that you were muslim, and after that you said you was gay…:roll:

I dont know enough to be “in ease” with your sexuality, but no worry, after all is your private life so my opinion is less than important.

I don’t recall saying htey sicken me, just that they offended me, that was when I was a muslim and gay.

Now I am not :smiley:

I am now Hari Krishna and merely happy.

But I don’t look at your thread because it is a bit tame, and a bit like when I used to read my mums kays catalogue for my porn fix. I just go on to the porn sites like anybody else.

I don’t recall saying htey sicken me, just that they offended me, that was when I was a muslim and gay.

Now I am not

There is a way back off that??? amazing. :shock:

Oh I think you would find some nice (non lesbians) there too. But honestly when I go out looking for the ladies its not at the top of my list.

But honestly when I go out looking for the ladies its not at the top of my list.

:rolleyes: Amen.

Quite right.
Rising Sun* you should be ashamed of yourself !
The correct term is ‘Screecher.’
Bender, Brown-Hatter, Fruit, Queer and Shirt-lifter are also permissible.
Or for the other gender Boxgrazer, Clamjouster, Dieseldyke and Rugmuncher.

Personally I’m highly offended that a group of people should hijack an ancient and useful word, bend the meaning in a quite peverse way and declare it to mean only what they have decided.

Incitement to murder is a crime in most countries, but interestingly it can be permissible for the majority to do so against a minority - if certain criteria are met:

  1. The people doing the incitement must be high profile.
  2. The people doing the incitement must be rich.
  3. The people doing the incitement must be non-white*
  • According to rules that the same people have declared anachronistic and illegal - unless they wish to use those rules.

Both Winnie Nomzamo Madikizela (then Madikizela-Mandela) and Peter Mokoba, (then President of the ANC Youth League,) while wearing illegal camouflage uniforms chanted “Kill the Boer, kill the farmer” before an audience of easily influenced thirteen to sixteen year old children.
They got away with this scot-free because, they claimed, “Eish ! It is traditional !” Even though it provably was not.

However in the same land, should someone white use the Arabic word ‘Kaffir’ they are liable to a sentence of imprisonment and/or a large fine - even though there are written records of this word, (which means non-believer,) going back at least twelve hundred years to prove that it is ‘traditional.’

So in general, is discrimination only against the minority or against the majority ?

Don’t ask me, I treat individuals as they come.

I like the words “grunter” or “shunter” for which side of the fence you are on, if gay.

Why do they do it through a fence?

Are they trying to set boundaries?

Will any fence do, or are there special ones? Like barbed wire or electric fences for sado-masochists; three wire for threesomes; picket for soldiers (more probably sailors) on guard duty; chain link for medieval re-enactment; and trellis for social climbers?