Is the NUKE that powerful?

Nooo !

Not the slip-ons and white socks, please !

Have mercy !

A 1950’s video of how “un-powerful” your run of the mill Nuke was before we startedtesting them undergruond and things, It is worth rembering that these were bombs are the precursors to the “big ones”

" They dont strike me as being “That” powerful " :roll:

BTW, this was one of the smaller pure fission nukes, which fitted into an artillery shell in the range of a few kilotons.
The distance from the gun to ground zero in this test was about 20 km.

First you’ll have extremely intense neutron and x-ray radiation (during the flash).
At the same time there will be an extreme release of infrared heat radiation.

The “dust” you see on the cars and house is the paint catching fire imideately from the heat radiation. Any human exposed to this radiation in the open will simply evaporate.

This is followed by a pressure wave at the speed of sound outwards from the bomb by the expanding superheated gases. The vacuum caused by this wave will be filled by another wave with the same force going the opposite direction.

Obviously the strength of the effects depends on distance from ground zero and size of the bomb.

I have seen a chart once showing the results of a multi megaton fusion device in the range of the biggest built in the cold war being detonated over Manchester, England. It would have pulverised about half of England.


Fareast… USA are nuclear equipped of capably wiping out the earth and over with a nuclear bomb, if you dont think that’s powerful then theres something wrong with you. :?: :!:

isn’t fareast banned?

I damn hope so Hosenfield mate, he’s a unrespectful tosser.