ISU-152 "Zveroboy"

yes i know im a bad speller im only young sorry if i offended any english teachers out there

Drunk - or something…?
Shame on you !

Could someone kindly explain how you accurately “point” (excuse technical term!) a self propelled gun if it has no turret ring?

With a turret ring you can move the gun in azimuth and elevation. With no turret ring you have elevation only??? I presume there is a little azimuth but the driver has to largely point the thing in the right direction to start with?

I take it firing on the move is a definite no-no with these things?!?! That is unless your target is actually looking down your barrel at the time.

Grateful fo rhow these things actually zero in on their target.


Please excuse my ignorance, I can see that there are some experts out there who get wound up at dumb questions.


Depending on the gun, it does have a limited movement to left right up down etc. On the assault, the theory is your supporting your troops by attacking pill boxes etc that are obstacles to their advance.

On the defence you are basically a mobile pill-box, or AT gun.

To be honest as far as I know only the US Shermans had stabilisers for their guns and most other tanks were stationery when engaging other Tanks in ww2 if they wanted any chance of a successful hit.

most other tanks were stationery

Aha! The famous paper Tiger?

Kind regards


entrant for the Pedant of the Month award

The design taken to its limit

As seen from this webpage

the “top carriage” traverse was 10 deg L/R (about 180 mils), elevation from -3 to + 20 deg (- 55 to + 360 mils).

The above conversion assumes you are using the UK mils system where there are 6,400 in a circle. IIRC the Russians use 6,000. Actually there should really be 6,284 but who’s counting . . . .

Fine adjustment was by manual traverse (for example when used in an overwatch role) and gross adjustment by neutral turns with the tracks.

This site has some interesting infomation on the deployment and specifications of the ISU 122 and 152 assault guns.

Kind regards
