Japanese TYPE 100 SMG

If discussion on this forum revolves around you trying to sound important and arrogantly superior, then no I doubt its much fun for some… But to be honest, I quite like your wit and acerbic comments. I find it quite refreshing.

Did I say nothing worries me more than computer games?

You are very good at reading between the lines and making it up as you go along.

What other worries do I have well?

Well at present my main concern is focussed on the economic situation in Ireland where the party in power has forgotten democracy and equality and protected its banker funders and developer buddies, and encased the nation in dept that will see my Daughters children trying to pay it off.

That worries me more than some nutcase in charge in Iran.


That should bring this thread back on topic. :wink: :smiley:

How about we stop pissing on each other and just get on with more or less rational discussion, in all threads?

If I want stupid conversations, I’m married.

Tell me about it… Marriage is no fun these days…

Ireland is shot to bits… Damn shame.

Feck me dead!

I was trying to be conciliatory!

When the fecking hell was marriage ever any fun? :wink: :smiley:

I think it was… Once… Maybe?

Henry VIII seemed to have alot more fun in his than I do… But then he had the chance to behead his wives.

Lucky sod.

Though Im equally screwed in my house. The wife, by definition, is female (well was the last time she let me close enough to check), the kids are girls and even the bloody dog is female.

I know what its like to be at the bottom of the food chain.

We have so much in common.

Except my teenage daughter’s ugly little dog pisses on everything in sight. Not unlike its mistress, only metaphorically.

Then again, I’m never sure which one is metaphorical. :frowning:

Or which one is pissing on me.

The vet bills cost about the same. :frowning:

I have already told the wife I am moving out of the house and into the shed as soon as the girls hit their teens.

Its better for all concerned.

A shed?

Oh, luxury!


But of course, though I enjoyed the verbal sparring! Nice to duel with someone articulate and with sense!

Things can wander a bit in a thread, thats common enough, we most always get back to the topic eventually. As to the SMG, the Aberdeen (USA) museum may have an example of it, they seem to have most everything. One might email them to see if they have any pics, or info on them.