Japan's intentions towards Hawaii?

Wow! You must be some sort of psychologist to discern all that from a picture. Actually, my wife probably appears pleasant to you because she spent her formative years in Oz.

I’m a reformed ax murderer, prone to frequent relapses. I probably appear to be “rigid and hollow” because my ax was in the shop that morning.

And what were his plans to, uh, you know defend against fighters? Defend against lots and lots of fighters.

No idea.
But there was a “plan” for Fugaku´s to shoot down US bombers by overflying their formations, with 96 downward firing 20mm Type 99 guns per Fuagku. Ridiculously good resluts were of course expected.

Your wife is lovely and you’re a very dashing cannon…

Say what??? LOL!

I think you’re looking at the wrong post again; try post # 19.


You and your wife look great. Must have been a nice and sunny day there.

I’d move to Hawiii except for a) their gun control, and b) the price of houses!

My wife and I have watched ‘House Hunters’ many times where prospective house buyers look at places in Hawaii. Million bucks for about like what we live in here in Texas!


Thanks for the kind words.

You have a point about gun control and there are places in Hawaii where it is a real good idea to go armed.

There are affordable houses in Hawaii, they just don’t sit on, or near, the beach, or have luxurious swimming pools and lanais. I love visiting Hawaii and used to have business responsibilities there, but I never seriously thought of moving there. The cost of living is pretty high; everything, especially food, is higher than on the mainland. It’s revealing that when Hawaiians go on vacation, one of their most preferred vacation destinations is Las Vegas.

I knew it! You’re a Japanese tank! What a dastardly trick and who’s that guy in front of you?