No. But your argument relies on yet to be invented materials. Removing the stators would not provide enough of a reduction in weight as to provide for a 10X increase in size while keeping the weight the same.

No. But your argument relies on yet to be invented materials. Removing the stators would not provide enough of a reduction in weight as to provide for a 10X increase in size while keeping the weight the same.[/quote]

Does it? Removing the stators removes a significant chunk of weight. Most of the increase in size resulting comes from empty space. If my understanding of what pdf mentioned is correct, he said you would have to increase the space between rotors by ten times. This would require long casing etc - but as I have told you, casings are relatively light weight affairs. I’ve watched enough casings being turned and even man-handled to know this.

I’ve already demonstrated to you BY YOUR OWN CRITERIA (which you were so confident nobody would manage), that the mass of gas turbines does not scale as simply as you understand it. Look at the pictures you’ve included in some of your posts. You have the clues in your own hands. Look at all those compressor and turbine stages etc. Pretty hefty machinery made out of pretty dense metal. Look at the casings. Thin metal rings! It’s like comparing a big block of steel or nickel (or even titanium) to a sheet of aluminium spun into a ring.

It’s an approximation and one pdf made as a qualified engineer around this subject. Accept it as such, even if you choose not to believe it, and move on.

And the compressor blades are also a significant “chunk of weight”, but since you are trying to make an engine 10 times the size, you’d have to reduce the engine by tenfold in mass (weight), while at the same time you are increasing the engine’s casing by tenfold.

How can you not see how absurd that it. A gradeschool kid would know by common sence alone that you can’t increase a machine made of metal ten times in size and keep it the same in weight and efficient at the same time.

Good Lord dude. It’s not possible with present technology. Live with it.

Why don’t I send an email to GE and Rolls Royce and present them with your ridiculous claim. Let’s see what they say. Would you shut up then, or would you still argue about it? :lol:

EDIT: On second thought’s - what’s the point? You don’t read anything written to you no matter how it’s put.

I left the whole stators converting the velocity head of the swirl component into pressure head when explaining how stators work because it relies on an understanding of fluid mechanics which is above and beyond what you posess as a layman, Ironscam, and it is really of secondary importance to the straightening of the flow.

You can quote from the idiot’s guide to jet engines all you like - it won’t make you look any less foolish - and we can quote foolish things that you’ve said all day long.

There is a pop-science book tht describes the the difference between Ironman (and my) understanding gained from lay sources and that of qualified experts, the simplified versions are “Lies to Children”. The trick is to rise above them and accept greater knowledge when faced with it. Ironman can’t.

All stators straighten the direction of the airflow. Most stators (but NOT all) also act to compress the air by slowing it down. However, the amount of compression done by the stators relative to that done by the rotors varies (it is known as the amount of reaction) between engine designs. 50% reaction seems to be typical (from lectures only - I work in vacuum pumps so have little practical experience with GT design), but it is quite possible to design stators with anything from 0% to 100% reaction - and as I understand it engines exist for both designs.

I’m done discussing it. It was a ridiculous claim, that much has been proven. Your defense of it is also ridiculous. Move on.

Bye bye now.

Isn’t this forum about books? :shock:

yep,look at the topic´s name,this topic is in wrong place

This is an off topic about the Jet engine. Lets keep it that way. It will be moved ASAP.

Finally got this one moved kiddies :smiley: