Jewish Army WW2

Adrian, think Rising Sun answered your question.
Check this also:

The Nazis never responded to their offer, and the affiliation never took place for obvious reasons, I presume.
Lehi and other similar groups used terrorist tactics against the British making them terrorist and later on against the Palestinians groups as well. But that would be a very touchy subject

your link is missing part of it’s script, so it will not work, so I have taken the liberty of repeating it.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Thanks Adrian.

EEP! I just saw an embarrassing typo in my quoted comment to aly j above, one which might have caused some confusion:

Even Germany would except half-Jews into the ranks, with a few “ifs, ands, and buts.”

Should have read : Even Germany would ACCEPT half-Jews into the ranks…

Its possible the doctor was married to a non-Jewish person., because the only known successful protest against the anti-Jewish program, was when the Nazis took the Jewish partners of German mixed marriage couples into custody, the non-Jewish partners staged a very public protest against this act, which forced the Nazis to release the Jewish partners, and surprisingly they left the German mixed marriage Jews in Germany alone after this.( they were still persecuted, but none were sent to the death camps before the end of the war)

Nice footage you got there.reminds me of History Channel, i know its not from there, just saying.I thought Isreal was an old country,boy i was wrong.

Perhaps the reason that they spoke such fluent German is that they were?

Of course :smiley: when I said “uncanny” I meant uncanny that the British founded a unit of exclucivly German speakers and also the fact that they were conducting all the units activities in German.

From “Shield of David”, by Yigal Allon, Random House, 1970, (p 125)

I am a little confused by the quote next to the picture. Should it not say “in the event of a German occupation of Palestine”.

It may be this unit or the Haganah that Wingate was involved in before or at the start of the war. I read (and can’t remember where, posibly Slim bio) that he planned to go back after the war to continue the work.

Hi “2nd of foot”,

I agree, it should probably say “in the event of a German occupation of Palestine” or "for the possibility of a German occupation of Palestine”.

Orde Wingate was a cousin of T.E. Lawrence IIRC. Hence he was sometimes referred to as the “Lawrence of Judea”. He loved the Jewish People and organized the “Special Night Squads” from Palestinian Jews during the 1930’s. They operated against Arab marauders. If I remember correctly, Wingate said something to the effect that “The Arabs think that they own the night. We shall teach them to fear it”. The British government was not pleased with his activities and transferred him away from Palestine. He went on to organize the “Chindits” in Burma during WWII. Tragically, he died in a plane crash in Burma in 1944. Had he lived, I think he would have went back to Palestine. However, his widow did return to Palestine to offer her support for the Jews during their fight to preserve the fledgling State of Israel.

There also existed No. 3 Troop 10th Interallied Commando, also known as the “X” troop, which consisted mainly of refugees from Axis countries (mainly Germany and Austria, most of the members were Jewish).
They were trained in the usual Special Forces techniques, but also received all new intelligence information about the German forces.
There exists an excellent autobiographic account by one of the members, Peter Masters, originally Peter Aranyi from Vienna, Austria, “Striking Back”.
He describes how as a teenager after the Anschluss he got tormented by the Hitler Youth, got temporarely arrsted with his father, but after release, with the help of a relative, managed to escape to Britain just before WW2 started. There he earned his living doing odd jobs until he was interned as an enemy alien in 1940. From internemt camp he volunteered for the Royal Pinoneer Corps and from there was recruited into No3 Troop 10th Interallied Commando. As all Axis citizens fighting in the British Forces he had to write a fake biography, giving himself a British identity (English name, religion usually C0E). This was done out of two reasons: First to protect the soldier in case he got captured by German troops, so that he would be treated as an ordinary POW and not shot out of hand as a traitor, and secondly to prevent the German military form knowing that there existed a special forces unit consisting of native German speakers. He reentered the European Continent on the Eastern flank of Operation Overlord and fought all the way back into Germany. During his time in the British Army he reached the rank of Seargeant.
Members of his unit were usually divided into teams of four and attached to battalion staffs to do special reconnaisance and interrogation of prisoners.

Others served e.g. in the Glider Pilot Regiment (like Sergeant Louis Hagen from Potsdam, aka Louis Haig, who fought in Arnhem. He wrote a book called “Arnhem Lift”).

Most of the survivors of these units later accepted British citizenship and continued to live in Britain after the war.


Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers
by Bryan Mark Rigg, PhD.

Bryan’s book, Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws
and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military won the prestigious Colby Award
from the William E. Colby Military Writers Symposium.

Dr. Rigg’s work has been featured in the New York Times and on programs including
NBC Dateline and Fox News. Rigg has served as a volunteer in the Israeli Army
and as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. He currently lives in Dallas, Texas.

At Amazon:'s+jewish+soldiers&x=11&y=16

About Bryan
Bryan Mark Rigg, PhD.

Bryan Mark Rigg teaches history at American Military University and
Southern Methodist University. Dr. Rigg’s work has been featured
in the New York Times and on programs including NBC Dateline and Fox News.
Dr. Rigg has served as a volunteer in the Israeli Army and
as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. He currently lives in Dallas, Texas.

Pictures from Bryan’s book, Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers:
The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military

This photo of “half-Jew” Werner Goldberg, who was blond and blue-eyed,
was used by a Nazi propaganda newspaper for its title page.
Its caption: “The Ideal German Soldier.”

More photos on above webpage - click link above.

Rescued From the Reich
by Bryan Mark Rigg, PhD.

Stories of Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers
by Bryan Mark Rigg, PhD.

Press & Commentary

Favorite Sites
of Bryan Mark Rigg, PhD.

to Bryan Mark Rigg, PhD.

Home Page

Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers (2006)
Documentary on DVD

Moderator’s Note:

I copied a related thread from the archives into this thread. The posts appear on page 1 of this thread under the heading “SIG”.

SIG - Special Interrogation Group

“The Special Interrogation Group (SIG) (some sources interpret this acronym as “Special Identification Group” or “Special Intelligence Group”) was a British Army unit organized from German-speaking Jewish volunteers from the British Mandate of Palestine. The SIG performed commando and sabotage operations against Axis forces in the Western Desert Campaign during World War II.”

(Article continues)

Another Churchill initiative was his Special Intelligence Group (SIG), consisting of German-Jewish refugees in England …

Operation Agreement

“During World War II, Operation Agreement consisted of ground and amphibious attacks by British, Rhodesian and New Zealand forces and SIG on German and Italian-held Tobruk (Operation Daffodil), Benghazi (Operation Snowdrop), Jalo oasis (Operation Tulip) and Barce (Operation Hyacinth) launched on 13 September 1942. The assault on Tobruk failed badly; the British lost three ships and several hundred soldiers and Marines.”

(Article continues)

Tobruk (film)

"Tobruk is a 1967 war film set in North Africa during the Western Desert Campaign of the North African Campaign of the Second World War. It is a fictionalized story of Operation Agreement, and tells of 83 men, members of the British Army’s Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) and the Special Identification Group (SIG), who embark on a mission to destroy the fuel bunkers of Erwin Rommel’s Panzer Army Africa in Tobruk.

The film was written by Leo Gordon, and directed by Arthur Hiller. This 1967 production contains many spectacular action sequences, stunts and explosions. It is typical of the World War II fictional blockbuster action movies popular in the 1960s, such as The Dirty Dozen, Where Eagles Dare and The Guns of Navarone."

(Article continues)

Jewish Brigade

"The Jewish Infantry Brigade Group was a military formation of the British Army that served in Europe during the Second World War. Although the brigade was formed in 1944, some of its experienced personnel had been employed against the Axis powers in Greece, the Middle East and East Africa. More than 30,000 Palestinian Jews volunteered to serve in the British Armed Forces, 734 of whom died during the war.

The brigade and its predecessors, the Palestine Regiment and the three infantry companies that had formed it, were composed primarily of Middle Eastern Jews. The brigade was nevertheless inclusive to all Jewish and non-Jewish soldiers so that by 1944 over 50 nationalities were represented. Many were refugees displaced from countries that had been occupied or controlled by the Axis powers in Europe and Ethiopia. Volunteers from the United Kingdom, its empire, the Commonwealth, and other “western democracies” also provided contingents."

(Article continues)


Jewish American Soldiers in World War II video clip

About Face: German and Austrian Jewish G.I.s in World War II
( serving in the U.S. Army in World War II )
video clip

Jewish American Soldiers in World War II video clip

How many Jewish-American soldiers were killed or wounded in action in World War 2?

"11,000 American Jewish soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines were killed in World War II. Overall, some 300,000 Jewish soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines died serving in the armys of the United Nations in World War II; and nearly 1,500,000 Jewish servicemen served in the armies of the United Nations. Large numbers of Jewish scientists played a decisive role in developing the atom bomb, thus saving millions of American and allied lives from dying in an invasion of Japan with the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima. There were hundreds of Jewish generals and admirals in the various military’s. Many played key roles as army, Corp and division commanders in the different countries militaries. (and not a few were killed in action)

General Maurice Rose commanded the US 3rd Armored Division in France, advancing 100 miles in one day with his division in 1944. (killed in 1945 on a patrol)

General Boris Chernyahovsky was a gifted Soviet army commander who fought on the Soviet Front, and was killed in action liberating the Baltic states.

Brigadier Frederick Kisch was the chief combat engineer of the British Eighth army under Montgomery in North Africa (killed in action in Tunisia)

Also note the following:

2,956 British Jewish servicemen and women killed

700+ Palestinian Jews died serving in the British Commonwealth Forces; there was a 5,000 strong Jewish infantry brigade in the British army that fought in Italy in 1945. At least 35 Israeli generals served in this unit in WW II.

200,000 Soviet Jewish servicemen were killed in the war (500,000 served in all) There were lots of Jewish officers in the Soviet military in World War II, who served with distinction. The majority were purged from the Soviet military by 1950, with a tiny minority posted to Siberia or military academys.

30,000 Polish Jews were killed in action in 1939 campaign to defend Poland during the German invasion that started World War II (with many more killed serving in the Free Polish Forces in Italy, North Africa and other fronts)

And thousands of Jewish soldiers died in the French Army in 1940, as well as in the Free Greek, Czech, Free French, Belgian, Commonwealth (i.e. Canada, New Zealand, etc.) that fought on many fronts; there were even Jewish soldiers in the British Indian army that fought in Italy, Burma, etc. (Iraqi and Bene Israel Jews)"

Jewish partisans

Thanks for that.

I’ve never heard of that before. Do you have any more info, links or references?

Sounds a bit like something I came across years ago and haven’t been able to track down more recently. In Holland the medical profession went on strike under German occupation over, I think, something to do with rounding up or mistreatment of Jews (but it could have been something else to do with the occupation) and won. Would you, or anyone else, know anything about this?

Never heard about something done by doctors in Holland. The Dockers Strike is the only thing I know of.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Here is a Wikipedia link:
It refers to other sources.

Hello George Eller,

Please don’t take this wrong, but I wish you hadn’t merged the threads. To me, at least, this thread now seems to have several logic disconnects, etc, due to transitions of subjects. If possible, I would ask you unmerge them, though perhaps with links, as you did above?

For my part, I don’t understand the desirability of merging threads in most cases. It seems likely, especially as time goes on, to lead to some gargantuan threads, where all and any specific topic(s), or aspect there of, just gets “lost in the sauce.” Just because topics are related, I don’t think they should necessarily be “wed.” JMHO.

Hi Ardee,

Thanks for the suggestion, but in this case the threads are not conventionally merged. The SIG thread still exists as a separate thread in the archives. I simply copied the SIG thread here. If they were conventionally merged one of the threads would have been absorbed with a redirect from it’s original location or as an option, no redirect. Anyway, most threads tend to drift and even go off topic to some degree. If they get too off topic often we will split it into a separate thread. Through the years we get plenty of duplicate topics, usually with new members that are not familiar enough with the threads that have been posted. Merging threads is a great way to save space and also keep information on specific topics consolidated where the information can be more easily located. We have plenty of "gargantuan’ threads here (as well as a search tool). Often it is interesting what we can discover along the way while searching for information on a particular subject. Part of the joy of learning I guess.

Later when I have more time, I’ll see what I can do to tidy this thread up.

Thanks for the feedback.