Kwantung Army

Brain excercise:

How would you evaluate the name of an article like this one? Is it good? Reasonable? Fair? Makes sense? Theologically correct? What is it?

“The Guilt of Judaism Towards the Christian People.”


Ok. What if I change the article name to tihs one:

“The Guilt of Christianity Towards the Jewish People”

Is this one good? Reasonable? Fair? Makes sense? Theologically correct? What is it?

Well said.

And thanks Rising Sun for the very interesting and informative link.

Gentlemens what was happend on this forum?
The second thread that i found today is about “jewish problems”.
Now in the thread devoted the Japane military;)
How many jews were in Japane army, do somebody know.
Could we create a separate thread for “jewish question”?
I think do not nessisary discuss it in every thread of forum.:smiley:

I don’t know how many Jews were in the Japanese army but, surprisingly, there was a small Jewish community in Japan and, even more surprisingly, Japan actually accepted Jews fleeing the Nazis when many other nations wouldn’t.

Just to get back to the Kwantung Army, there was also a Jewish community in Harbin

So now we’re back in Manchuria. :smiley:

Thanks for the links :slight_smile:

Here are some on Chiune Sugihara - The Japanese Schindler:

Chiune Sugihara
The Japanese Schindler,7340,L-3243778,00.html

Sugihara: Conspiracy Of Kindness - DVD

In Search of Sugihara: The Elusive Japanese Dipolomat Who Risked his Life to Rescue 10,000 Jews From the Holocaust


Fugu Plan

The Fugu Plan: The Untold Story Of The Japanese And The Jews During World War II


Thanks for those very interesting links.

I’d never heard of Sugihara.

His actions, like those of principled and kindly Japanese soldiers and civilians towards POWs and in other circumstances during WWII, just reinforce how wrong it is to lump all people of any nation in with their worst examples under a bad regime.

The Fugu plan is also something I’d never heard of. I mentioned an unrelated plan for Jews to settle in Australia before WWII in another thread, described here . I wonder how different things might have been for some European Jews if some of these plans had come to fruition.

In your first link about Sugihara there is this statement

“There they were treated well during the war. Despite its alliance with Nazi Germany, Japan had little history of antiSemitism.”

That confirms my view that the bulk of anti-Semitism is passed down the generations with mothers’ milk, especially in Europe. People whose experience of Jews isn’t tainted by ancient prejudices don’t have a problem with them.

Just to keep Chevan happy about not drifting off topic onto Jews, as Japan had little history of anti-Semitism and wanted to settle Jews in Manchuria, there probably wasn’t any anti-Semitism in the Kwantung Army. :smiley:

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

I think that I first read of Sugihara some years back in a newpaper article after the movie Schindler’s List came out. People like him are such an inspiration.

Sugihara video clip:

Yes, it seems that anti-semitism is presently strongest in Europe and in the Middle-East.

I don’t think that it is as prevalent here in the United States. In fact, the intermarriage ratio of American Jews to Gentiles in the USA is around 50 percent IIRC. The assimilation rate is pretty high also.

I don’t think that Jews can really be classified as a race, as some may believe. I think that it has been the Jewish religion and the will of the Almighty that has held them together throughout their history. Those that drifted away from their faith have tended to become absorbed among the nations.

Racially, the Jews have tended to intermix with the peoples among whom they have settled throughout their history. In Israel, you will find Jews of all types of ethnic backgrounds. Light skinned, northern European types (including blondes with blue eyes), darker Mediterranean and Middle Eastern types, Slavic types from Russia, Asian types from India and southern parts of the former Soviet Union, and Black Jews from Ethiopia. Many would be indistiguishable from the people of the nations from which they came.

Although Japan’s Fugu Plan was never fully implimented, it did put the Jews in a more favorable position with the Japanese, and that helped preserve the lives of thousands of Jews who would probably have perished otherwise.

Probably not :smiley:

Why would you say figures don’t mean much? I would agree that some are of less relevance than others but some figures seem fairly meaningful. I was referring to casualties suffered by the German military and not civilian casualties.

I would agree that Soviet losses are not relevant to their level of contribution whereas the number of axis soldiers thay killed and captured is. However, they do appear to have an advantage in this area though it is unclear to what degree. There does not seem to be a commonly accepted figure for the percentage of axis who fell in the east.

There seems to be considerable confusion regarding the number of Chinese civilian casualties during the war. Some have suggested that their losses were even higher than those of the USSR while others put it much lower. What are people’s thoughts on the number of Chinese civilians killed by the Japanese from 1937 to 1945?

Papers on the Soviet-Japanese clashes:

[b]Nomonhan: Japanese-Soviet Tactical Combat[/b], 1939, Edward J. Drea.

[b]August Storm: The Soviet 1945 Strategic Offensive in Manchuria[/b], LTC David M. Glantz

[b]August Storm: Soviet Tactical and Operational Combat in Manchuria, 1945[/b], LTC David M. Glantz.

Actualy, the pronounciation is more like Kantou Gunn (with long U) (関東軍)kantou is the middle part of japan and gunn means army.

Who knows?

The Chinese were fighting each other as enthusiastically as the Japanese for much of the time, and moving across the landscape in the same pillaging and homicidal way. It left a lot of bodies without the killers’ labels on them.

If one believes what might be propaganda or might be reliable eye-witness evidence, the communists worked out that alienating the civilian population by expropriating and slaughtering them was a bad policy and were at pains to treat them well, which garnered them a lot of grassroots support from people who’d been screwed over royally by government and warlord forces.

After reading the entire discussion again it appears theres a usefull discussion underneath all the shouting. The joke about elephants mating come to mind.

There were a couple of brief comparisons of the Kwantung Army to some other Japanese groups such as the home islands defense army, or some of the island garrisons. The focus was on comparisons to Japanese armys existing in August 1945, but for a usefull analysis comparison to the army defending he Phillpines, or in a lesser way the army that was destroyed in Burma, could be used. Unlike the armys in Japan or China those two were actually attacked and defeated. And, their scale in numbers and space is somewhat comparable to the Manchurian battle, unlike the small island battles of 1944-45 which hardly touch the division between tactical and operational scale.

The above is the paper by renowned military historian Dr. Glantz on the Soviet steamrolling of Manchuria called “August Storm.”