Lend lease

Right. So who in Russia agitates for that?

Where borders ought to be is something we can discuss forever. The right of the mighty usually decides borders. In “the right of the mighty” equation you can delete “right”, and this is why not all borders are undisputed or right. We need an Earth twice the size, if everybody should have their more or less rightful claims to land.

Egorka: Some seem to do…

…but perhaps I have something some of you asked for here:

The details of the German-Soviet trade treaty were agreed upon in feb1940.
This was for the year to come for a value of 600-700million RM (1 dollar = about 2 RM at that time), less than the Germans had hoped for, but to the Germans the importance was they more or less got what they needed most.
The USSR became the main source of imported animal feed.
In 1940 USSR supplied Germany with:
74% of its phosphates needs
67% of its imported asbestos
55% of its manganese
40% of its imported nickel
34% of its imported oil

“The conclusion of this treaty has saved us” -Quatermaster General of the German army Eduard Wagner.

Source: The Wages of Destruction, Adam Tooze

This is just part of the true.
The USSR also got a lot of the strategic materials, precise industry equipment and military goods.

Germany granted the Soviet Union a merchandise credit of 200 million Reichsmarks to be financed by the German Golddiskontbank. This loan would be 100% guaranteed by the German government and entail an interest rate of 5%; extremely favorable terms at the time.

The credit was to be used to finance Soviet orders in Germany to include machinery, manufactured goods, war materials and hard currency.

For the USSR that was under trade embargo from the West- this was also very profitable.
The Special Germans credit ( in very well conditions) make the Soviet iindustrial and economical pre-war ris more effective.
In fact the Germans provided and supplied since 1939-41 above 80% of soviet industrial equipment that had been later used for mass production of soviet wearpon.

“The conclusion of this treaty has saved us” -Quatermaster General of the German army Eduard Wagner.

Source: The Wages of Destruction, Adam Tooze

Holy true, but not full:)

The Soviet-Germans treaty let the chance USSR to avoid the German/Japane-Soviet War in the 1939 ( or at least remove it for two years further).This threaty had demonstated to agressive Japanes that Germans “betrayed” them. ( keep in mind that they were in alliance: Italin-German-Japan Anti-commintern Pact).
So in fact this agreement was very importaint for the USSR - this destruct the possible Japane-Nazy actions agains Soviet Union.
As the direct resault of Molotov-Ribbentrop pact - the Japs fully refused its plans to attack the Soviet far East. Instead they had began to develop the attack of the Southern-Eastern Asia.
Thus, Eduagard Wagned absolutly right( even more deeper that he probably thought)- this treaty finally saved USSR rather more that it saved GErmany :slight_smile:

I didn´t mean to say that the USSR did not get something in return! It was just that some here, seemed to look for information on what Germany did get.

They also got 1mill t. wheat, 1mill t oil, 300000t scrap iron and 500000t iron ore, but still 45% of the German iron consumption in 1940 came from Sweden.

And the Germans paid a price of course, fx. in technology transfers that they´d soon wish that hadn´t done, but can this

In fact the Germans provided and supplied since 1939-41 above 80% of soviet industrial equipment that had been later used for mass production of soviet wearpon.

really be true?! (80%?!)

In that case we really speak of the nazi´s digging their own graves…

Actually in some field of special equipments even 100%.
I’ve read a source ( this is in russian) where the author speaks about the Special metal-turned
benchs of great scale.In the whole USSR there were just a few of such ( all are the GErmans).All of them have been used for the production of Big Caliber Artillery guns.Besides according of conditions of Soviet-GErman Trade treaty, Germans have been obligated to send to the USSR the ONE kind of the each Wearpon that would selected by the special soviet comission.
Thus already in the 1940 Soviets has got the few german BF-109 and T-IV.
The soviets engeenesr had carefully studied all of them.
Besides as you may be know - neither Western Europe nor USA did not sell the Military industry equipment to the USSR (ONLY when Lend lise has been started - the USA according soviet ask- has started to supply the benchs)
So in fact the ONLY Germany supplied Soviets with a some kind og HIGH-TECH ( at that time) ecupment.
Due to Soviet -Germans industrial cooperation - the Soviet standards of Industial prodaction were UNIFY with GErmans ones.
i.e. for instance the bearings were the simular to germans sizes.
So you could even see the old photos of T-34 with the wheels bears with inscription “made in Germany”
We saw one of such amazing photo in the other thread.