Let's kill each other

Well, as you Yanks say in your own form of English :smiley: , ya might get ya ass whupped.

Grunts are usually drawn disproportionately from the less well off members of society, which inevitably includes a lot of people from backgrounds where gangs flourish.

Worse, some gangs are joining up to get military training.

Fortunately we donā€™t have quite the same problem here, but itā€™s worse than a lot of people realise because it doesnā€™t directly affect them, at least until they work out where the ecstasy tablets are coming from that their upper and solid middle class kids are belting into themselves in nightclubs etc like thereā€™s no tomorrow.

Iā€™d happily wipe these bastards out (the crime gangs, not the kids), which isnā€™t permitted under our law, or send them back to [names of countries around the Mediterranean, South China Sea and northwards, among others, deleted to avoid accusations of racism] which is permitted under our laws but rarely exercised by our Deparment of Immigration and Citizenship as itā€™s flat out failing to handle applications for temporary visas for Filipinos, Indians, Chinese and sundry other poor bastards who will be stacked ten to a single bedroom and paid bugger all while rented out by one of their rapacious countrymen to some dodgy business here which uses them to avoid or depress the fair wages of local workers while the business pays those wages to the crooked boss man who pockets most of the wages for the cost of bringing the poor bastards out and cramming them ten to a single bedroom, then sends them home broke if they complain about being slaves.

Iā€™m just so glad that my country and its government and its bureaucracy have got their priorities right. :rolleyes:

Iā€™d be seriously pissed off if anyone in government actually used governmentā€™s considerable powers to act justly. :evil:

I thought this quote by Hermann Goering before he died relates to this thread:

ā€œWhy of course the people donā€™t want war. Why should some poor slob on
a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of
it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people
donā€™t want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in
Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the
country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to
drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist
dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no
voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked,
and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the
country to danger. It works the same in any country.ā€

i didnt mean to trivialize the question but as a real christian believer, i can not honestly say there is any chance of an apocalyptic end for mankind, i do think there will be war as long as we people run the show, we as human beings just cannot find the answers to prevent it. But my heart of hearts, i believe that the lord will return at a time when it seems darkest to save us from ourselves and show us the way to peace . the word i guess, is FAITH im talking about. we all have an inherent goodness, and appreciation for life and love that will keep us from killing each other totally, LOVE conquers all.I will leave you now with one of my favorite verses. ( i named my son because of it ) from Jeremiah 17:7 ( blessed is the man who trusteth in the Lord and in whose hope the Lord is) god bless you all

i think the next big war will be in 2012 and it is just beginning with the Georgia conflict. What are your thoughts friends?

Nah, Itā€™s gotta be Iranā€¦their the feisty ones!

I do hope not. If that little lot all kicks off this site will suddenly become awfully short of moderators!

Interesting that you would pick 2012, perhaps you like the Mayan calendar :wink:

LOL. I am aware of the Mayan Calendar thing, but i donā€™t think its relevant to anything butā€¦

better idea,before the first crunchies don their flak jackets and grab for iron, let the politicians be the first in and the last out, let their blood be in as much risk as those they send- only then can they say (AND MEAN IT) WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS

I would be against that idea on many levels as a veteran. Not least of which is depending upon them to cover my back.

what i DO worry about is England joining the EU. Why them above all is we do as americans still see them as our brothers and cousins across the sea, and i dont want to see them as an enemy if the EU demanded an action against us. Same thing with Germany, now that they have become a trusted friend also. Heres the scenario ( in my limited redneck frame of thought, mind you)So many of the countries in the EU are becoming increasingly Muslim, and could out populate the western europeans into gaining control, and then proclaiming a jihad against all us god fearing, christian peoples. I dont know if its worth worrying about but I have small chidren and I worry for their future safety

Why the hell do you think we joined? It was rather blatantly to expand it out and paralyse it, in order to make it incapable of acting as anything other than a single market. Weā€™ve succeeded rather well I think!

Same here. Itā€™s the same thing as America, Canada, and Mexico with NAFTA, Boxerrick. Europe can be afraid if the same thing happens in North America.

And besides, every region is joining togather: South-East Asia(ASEAN), South Asia(SAFTA), former Soviet Republics(CIS), Africa(African Union), South America(USAN) the Middle East(Arab League), and French President Nicholas Sarkozy proposed the Union pour la MƩditerranƩe, or for Anglophones(English speakers), the Union for the Mediterranean, the successor to the Euromediterranean Partnership.

good points all .i guess all of this reorganizing and done in the intention of neighbor countries sharing and helping each other. Not a bad idea, maybe its just me being such an old creature of habit and tradition. sometimes my attitude can get in the way of change, something i always get wary of

This is a nice little animation showing the decline in arable land and the increase in population.

forgive me for my illiteracy, i didnt completely understand your answer, what i took from that was that England joined to make sure they had a major voice or presence still in europe,i can understand that, the importance of simply not being left out of the big picture, which to me as an american, it is important for England to have some say, they probably have more experience at large government than any civilized country today