Lets stop this bickering!

Go Bicker in a MacDonald’s because they don’t let me in there no more :lol:

I don’t go to Mc Donalds anymore as their latest promotion is a free fat ass with every meal( or in my case a fatter middle aged ass). Just to go off topic briefly, I was back in my home town Liverpool(UK) a couple of weeks back and stopped in to a Mc Donalds ( Edge Lane Drive ) the four girls serving were very much on the excessivly large size and all wore T shirts with the “I’m loving it” logo. I had to bite my tounge to stop me from demanding that they “love it less”.

There used to be a couple of proper beautiful girls who worked in the one by Central station, a blonde and a brunette. Hope they never got fat, that would be a crime.

Anyhow in the words of the king of Swamp castle “Lets not bicker about who killed who”

Therefore we are going to keep the ARG Military and 1 of the falklands threads that will be closely watched. You are not to talk about anything related about the falklands in ARG Mil. So at the moment there are 3 ??? threads about the falklands. We can pick 1 or just start over. What do you guys think?

Gen, check:

So, those 2 splitted topics will be removed.

Gen, check:

So, those 2 splitted topics will be removed.[/quote]

We also could just start all over? Anybody like this Idea!

Yea Dani go ahead and remove those 2.

Already removed, Sir!

We also could just start all over? Anybody like this Idea!

Yes, lets start over, it’s probably the only way were gonna stop this site becoming ‘Falklands war in color’

I dont mind starting over, the majority of it was repetetive purille drivel, from both sides.