M1A1 Thompson VS M3A1 Grease Gun

The grease gun was used by Steve McQueen in the 1962 movie Hell is for heroes it showed him taking it apart and taping the mags end to end I wonder if they really did it or is that just for hollywood ?

I didn’t see him take it apart but I did see him flip open the dust cover/safety several times. He seemed to have a lot of problems with it firing the blanks, you can see him re-cock it several times during firing scenes. I’ve seen a combat photo of a Thompson with two mags taped together so I suppose that somebody with a Greasegun did the same thing.

The Dirty Dozen used a lot of Greaseguns in it, but they were not normal ones, they would fire even with the dust cover/safety closed and they didn’t jam on the empties that were not ejected. I think they were blank fire only that were gas fired or something, there were never any brass ejecting from them.

how many rounds did the box clips hold , did the GIs carry extra ones or boxs of bullets and just reloaded the clips them self ?

The magazines held 30 rounds. The GI’s usually carried extra mags in a pouch, like the one Tom Hanks carried in Saving Private Ryan. They had the option of reloading the mags themselves but it was difficult without a loading tool because of the type of mag, single stacked.

They were and are called magazines, clips are what were used in the M1 Garand rifle.

if id been in ww2 i would of gone with the Thompson

actualy the m3 greasegun shoots the same ammo the 45.acp or the 9 mm

at short ranges the tompson would win however the m3 is more acurate.
the tompson can swith between singe and auto so thats a advantage of the tompson.
i pick the tompson

How is the M3 more accurate?

wellnot much but it is more controlable then the tompson.
if you have the carabin version of the tompson then its more acccurate then the greasegun.

the tompson has an effective range of about 50 meters and the bullet travels to 150 meters.

the greasegun is effective to 100 meter and the bullet flies also 150 meters.
germans hatet the sound of the tompson because they knew if they run in to a soldier having one they would not survive. the mp 40 for example needs about 2-3 shots to effectifly kill a man, and it fires a slower rpm. the disadvantage of the mp40 is the large flash, its so large you cant see on what your aiming.
a tompson only needs 1 round and it knock the german over. it also has a large rpm so it is much more effective.
the greasegun is the same as the mp40 exxept for the lower rpm and more powerfull bullet.(same as tompson)
but i go for the tompson i just love that gun my favorite. i hat it that im only 16 i want a real one now im stuck with the airsoft version

What on earth are you talking about? The above bears very little relationship to reality…

how do you mean?

I mean that you are talking nonsense, making factually incorrect statements.

iv many books and seen many things of the war.
i know people who shot witth those things.
what do you supose is wrong tell me

Het moet zeker schoolvakantietijd in België zijn…

jah wa doede ander in julie of augustus:p
ge hebt wl gelijk met die flash maar ik heb veel over die wapens gelezen en gehoort heb thuis boeke vol erover dus.
trouwes die schoten ik heb het niet over schot in het hoofd eh borstkas de tompson slaagt u omver omda die meer kracht heeft de mp40 minder vandaag 2-3 kogels.
ik geef u volkome gelijk over die hoge kogels per minuuut da da veel terugslag geeft maar de tompson weegd redelijk zwaar voor een smg dus die compenseert da met gewicht.
de oudere modellen ook met de cutscompensator.
maar de mp40 heeft last dat de flits iets te hoog komt en voor u vizier zit .


Rustig aan, jongens! lol

Can someone translate that into English?

It’s dutch, Major. Let the wranglers translate their scuffle by themselves. I just asked them to cool down…

haha im not angry :stuck_out_tongue: just saying what i know but nobody knows everything about guns so i leave it for what it is.

Please forgive any duplication, just some stuff I found:



http://www.kmike.com/Grease/fm-23-41.pdf (field manual)