Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Agree entirely.

Agree entirely, again.

try this for starters

Khomeini may or may not have had a formal agreement with the French, but since he would likely regard them as Christian pigs, I doubt that he would have felt under obligation to adhere to the terms of such an agreement if such an agreement did exist.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

The Voice of Conservatism in Europe?

So how did the French rig the elections which brought Khomeini to power, and create the circumstances for popular hostility to the Shah which paved the way for his rise to power?

Khomeini may or may not have had a formal or even informal agreement with the Grand Poobah of the planet Xenon and since he would likely regard them as aliens of the non-human variety, I doubt he would have felt under obligation to adhere to the terms of such an agreement if such an agreement did exist (or if such an agreement existed or did not exist only in the disoriented minds of the spectral inhabitants of the planet Xenon).

Maybe it’s just me, but I am getting the feeling in recent weeks that this site is progressing steadily into the realms of utter stupidity rather than any attempt at serious debate about historical matters which, according to convention, are supported by facts rather than the possibility that someone might have felt under an obligation to adhere to an agreement which might or might not exist.

Oh, please God, do let it be true!

The Shah’s own mistakes weakened his position but it was the facility of being able to run a cassette tape distribution operation from France that allowed Khomeini to assume the prominence that he did.

Hi, you’re the one who is talking rubbish here, in that e.g. in the United Kingdom there has been until 2005 a general Thirty Year Rule, as to the release of State documents and there is stuff dating back as far as Queen Victoria’s reign which has not been released and the British are no angels but in comparison to the French they look like boy scouts on best behaviour. So unless you are about twelve years old or have been hiding under a bush somewhere in Western Australia for the last thirty years or so, you should realize that a lot of stuff is never committed to paper and where it is, it is never released to the public. I presume next that you will be arguing that the French Government could not have bombed the Rainbow Warrior and murdered one of its crew because if they had intended to sink that Ship, they would have placed an advertisement in a New Zealand paper that this ship was subject to hostile action by the French Navy once it entered International Waters and if it did so, it was liable to capture or sinking by a French Warship, rather than using secret service agents to bomb it.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer