Map of Trinidad

By he way, Cuts, tried to respond to your PM, but you have run out of message space! :lol:

Cuts tried to PM me, or has Cuts run out of message space?
Edit:Nevermind, Cuts has been PM’ing me with clues to “basic and beginners quiz”.

Maroon is of course the colour of choice… :wink:

Am busy clearing her inbox out.
So to speak.

Wow 32bravo, that’s some beautiful forestry and beaches there in the northern part of Trinidad! Hope y’all are able to get back over there like you said.

I have responded to this post - must have disappeared somewhere?

We used to visit the island twice a year: Chrismas and Easter, the summer months are in the middle of the rainy season.

However, since my mother-in-law died a few years ago, my wife wasn’t able to face visiting the island and her mother not being there. So, we sold up our properties ( a colonial style house, not unlike this one and a couple of apartments elsewhere) and backed away for a while. My wife is now beginning to yearn for the Carnival experience, so we will most likely visit next year, God willing.

I once climbed up this waterfall (Paria Falls), but slipped off as I reached the top - Made quite a splash!! :lol:

Oh, this is a different post, I was responding to the links you provided of the northern areas of Trinidad in post #20. And hoping that y’all are able to get back there this year like it sounds that you’re planning to do.

P.S. Thanks for more links!:slight_smile: (I’ll look at them when I get home from work, take care!)

Fine. Thought I was suffering a little De javou. :slight_smile: