Imagine yourself as a commander of a French ship with that option.
If you hand over the ship even to a neutral country, will your family in France be persecuted by the Germans, or the Vichy government, in retaliation?
Will the same happen to the families of all members of your crew?
Or do you just follow your government’s orders, as is your duty, and hope for the best?
Anyway, why would a non-belligerent country like the US or Ireland want to attract unnecessary attention from the Germans by accepting these ships at a time when it looked like Germany had a good chance of winning? There was nothing in it for them, and especially for the US whose corporations were making useful profits out of the European war from Germany until the end of 1941.
As for any lingering bitterness over the by then ancient Trafalgar event, as pdf27 indicated that should have been wiped out by French gratitude for Britain’s efforts in WWI.