Metal detector research on "gothic line", Italy

Hi Berns, I dont know for sure if there is an initiator still attached to the fuze body, but usually, there is a short tube extending down from the body, with the initiator crimped to it. looks like a blasting cap, I cant tell from the pic if you have a live fuze, so I’ve attached some pics to illustrate.

Bern's findings 1.jpg


Hi Guys,
The dug grenade fuze that Burns posted is 100% inert, I can tell from that pic that the detonator has been blown already.

Quote this! The detonatotor is empty so it is inert! :wink:

here one interesting photo: my ancient collegues! :wink:
This pic was taken in Viareggio, in Italy (1h car time, west from Florence)

I am glad the fuze body is spent, i just couldnt be sure by the pic, (and,its been 30+ yrs,) so sorry 'bout that,

Okay , Ill quote it but I’ll go as far as saying the detonator is GONE… not there.
check out these pics, the FAKE detonators are made out of brass to give the look.

edited Photos removed

Hi guys!
One photo of my exposed collection… in my linving room… what do you recognize? :slight_smile:

Sorry about quality, it’s a phone pic.

The bust holding the helmet is of you? lol, 2 mortar rounds the 37mm and 75mm m-59 body, (looks like,) two rifle cartriges, not sure of caliber beyond possibly a 7.92 kurtz, and a reg. 8mm, or 30-06. Good work Berns, nice lot of pieces. Now go find us a tank,:slight_smile:

Okay…let me give it a try…

Back row left to right, German mortar round, British mortar round and American 57mm AP round. Front row…L-R First two are bullets to small to ID, the American 37MM and a grenade.

You like plaing!! :stuck_out_tongue:

The geman mortar is a 80mm round… the two cartridge are: the left one 1 for AK-47 and the right one is 7,92 (for GArand o Springfield…)

The granade is a WW1 ialian handgranede called SIPE (it’s a present from my friend)

A very nice collection Berns, and all the better because you went and found those pieces for yourself.
Thats not something we here in the States can do. perhaps in the few places left, we might find some relics of the American Civil War, Most are closed to searching. the only allowable places are on private land. good work for sure.

Hallo folks! :slight_smile:

Other objects find out near Rome (where is my job).

Two german hand-granade, one .50 browning, one garand, unidentified cartridge (italian Vetterli ?) and one green german tracer! :wink:

p.s. it’s a phone photo… sorry! :wink:

Oh wow, that’s neat!