Mistel, composite attack aircraft.

Mistel projekt by Siebel, the lower component was a 20 meters wingspan aircraft mostly made of wood, filled with explosives and accelerated by rocket.

wont it explode if the thing is shot on? did it have any “armour”?

I think it would drop to fast for any AA to be able to shoot it down.

no, i mean when its flying, it cuold be intercepted by fighters.

Hi Walther.

That’s a well known [espcially in Bavaria] cartoon series.

The man who invented ‘Father and Son’, Erich Ohser, around 1934 and was, with his newspaper, Pro-Liberal and for the people who where not NSDAP Members.
In the beginning everything went good for him; Goebbels himself was interessted in his works.
But 1944 he got arrested because of his plain visible Anti-NSDAP Habitudes and Ohser suicided himself.

‘Quite dangerous’ for a elite-unit like the KG 200 [6./KG200] to have a coat-of-weapons with such a background.


I know what you mean, but I think there would be fighter cover before the fighter drop the “flying bomb”.

The Siebel composite had no armour, and could be intercepted by Fighters.

explode ?

not sure, I posted some guncam in wich a normal Mistel is attacked by Mustang and they clobbered with armor-piercing-incendiary ammo and the thing didnt explode.

Fw-190/Ta-154 Pulkzerstörer.

Combination intended for destroy and disrupt the large bomber formations wich shadowed the german skies in 1944/45, the FW would climb over and release the Ta-154 packed with explosived, the charge would detonate by means of preseted timer or a proximity fuze. Is said it was be letal for a bomber in a 100 meters radius.

6 airframes devoted for this conversion of the TA-154 but none assembled.

On the first page of this thread I found Panzerknackers Me262/Me262 Mistel.
I found a photo of the upper aircraft after a hard landing and just want to
share with you.

Nice, if you are interested in the Me-262 or want to post more there is a topic in page 3 o 4 of this section.

The italian Mistel, SIA Ambrosini AR flying remote controlled bomb and Macchi MC 202 guide aircraft.