More Asian Troops in German Army during D-Day

The Wehrmacht had units of Indian volunteers to defend the Normandy beaches in 1944, however they were mainly in the role of pioneer battalions and the figure you see inspecting them is none other than Erwin Rommel.

Well he knew how to get his ass out of the shit:

If my memory is correct,this guy is not a japanese ,he is a korean. originally he was conscripted into the Japanese Army as a korean volunteer.then was captured by soviet in the Far East Soviet and Japanese forces clashed at 1939,afterward he were given a chance to join the Soviets or pressed into Service.When the Germans invaded the Soviet Union ,he was captured once again,he joined Heer and was assigned to defending the Normandy Beaches,finally surrendering to the Allied forces at normandy beaches at 1944…

That particular photo is quite famous.

Various ethnicity has been attributed to the soldier in question (generally Japanese), but he was identified by a Korean publication called “Weekly Korea”, which ran a story about him on the 6th december 2002.

The soldier in the photograph has a story that is stranger than fiction. He served in multiple uniforms, in multiple Armies,on multiple fronts.

His name is/was Kyoungjong Yang.
He was born in Shin Euijoo, which is found in Northwestern Korea on the 3rd of March 1920.
He was conscripted to the Japanese Kwantung army in 1938-Korea having been annexed by Japan in 1910-this Army was crushed by the Soviets in the years 1938-39 and he was captured by the Soviets in Nomonhan.

Serving now in Soviet uniform he was captured yet again, this time by the Germans in the Ukraine in the summer of 1943.

This turn of fate brought a new uniform and destination.

Europe, and in particular Normandy.Here he was captured for the last time(!) by American troops in the area of Utah beach, on the 6th June 1944.

From the beaches of Normandy he was sent across the channel to the UK to a POW camp.
Upon his release he elected to start his life again in the US settling in the state of Illinois where he lived until his death in December 2002.

wouldnt be surprising if they were russians from the far east. there was so much “army jumping” going on back then. In high school i had a part time job at a wharehouse, and the guy who everyone said “watch out for” was a guy from soviet georgia. he had been captured over and over again, fighting for the russians 2 times, and the germans 2 times, then was supposedly captured by the US, and volunteered to fight for the US, but they just stuck him in a POW camp. he got out of going home when the war ended, as he would surely have been shot. he was the sneekiest snitch i ever worked with!!!

Perhaps they were students in Germany before the war and after Peal Harbor they were in it.

Being in Germany and having a Defense Treaty with Germany and not being able to get home the next best thing is fighting with Germany against your common enemy

I believe the were Mongolian herdsman who were pressganged into the Red Army who were in turn captured by the Germans and pressganged into the Wehrmacht.

in the past I Have been heard about the Indonesian citizen become a SS officer does any body who knows about this, or maybe someone could help me about this.

if they where in the german army,wouldet
they have smarter unifroms,instead of that crap

Aly, these are common german 1944 lo-quality uniforms (maybe the chest eagle is missing on some), regular german troops weren’t dressed any better by then.

pretty of puttin…i can c they r very low quality unifroms

i have been heard that in the WW II there a man from Indonesia (formerly) Netherlands Dutch Indies who had been a officer in German (Nazi) Army ?, does any body can explains about this (sorry about my terrible English) ,

More troops from the ‘Indian Legion’… Sikhs by the look of them, manning an MG34 nest on the atlantic wall.