More classic Iron man

Gawd, I go away for a few days and it seems that IRONMAN is indeed being more than a wee bit “special”.

PRIAPICMAN, show me on the teddy, where did the nasty man touch you?

Foolishly, I thought that you had been cured of your tendencies to spout utter garbage. It seems that I was wrong.

I note with interest that you still have not responded to any of my PMs, nor have you responded to my previous analysis of your character and background. Did I hit the mark a little too closely?

You mean your character is such that that drivel is the most worthwhile thing you can say when you return? Thank God people like you are few and far between. :!:

Tubby, I may have missed your comments, could you please give me a link ?

Anyway after all his previous posts, especially those today which contained no actual information, I must sadly come to the conclusion that he’s either a very sad and bored chap who enjoys trolling or an utter buffoon.

I’ll go with the former as he does not answer any straight questions and cannot offer coherent argument to any discussion.

Given the general demeanour of all the Americans I know/have known, I’m fuffed to chuck that most posters here on this site realize that he is definitely atypical of them.
As far as anti-Americanism exists, this chap could generate more than most of the left-wing press in the world !

Thankfully most of us rely on real experience rather than contact via the internet to shape our views of other nationalities.

Are you that sore that I shot down your bullsot contentions with information from real scientists? It will pass.


Try these two for a start.

Are you that sore that I shot down your bullsot contentions with information from real scientists? It will pass.[/quote]

Hmmm, are you talking to me or the voices in your head? I cannot believe that you are approaching a battle of wits while you are so woefully unarmed. You are so wrong it is painful to watch. Please reread your posts on this site and realise just how sad your life is. I have extrapolated that you are (allegedly) in your 40s, not married and still living with your parents. Please correct me if I am wrong!

I still say that you must have been abused as a child to show the deep insecurities and psychoses that you portray. As I said earlier, please can you show me on teddy where the bad man touched you?

Are you that sore that I shot down your bullsot contentions with information from real scientists? It will pass.[/quote]

As other readers and posters have seen he has done nothing to substantiate the claim he has made in the post quoted above.

To paraphrase myself from my earlier post, he’s either:

A. A very sad and bored chap who enjoys trolling
B. An utter buffoon.

I must now change my conclusion, he really is a buffoon.
(However this does not exclude answer C. - both the above.)

As I’m sure this troll is unlikely to be unable to refrain from comment I’ll ask a direct question that others have posed, (unsurprisingly without reply.)

IRONMAN, given your undoubted patriotism, have you yet thought of a reason or excuse to tell the public exactly why you chose not to enlist in the armed forces and become part of the defence of your country ?

Holy smokes! I didn’t realize we were all obligated to serve in the military in the US. What are we going to do for a workforce?

Your insatiable desire to make negative comments about someone and try to disprove the factual things they say simply because they managed to correct someone who made an incorrect statement is truly bizarre and anti-social behavior. It is a very good thing that there are relatively few who feel like the anonymity of the Internet gives them liscence to act insolent and toss all decency aside for the purpose of expressing their life’s frustrations. If people who behaved like that on the Internet did so in their public life, mankind would have destroyed himself ages ago.

You really should be ashamed of yourself. I have wondered in the past if people behave that way because of previous life experiences (traumatic childhood, abuse, neglect) which cause them to completely lack an ability to express humility and courtesy whenever they are shown to have said or done something incorrect. I do honestly think that such behavior is abnormality, and that it is the result of some modification to the mental state of the individual.

People like you hide it as best they can in the public world. They steal it away because it would present themselves with ridicule and deter their progress. Yet when they feel the comfort of anonymity and the security to release their true character, out comes the deamon which demands the satisfaction of it’s egotism. I do also believe that it is a smoke screen, and that it is a symptom of cowardice. For such an individual to consistently resort to such behavior behind the security of anonymity, yet to conceal it for the most part in regular living, is the result of an inability to balance the desperation they feel in life with the responsibility of controlling themselves. Cowardice reveals itself when there exists the least resistance to being ridiculed by those who have influence or control over any aspect of one’s everyday life.

I do think you are a coward, for your behavior makes it quite plain. And for that, I find you worthy of another’s pity.

Holy smokes! I didn’t realize we were all obligated to serve in the military in the US. What are we going to do for a workforce?

Your insatiable desire to make negative comments about someone and try to disprove the factual things they say simply because they managed to correct someone who made an incorrect statement is truly bizarre and anti-social behavior. It is a very good thing that there are relatively few who feel like the anonymity of the Internet gives them liscence to act insolent and toss all decency aside for the purpose of expressing their life’s frustrations. If people who behaved like that on the Internet did so in their public life, mankind would have destroyed himself ages ago.

You really should be ashamed of yourself. I have wondered in the past if people behave that way because of previous life experiences (traumatic childhood, abuse, neglect) which cause them to completely lack an ability to express humility and courtesy whenever they are shown to have said or done something incorrect. I do honestly think that such behavior is abnormality, and that it is the result of some modification to the mental state of the individual.

People like you hide it as best they can in the public world. They steal it away because it would present themselves with ridicule and deter their progress. Yet when they feel the comfort of anonymity and the security to release their true character, out comes the deamon which demands the satisfaction of it’s egotism. I do also believe that it is a smoke screen, and that it is a symptom of cowardice. For such an individual to consistently resort to such behavior behind the security of anonymity, yet to conceal it for the most part in regular living, is the result of an inability to balance the desperation they feel in life with the responsibility of controlling themselves. Cowardice reveals itself when there exists the least resistance to being ridiculed by those who have influence or control over any aspect of one’s everyday life.

I do think you are a coward, for your behavior makes it quite plain. And for that, I find you worthy of another’s pity.[/quote]

Looks like I won the bet, you won’t give a straight answer.

Thanks !

It’s ok lads, I’ll throw the pot behind the bar.

As for you IRONMAN, your comments are ill-founded, unsubstantiated and pathetic.
A number of those on this site know me in real life, (qv) and I am glad to have made their acquaintance.
Your sad attempts at painting me as someone who hides behind an internet image are therefore dead before you start.

Please try to improve your comments on whichever sites you care to visit by obtaining a dictionary and using words within their actual meanings.
You may well attempt to respond to this post, but if it is remotely similar to the vast majority of the others you have posted it would be just as inadequate.

Your opinions have been shown to be poorly based in so very many of your posts, and that you find it difficult to accept that fact is quite sad.
Therefore your opinion on my mental state holds absolutely no water, if it did I wouldn’t be permitted to carry out the duties I do.

Your ‘people like you’ comment is once again built on what you choose to read from posts as opposed to what is written and intended.
In a similar way, those things you claim to be factual are often based on a small amount of searching the web and a blind belief in what you find there.
Simplified explanations made available to a very wide audience are no substitute for detailed information from several qualified and experienced engineers, at least not in the real world in which the rest of the planet live.

As I said earlier you are very patriotic and that can be laudable, but to quote a better read man, ‘My country, right or wrong’ is a thing no patriot would ever think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying ‘My mother, drunk or sober.’

I hope that your God, or whatever you find helps you through your dark times, will assist you in coming to terms with your existence and give you strength to become normal.

You amuse us for entirely the wrong reasons and it has begun to concern me that we may be mocking the afflicted.

I see that you are introspecting without redemption. Sad.

I see that you are introspecting without redemption. Sad.[/quote]

Is that the sum total of what you can come up with after an hour and a half ?

I refer you to my last, but for a change read what is actually written.

May your God help you.

I see that you are introspecting without redemption. Sad.[/quote]

Is that the sum total of what you can come up with after an hour and a half ?

I refer you to my last, but for a change read what is actually written.

May your God help you.[/quote]

Brother, you need it more than I. And MY God is is universal.

Boy what a load of mess…

Very true SAM, it’s getting so that any thread started here is doomed to be taken over by him.

A great shame that he cannot let others have a discussion without making himself the topic.
Attention-seeking trolls are unfortunately a fact life for many websites.

Can we get back to the original subject ?

Bit of only-just-off-topic trivia on the performance of bombers. Over Christmas I read a book called “Round the Clock” - not a seriously heavy duty historical work mind but a riveting read all the same - and one thing that stuck in my head was the dangers posed by the differences in performance of the big three heavies of the RAF - Stirling, Halifax and Lancaster. The Lancaster could haul it’s bomb load up to, and bomb from, a greater altitude than the other two, so a situation could develop on the huge raids where a Lanc bombardier would be lining up the target in the bombsight, to have the silhouettes of other bombers criss crossing his view, against the fires raging through the target city. If I recall correctly, the book says it wasn’t without precedent for bombers - particularly the lower flying two types - to be struck by falling bombs! Sadly the book is back oop north at home instead of here with me in my flat, so I can’t pull it out for better details.

Cuts, you just don’t get it. When you stop ridiculing me, I stop responding to it. It’s simple. You are like a guy who stands there with his boot on someone’s face saying to his friend, “Can you believe this guy? He keeps complaining about my boot on his face! Who the hell does he think he is?”

If only :roll:
In any case, Cuts is not ridiculing you as such - he is merely disputing your opinions - in what I consider a pretty polite way. Unfortunately you seem to be unable to distinguish between reasoned arguament and flaming, and as a result take anyone arguing with you personally. This has unfortunately greatly degraded the quality of debate on the site, and if you continue along the way you are going there is a risk you will expose the site to legal action (no, I’m not joking).

Ooooo too much of a big boy to say he is wrong, even though the evidence is in plain sight that shows he is wrong, and his answer is " :roll: " isn’t it about time for your daily attempt to try and lick through the windows of the short bus you ride every day? Or some bridge you should be popping out from under to hassle the bridge crossers for a toll?

Game, set, and that’s fucking match.

what? :shock:

what? :shock:[/quote]

What sort of legal action?