Most spectacular battles

I think you’ll not be`banned, JR*. :slight_smile:

If I were English maybe…or you’d steal some lines from here too to increase your post count:

Besides, Scottish independence is a great deal more popular in England than in Scotland :wink:

Very true

I can’t keep up with all the new (old) flags for the golfers and footballers… :confused:

My favorites:
Battle of Berlin. Battle of Berlin is great because you have two sides who viciously hate each other fighting for the end. On one side, fanatic Nazis willing to die for their country. On the other, Soviets troops who have been traveling thousands of miles to crush their nemesis once and for all. Pretty intense if you ask me.

Battle of Monte Cassino. The first and in my opinion, the most difficult battle the Western allies ever faced against Germany. Despite being outnumbered, the Germans put one hell of a fight. Not only was the fighting hard but so was the terrain and weather.

Battle of Moscow. Talk about weather. The Russians had lost literally millions of soldiers in Operation Barbarossa. Now they were faced with protecting their capital and barely had a million troops for defense. They were faced with an enemy that had a superior air force and was very skilled. But the weather, fresh Siberian troops, new weapons (t-34), inspiring speech by Stalin, and the advantage of surprise made it possible for victory.

The Battle of Barking Creek

Er … nikkoo … the Battle of Barking Creek ? That is to say, the September, 1939 RAF “friendly fire” fiasco, in which Fighter Command managed to shoot down two of their own, with one fatality (the first RAF fighter pilot killed in WW2) ? Are you trying to get Banned ? Yours curiously, JR.


I was going to say that I was surprised no one mentioned the massive Battle of Kursk! To view the battlefield must have been apocalyptic for the soldiers there listing into the maelstrom. But Imi cheated and put it in his list… :slight_smile:

I think the the U.S. Army Rangers scaling Pointe Du Hoc qualifies as a spectacular battle in a daredevil sense of rappelling up a cliff while the Heer soldiers shoot and roll grenades down on you…

Yes that was an awesome mission. Saving lives and not taking them and it was the right thing to do.

I like the Battle of the Philpine sea where the US Navy fighters mostly F6F Hellcats just destroyed the Japanese planes. The US fighters shot down around 300 Japanese planes and lost less then 20. The US airmen actually called it a Turkey Shoot ! Ron

Err… see post #3 - I think he’s safe :wink:

Reminds me of this:

“Hi everybody,
The battle of Bannockburn was undoubtedly of one of the most spectacular battles of the Scottish Wars of Independence.”
this one is cute :),. i preffer the battle of Hattin,. lols,. lets stop the spam,.

The battle of Alam el halfa :),.