Most succesful british tank.

yes of course , but it did have a few design faults but i still love it a proper british fighting vehicle.

Interesting review of David Fletcher and others about british tanks used in the battle of France, 1940.

We didn’t get a truly decent tank until the Centurion came along.

i think the firefly with 17pdr was the best but even this wasn’t good enough . it couldn’t breach the panther’s armor so the same about the armor . but is there any one know about the fights between the crusader vs tiger II and other panzer divisions tanks

The Comet and the Cromwell were excellent tanks and far better than the Sherman. But we had thousands of Shermans. The Cent is a direct line from them.

The Matilda was also very good for its day and there was nothing in France that could out gun it or had better protection. pit any German tank Bn of 1940 against a Matilda Bn and you would be looking at burning grey hulks. even a Sqn of Matildas would take them apart.

Well as the Panther had 120mm and the 17’s APCBC had 140 at a 1000yds not too much of a problem and if the fired APDS it was 160 at 2000yds. the 77mm firing APDS could penetrate 160 at a 1000.

But I am repeating myself :smiley:

All of the above is quite correct, except the most successful Tank in British service was the Cromwell tank, which was the british equivalent to the King Tiger.

I don’t know about that. A Cromwell vs. a King Tiger, or even a Tiger II. I’m pretty sure I’d rather be in one of the Tigers…:smiley:

A Cromwell was no more combat effective than a Sherman…

I think you might be thinking of the A34 Comet tank, which while a decent tank on paper is one that had a lot of teething problems and was largely made irrelevant by the introduction of the Centurion as Britain’s, as well as many other countries’, primary post war MBT…

All of the above is quite correct, except the most successful Tank in British service was the Cromwell tank, which was the british equivalent to the King Tiger.

Hu ? This is a canadian joke ? :shock:

The King Tiger was heavy breaktrough tank and the comet a fast cruiser tank no match, and noi comparatives wathsoever.

This was the british equivalent to king Tiger but never entered service:

A 39 tortoise.

LOL I edited the Wiki page for Comets and Centurions…:smiley: (only making subtle changes in some of the wording and correcting a misconception)

Might the good God save us from some new tank experten here. :roll:

LOL I rewrote a comment that was “flagged” unfairly as “weasel words” by some overcritical Wiki asshat, so I quoted almost verboten out a book to proof and tweak the statement, which was essentially correct; that the Centurion was “thought by some” to be to most successful British tank of all time…

PK, are you dating a panzer? :smiley:

Incidentally, I also pointed out that the Centurion was developed in WWII prior to its official adoption. On has to hardly be an “expert” to know that…

LOL I rewrote a comment that was “flagged” unfairly as “weasel words” by some overcritical Wiki asshat, so I quoted almost verboten out a book to proof and tweak the statement, which was essentially correct; that the Centurion was “thought by some” to be to most successful British tank of all time…

I was talking about our new canadian friend. :slight_smile:

No dating, I am driving one.


The Tortoise, big and completely impractical. Much like the American T-95 assault gun project…

But it would have been interesting to have seen the the British Army try to work more with the 3.7inch gun as a tank cannon…Though in 1941-1942, they were probably more worried about just getting a tank off the assembly line that was at all able to keep up with the panzers…

And the 3.7" was probably extremely difficult to develop a workable turret for…


American T-28s anyone? They were like KV-2s. Big, strong, and butt ugly.

Check out the pics for the T-28/95 there are plenty here just search for them.

hangs head in shame

But I shall never, never, never give up.

American T-28s anyone? They were like KV-2s. Big, strong, and butt ugly.

And what about British Tanks ?

And I could dispute that last afirmation, not all the butts are ugly. :rolleyes: