Naval quiz. You can put your own quizes.

Hmm, actually it’s quite funny to ride a gyrocopter. Though the environment in that picture is quite hazardous. The FA 330 on a Type IX D2 submarine it is, anyway.

When spotted, I heard that they cut the line on the autogyro-kite along with the guy on it.

Jup, no time to get them back in when they made an emergency dive :wink:
Life suxx, but when it wasn’t a plane that forced the dive the pilot had a fair chance to be picked up I guess.

Hms Hood it is,…

how about this.,… one of the ships that gallantly fough the japanese despite of great unfavorable odd.


royal oak?

nope,. not even close

Im not good with uk ships.

this not His Majesty,… this Harer Majesteits

Could be the De Ruyter

Aye,… it was sank against much stronger Japanese force,.
it brought along Admiral Karel Doorman the Commander of combined allied fleet.

Next one,… another ship from Europe Continent


It’s the Littorio conducting gunnery practice in 1940, but I can only tell cause I know that picture, otherwise it would be next to impossible to identify.

Yeah,. what an imposing picture isn’t it?,.

say ,. do you have anything for others to crack mate? :slight_smile:

A’ight then,… how about this one?


I guess marat is not so popular here :slight_smile:

next one,… tragic end,… faraway from home,… one of the most advanced cruisers at that time,…


Prince of Wales?

hint: South america

It’s the Admiral Graf Spee after she was scuttled at Montevideo and technically she was no cruiser :stuck_out_tongue:

well,… it is true as well,. however this ship was made to be as ‘cruiser’ to obliged the Versailles treaty yes? :wink: ,… and yet it was armed as battleship :slight_smile: then perhaps made her to be a battle-cruiser?

Do you have a ship or two in mind for us to guess? :slight_smile:

Ok, what is this:


Montana,… it appeared only on sketch