nazi campaign

And The Germans are not bad people. They were led by someone who was completly insane. They were following orders. Just like all soldiers do!

take ur own advice
as well

Undeleted by Dani

im noit insulting the german

Undeleted by Dani

were are you geting that from

Undeleted by Dani

you no im geting accused of isulting them when i didnt say a word

Undeleted by Dani

Well, I read all your posts (including the ones deleted). Prior to ask you to stop insulting (you did actually) I’ll ask you to change your writing style. For any non-English user might be a nightmare to follow your posts.

Also it will be a proof of respect to post in proper English instead of typing like in a chat room or like in Counterstrike.

u g0t m3?:wink:

mate i deleted those ones cause i actually know the person in real life he actually is one of my best friends so yea that is why i deleted them the whole world dosnt need to see a heated agument between two friends so

Undeleted by Dani

and yea sorry if im writing like i would be in a chat room just so used to it

Check my post here:

Too bad that you was unable to take my advice. A board isn’t a chat room.
As for the insults you are very close to to be awarded your first warning.
End of story. Topic closed.