Nazi SLBMs!!!

Get over it. In the same time frame my lot have been at war with the US, France (twice), Germany (three times), Austria, Denmark, Finland, Russia, Japan, China, Argentina, Turkey, Italy, Iraq, Yemen, Israel (pre-1948 so not quite), Ireland, Spain, Afghanistan (twice), India, Nepal, China, half of Africa and the Netherlands. And that’s only the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

Hehehe, so many friends there. But there is a big difference of being at war with…and being attacked by…

And yes, Amerika was the ultimate target for nazi high tech weaponry, an unreachable target eventually.

One more year wouldn’t save Germany. None of the weapons they had in the pipeline were war winners, at most they would delay the end of the war, while on the other hand the Allies would have the atom bomb.

Alright lets just forget what I said in the first place, America is like any other country and has enimies at every corner, if thats not better tell me how to word it please, am not trying to argue, I just want to agree

When did Britain fight Finland?

We declared war on them during WW2 when they became a co-belligerent with Germany against the Soviet Union (i.e. the Continuation War). However, we never actually did anything to act on this declaration of war as we weren’t actually very anti-Finland and they were too far away for us to be of any practical help to the Soviets against them.

What time frame of wars were you talking pdf? Off the top of my head I can only remember two wars where Germany and Britain were fighting against each other in the last 200 years…
(Oddly enough, both ended up being World Wars…)

Before the 20th century, Germany (/German states) actually tended to have a good relationship to England, mainly because they both hated France;)

And mainly because France was the most powerful nation in Europe, so we allied with anyone who could oppose them.
Oh, and I’m a bit baffled by the question - I did specify WW2!

Indeed you did.
As i know the Britain armed the Red Army’s Northern Front with Harriken fighter . Besides you sold them alluminium and explosives for bombs, that Soviet bombers dropped ower finnish heads:)
Well, just like GErmany who has used the Finnish Nickel for their bombings of Britain.

France was not only the most powerful in Europe - they were extremely powerful overseas, too, which is why the English used the German-French animosity to keep them busy in Europe… Also, I didn’t read any specification to WW2 in your text… I just read:

[…]Get over it. In the same time frame my lot have been at war with the US, France (twice), Germany (three times), Austria,[…]

So that’s where I wondered within what time frame you were talking…

1812 to the present, as he mentioned being at war with the British (1812) but not France (1798-1800).

And when did Germany and England battle against each between 1812 - 1912? (The third time England was at war with Germany?)

I honestly can’t think of it… did England pick a side in the Austrian-Prussian War?

Errr… not sure actually. Sorry, I’ve been soldering things all day so my head is toast right now. Come to think of it, I may have counted the same war with France twice too (the hundred days as a different war - I can think of only one proper war since 1812).

That’s what I was wondering. As I said, I can only think of two Anglo-Germanic wars within the last 200 years…
German states and England were allied for the longest time - England even tended to use German mercenaries in large numbers for many centuries.
It was only with the creation of an unified Germany with imperial ambitions that the British Empire saw Germany as a competitor, especially once the Empire came under Wilhelm II. who had huge naval ambitions…

Don’t laugh, My dad walked onto the deck of a sub that had been built for the job, a couple months before I was born.

The sub was American though and the missile system was by then known as Regulus, though still a Fz 76/V1 launched up an inclined ramp on the aft decking of the sub.

Basically, the Americans had unashamedly copied the German system, and were using it until the SLBM’s were ready operationally.

Regulus (early SLCM) survives as an “in use” system for about 5 years, then is very quietly retired when Poseidon (early SLBM) comes into service, itself to last only 8 to 10 years before Polaris (mid-life SLBM) takes over, and that lasting about 15 years before Trident (“modern” SLBM) becomes the SLBM, serving alongside Tomahawk in its’ SLCM guise, thus going full circle to the final iteration of the original Regulus concept.

Regards, Uyraell.

Far more interesting are the <ahem> “oceaongraphic” studies conducted by some of the former Regulus boats…

I don’t get it.

Were they sinking a lot? is a good start. They were also involved in locating the Soviet Golf class submarine the CIA attempted to raise in the Pacific.

Well, <ahem> yes, though not exactly a topic widely known even among those of the periscopic persuasion, though of course one hath heard oddments of strange tellings, at even stranger times.

Having said the which, it comes to mind that not all the Reguli are out of service even yet, though telling be heard that some of the older boomer boats are now taking up the former Reguli roles.

Regards, Uyraell.

Hughes Glomar Explorer (built for a reported cost of half a billion 1961/62 US Dollars, specifically to locate and raise the soviet sub). Sub was a second series Golf, if I recall, and was finally located at a depth of something like 10,850 ft. Where it was discovered has been published so many times as an inaccurate/false position I doubt the true site will be found anytime within the next 200 years. Things didn’t go all the CIA’s way though: something like the front third of the soviet sub remains to this day on the seabed, wherever the thing sank/was recovered from.

Regards, Uyraell.

Not quite - Glomar Explorer wasn’t built until after the sub had been located and photos taken (rough cut on location by SOSUS, final location was done by Halibut).

As for Regulus boats still being in service, not frikking likely. Halibut (SSN-587) was knackered from the off and only used because that was the only nuclear boat Rickover would let them have. These duties were taken over by Seawolf (SSN-575) which was scarcely in better state, before being assigned to Parche (SSN-683) after the latter had undergone a major refit with a sizeable hull plug fitted. Parche was decommissioned in 2004, and it is generally thought that Jimmy Carter (SSN-23) has taken over the role.