New Topics

Spammers found so far together with Portman7:

Always leave at least one post so i can get his ip! Lets see if he does it again and then … ummm bye bye!

Maybe we should have a trawl of all those guys who have not posted for over 12 months and delete them, that seems a decent rule?

We could advertise that we are going to do it first and then if they genuinely have registered just to read they could get in contact.

Any thoughts on this?

Is a perfect rule for me.

This is something I would love to do but is loads of admin work! Here lies the problem! We will have to think on this one.

This is something I would love to do but is loads of admin work! Here lies the problem! We will have to think on this one.[/quote]

It is a lot of work to do if you’ll do in one step. If you’ll try several steps (let’s say 4-5/day), might be easier.

Always leave at least one post so i can get his ip! Lets see if he does it again and then … ummm bye bye![/quote]

I didn’t delete that topic exactly for this reason. :smiley:

PK ive noticed … coz im an admin and i have that privledge you voted a certain way (opposing most others) in a recent poll i posted. Im just curious why? You didnt post a comment. So just curious why and maybe it would be an interesting debate. Ive tried to be vague but im sure most know what we are talking about. Just want to know if you want to discuss it. Your choice. If thats how you feel then … I may disagree but still have loads of respect for you.

Anybody feel things are getting a bit dull??? Ideas to spark things up abit???

Dont know, there are more guys joining now than there have been for ages.

Anybody feel things are getting a bit dull??? Ideas to spark things up abit???

Well is better than the “Is this forum dead” times. I post new topics everytime, I think that at list 2 of these are decent ones.

We had another new high today of 94 people. 50% were spiders and the rest we guests. So what do we need to do to draw some of these to the site?

Free beer ?:rolleyes: no idea honestly seems to me that many enjoy only to read not to post.

That’s also my case lately :wink:

Me too, with a little bit of moderation on our Russian friends.

Due to general interest I want to know if you think I should put a Gulfwars forum in the Otherwars catagory??? Seem to be some interest be alot of those are getting used. So not sure how to proceed. Please give some feedback. Thanks

If you want to, but we dont want this place to become Gulf War in colour, it may attract a few people who have no interest in anything but the current situation.

Your call though.

Good Point!

For the 1991 war I agree, for the actual war…hmmmm, I see a lot of political debate in the future.

I want this topic back in ww2 general discution.
I have to clean up some silly post but it is one of the most interesting topics I had seen in here.